This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

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This is a part of the paradigm shift that MSFT is trying to create with regards to the term "beta" software in an OS that will constantly be getting updates. Most of us on this website have been with the Windows phone community long enough to know the issues that have plagued this ecosystem. Transitioning from the tradition ecosystem structure, MSFT open the flood gates and allowed users to become a part of the testing bank as they continued to put together both Windows 10 and Windows 10 mobile. Just some things that you might want to consider before ranting off:

1. If you weren't apart of the Insider/ Developer preview for a while none of these issues should surprise you. Take advantage of testing the OS before you blast it. There was a lot the changed in the structure of Windows mobile 10. Beta simply means that expect updates often as there will be many tweaks, unlike in the past where an OS would be released after much anticipation and then a big update would come along once a year or so. Remember Windows or Windows phone 8 and 8.1??

2. Understand what MSFT is trying to do...again this won't surprise those who have been following the writing on the wall. I don't expect things to be close to what a fully capable Windows mobile phone will look like until the Surface phone comes out. Does that not mean that it's not a fully functioning phone ecosystem now....absolutely not. I've been using the developers preview on my 940XL the past four months and it's been working like a champ. Of course it resets every once in a while, of course it might freeze every once in a while, but again, understanding the dynamics of the situation, I know what to expect.

I'm not going to say that the author of this article is off base because some valid points are made, however it is from one persons perspective and I think it's a comparative perspective to the other mobile ecosystems out there, which MSFT is not trying to be. As far as I am concerned Windows 10 mobile is still in beta. That doesn't mean it doesn't work. If most of the people in this discussion aren't experiencing any issues mentioned in the article, there is your answer to why MSFT released it.
Actually, if you're installing this OS via Insider Preview on anything else other than the Lumia 950/XL - it is actually "unreleased". So... yea it kind of is "beta" on those devices.

Given that - that's not an excuse for some of the issues that still exist in the release that shipped with 950/XL.
Mine has not had a single one of those problems, and it has only had the iris-scanner-staying-on-after-a-missed-call problem on occasions, which doesn't appear to be a common one. I'm definitely not a ******. If anything I'm a ****** of the Palm Pre. Lol. I had a few Samsung's and Iphone after that beautiful phone...(nostalgic now).
The point is, everytime Microsoft does a garbage job on something, they just slap Beta on it and yell "SAFE". For crying out loud, when you click your search button on Windows phone, Cortana comes up with a little 'Beta' in the upper right corner. When will this thing be out of beta? 2023?
The point is, everytime Microsoft does a garbage job on something, they just slap Beta on it and yell "SAFE". For crying out loud, when you click your search button on Windows phone, Cortana comes up with a little 'Beta' in the upper right corner. When will this thing be out of beta? 2023?

Its like when I used to use Gmail and used to wonder about when the damn service would be out of Beta for years. Eventually, Google did removed Gmail from Beta but it was a long time coming.
The man spot on, the moment you start selling to the masses it no longer BETA, its public. Now, its not finished, its buggy as hell and seems to get worst as it goes, but its not BETA! Cortana for example, its horrible, been horrible and will continue to be horrible. I do have to give it to M$, they are consistent, Cortana even managed to break android phones for some of its users.
To be honest, Mr Fisher has never liked Windows phone anyway, just look at the other reviews of the platform he has done.

I like the fact Microsoft are, work in progress on this platform, its just like the teething issues with the PC windows 10, gradually they get sorted, it keeps you interested in the development, iOS is just too boring, ok it might just work, but its tedious, does nothing for me what so ever, android is heading that way. I remember the days of windows mobile on my old Dell Axim, If I wanted to be mainstream i'd get an iphone and slide into the same slippers everyone else has on. With Android updates are few and far between unless you have a nexus device and that has more than its fair share of teething issues, generally its incompatibility with older apps and newer operating systems, always going to be the case.

Windows phone 10 is superb, ok might not be perfect, but things like outlook, calendar, mail, groove music one drive sync, live tiles, pin to start, people integration and overall fluidity of the UI, make it stand out far beyond either Android or iOS.

People are just boring and constantly wanted to slate anything the media slate, don't be a sheep (not that there is anything wrong with being a fluffy creature) be individual and enjoy the little teething troubles, its called character, most people will disagree, but then you may have mistaken me for someone who give a S@&t
Harsh review. The negative tone is strong yet he doesn't actually mention that many bugs when you listen properly.

No idea why he counts Windows Phone 8 games crashing on Windows 10 Mobile as a problem with the phone when it's obviously a developer oversight that can and has been fixed with app updates (see Minecraft).
To be honest, Mr Fisher has never liked Windows phone anyway, just look at the other reviews of the platform he has done.

For someone that owns multiple Windows Phone devices and has used them as his daily driver for years that is hard to believe. He's even defended WP numerous times in podcasts when it's been ridiculed by the Apple and Android weenies that he works with on that site. If he didn't like the platform he sure has hidden it well.

An unfinished and poorly designed OS on slapped together and uninspiring hardware has issues. Well duh.
I agree completely. I always said I don't know why they didn't just launch this phone a year ago with 8.1 but lacking some of the "features". Then when the OS was ready have the 950 family be first inline to get the OS update and firmware to open up the features".

Back in the day of Windows 95... Updates to software didn't really happen and if you were using PCs back in that day, Windows 95 got delayed 2-3 times at least. Although there was some bugs when it hit (going from 3.1 to Windows 95 was a complete change, still the basic design for even Windows 10), it was over all solid for it's day and very stable (depending on hardware of course). I used build 224 for a long time on Windows 95 and loved every min of it...Most people who had Windows 95, had no major updates on it, just updates that came with software (microsoft included some updates needed for the software WITH the software)

Today, it's just a push it out the door to meet a deadline.. Although Windows 10 Mobile is pretty good, it's far from finished. Windows 10 PC had some major bugs on release (that had 1000's of confirmed issues but, were in the RTM). Both of these products should of been delayed a few months at least, it's not always about the BIG bugs, it's the minor stuff that bother people the most.

If you follow Microsoft history with their OS releases. Even Vista, for everyone who complains about it, Was ROCK solid OS after Service Pack 1. When Windows XP came out, it suffered with poor reviews and most people stayed on 98se, till at least service pack 1...and still today after that first service pack, it's one of Microsoft's best OS's they have ever made.

Microsoft makes great software, no question but, if they can figure it out and really get a clue on what people figure out how to get software to the Service Pack 1 level ON RELEASE they might be a better company.

No idea why he counts Windows Phone 8 games crashing on Windows 10 Mobile as a problem with the phone when it's obviously a developer oversight that can and has been fixed with app updates (see Minecraft).

This is EXACTLY what a ****** says. Your defending a WIndows Phone app when you should not be. The isuse is, A EXPENSIVE phone was released, there is a applictions in the store TO BUY.

Windows phone 7,8, 10, what ever, they should work across the board, or should not be available to buy.

This is a big problem if apps that you PAY FOR, crash when you use them. Even in the preview, apps do crash, ones that COST money, not free no name basement devs. Then you have other apps, they worked fine in past builds but, they do not work on my device ? WTF ?

A few weeks ago, they had a 0.10 sale on a bunch of Windows Phone Xbox games, I got like 7 of them, did you know 4 of them I cant even use on Windows 10 phone ? Really ?

It's a joke really, His review was dead on with this aspect.
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Windows 10 Mobile has been great on my Nokia Lumia 830. I've had two instances of battery drain, and a few crashes and hangs involving the Messaging application and occasionally some update errors with the Stores that are always solved if I just try updating the application again. I'm not saying it's perfect, because it's not, but I've been testing since the very beginning and I always saw the potential. Even now it's perfectly usable and I wouldn't go back to Windows Phone 8.1 for anything. Windows 10 Mobile is a joy to use, and, yes, it's unfinished, but I've tested it on several devices and I've been loving it. I've had it on four phones, going to be five (maybe even six) soon, and I've not had these issues described in this video. It's unfortunate that they're having them, and I understand that they're there, but they don't affect me.

I have absolutely zero reason to stop using Windows 10 Mobile.
Awful review. He spends time reviewing the overall OS and less time on the phone.

How do you say iOS and Android have bugs and issues yet they feel complete then a double standard that Microsoft have bugs but it isn't a finished product.

Not balanced at all.
Harsh review. The negative tone is strong yet he doesn't actually mention that many bugs when you listen properly.

No idea why he counts Windows Phone 8 games crashing on Windows 10 Mobile as a problem with the phone when it's obviously a developer oversight that can and has been fixed with app updates (see Minecraft).

Exactly. IOS games and apps often aren't always compatible with new ios versions till developer update them.

Also keeping in mind, aren't some of these apps made for windows phone 7 Aka 2010?
I agree completely. I always said I don't know why they didn't just launch this phone a year ago with 8.1 but lacking some of the "features". Then when the OS was ready have the 950 family be first inline to get the OS update and firmware to open up the features".

Then what would they have released now?

This would have been yet another phone that came before it's time. The 1020 and 1520 were awesome phones that were to advanced for the is at the time.
Really? We clearly see start menu hanging up and going black, camera errors on his device. You're being ignorant.
Even if YOU did not have these problems and majority does, it's still a buggy OS.
Stop defending what's wrong.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Do you have a 950 xl? According to your signature you use Android. We now have a 950 xl and have yet to see any if those issues. Just because he and others report it, doesn't mean the majority are seeing it and it doesn't mean we are defending what is wrong.
The fact is, Microsoft is getting to comfortable with rushing stuff out the door and hiding behind slapping the "beta" label on it for four years and thinking that should be good enough. Start firing people for this, and you watch how quickly stuff actually gets done right. Whoever is sitting back and watching this happen over and over is just encouraging this amateur business practice and dumping the problem on the paying consumer.
Spot on indeed. My only disagreement is he camera review. I know half of the users seem to love it, he had nothing but good things to say about it but many of us like myself have an awful experience with photos and video, poor quality. Otherwise i cant find a single thing wrong with his review and keep in mind many of the critic reviews out there are similar, this is no secret, try going to other sites than windowscentral . This phone has so many terrible reviews its an embarrassment. I cant believe we have been waiting 2 years for this mess of a phone.
Exactly. IOS games and apps often aren't always compatible with new ios versions till developer update them.

The HUGE differences, MOST devs will update their iOS apps. So this is not an issue on iOS, or if it is, it's very rare.

Windows Phone ? We have PLENTY of apps from WIndows Phone 7, that have NEVER been updated, the devs dont even care, as their iOS apps of the same title has been updated 20 times with new content.. even weeks ago...

Even apps that were made a few months ago are never updated on WIndows Phone but, iOS and Android...all the time.

Dont go here on this. There is apps in the store, they should work on all devices, ESP brand new $650 devices... Your another one making an excuse as a Windows Phone ******. Current apps saying "Not compatable with your device" or crashing, there is NO excuse for it
Honestly, I think it's a firmware issue that causes these different issues for some. I am fine with my 950XL and have a firmware version that seems newer than some people who are having issues. And I guess that's why there's an emphasis on pushing the new firmware updates. There's a huge variation of experience because of it.
Would you buy a phone that spits out that error message or crashes just after you've just taken a picture/video of your kids first piano recital, losing the moment forever?

NO! me either - these are basic SHOW STOPPING issues

They should NEVER have released this with windows 10 mobile, but with 8 and the option to update via insider if you want to get in on the stuff thay may (or may not) be ready in another six months

Huge, HUGE mistake
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