This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

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Would you buy a phone that spits out that error message or crashes just after you've just taken a picture/video of your kids first piano recital, losing the moment forever?

NO! me either - these are basic SHOW STOPPING issues

They should NEVER have released this with windows 10 mobile, but with 8 and the option to update via insider if you want to get in on the stuff thay may (or may not) be ready in another six months

Huge, HUGE mistake

I agree. If it is anything like the insider preview than I ran last month. Store issues, massive battery drain, slow sluggish performance. App crashes. So disappointed as Windows 10 on desktop/tablets runs great. Even at release It didn't have any of the issues I had with W10m.

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Would you buy a phone that spits out that error message or crashes just after you've just taken a picture/video of your kids first piano recital, losing the moment forever?

NO! me either - these are basic SHOW STOPPING issues

They should NEVER have released this with windows 10 mobile, but with 8 and the option to update via insider if you want to get in on the stuff thay may (or may not) be ready in another six months

Huge, HUGE mistake

Or at least an option to install 8.1....Wait, The phone should not even been released with the buggy OS in it....
Would you buy a phone that spits out that error message or crashes just after you've just taken a picture/video of your kids first piano recital, losing the moment forever?

NO! me either - these are basic SHOW STOPPING issues

They should NEVER have released this with windows 10 mobile, but with 8 and the option to update via insider if you want to get in on the stuff thay may (or may not) be ready in another six months

Huge, HUGE mistake

Or at least an option to install 8.1....Wait, The phone should not even been released with the buggy OS in it....
To be honest, Mr Fisher has never liked Windows phone anyway, just look at the other reviews of the platform he has done.

I like the fact Microsoft are, work in progress on this platform, its just like the teething issues with the PC windows 10, gradually they get sorted, it keeps you interested in the development, iOS is just too boring, ok it might just work, but its tedious, does nothing for me what so ever, android is heading that way. I remember the days of windows mobile on my old Dell Axim, If I wanted to be mainstream i'd get an iphone and slide into the same slippers everyone else has on. With Android updates are few and far between unless you have a nexus device and that has more than its fair share of teething issues, generally its incompatibility with older apps and newer operating systems, always going to be the case.

Windows phone 10 is superb, ok might not be perfect, but things like outlook, calendar, mail, groove music one drive sync, live tiles, pin to start, people integration and overall fluidity of the UI, make it stand out far beyond either Android or iOS.

People are just boring and constantly wanted to slate anything the media slate, don't be a sheep (not that there is anything wrong with being a fluffy creature) be individual and enjoy the little teething troubles, its called character, most people will disagree, but then you may have mistaken me for someone who give a S@&t
Giving Microsoft a pass for the lack of quality and stability is simply lowering one's expectations. That's fine, but when one claims that the only reason for going with a non-Microsoft platform is because people are "sheep" then that a reveals a fanaticism towards a company based solely on emotions...ignoring the possibility that the quality of those alternatives is better. Note: Android and iOS don't need to be perfect, just better than Windows Phone (for what the customer expects).

Saying that devices that "just work" are boring leaves me to believe that you are more interested in the "excitement" of the unknown of "will tapping that icon work or will it cause my device to reboot". If one is using the device as a tool for exploration and tinkering that's great, but as a tool to be relied upon, not so much.
Call it Beta, Unfinished, Commercial Release, or what ever you is all the same when it will not function properly for 99.9% of the people that have a 950 or 950XL.

Microsoft brought a crappy unfinished OS to the market with Win10 on these 2 phones.

I would love to put these 2 people in a room together and let them switch phones for 10 minutes:
person A with a "my perfectly well with Win10" in a room with
person B with a "my 950/950XL phone is so messed up I cant make basic functions work well at all"

Will they still be so narrow minded they will not see the others experiences and opinions then?
Personally, I don't think anyone should buy these phones. They are obviously stopgaps as Microsoft seems to now be looking to the "Panos/Surface phone" as their "REAL" smartphone and the OS itself is unfinished and will probably remain so till that new savior phone is launched. Not seeing the appeal of being an unpaid beta tester while Microsoft does their best work on ios and android.
I don't have anything to add to this thread.

I'm just popping in to thank the OP for the link, and state for the record that I think this was a very well done review. Michael Fisher is knowledgeable and fair in his criticism. He actually went to the length of visually documenting almost every bug he mentioned, which is going above and beyond what most reviewers are willing to invest in a WP review.

It's nice to read/listen to a negative review that is this well done and isn't driven primarily by ignorance or bias. Honestly, I wish all negative reviews were this good. :wink:
Could you please cite your source for the 99% stat?

My comment for that 99.9% was meant in a general overall result of feedback from users. IE......we are not talking about a few quirks and bugs that are normal with any new software. With the extremely large amount of feedback detailing problems on such a large scale.....its obvious Win10 mobile is not even close to being ready for commercial release. Seems like half the opinions and reports are good and half are terrible.

That said.....I could get the last few builds of WIn10 previews to work fairly well with my Lumia Icons. But they are no where near as stable or productive day to day as they are with Win 8.1 on them.
The HUGE differences, MOST devs will update their iOS apps. So this is not an issue on iOS, or if it is, it's very rare.

Windows Phone ? We have PLENTY of apps from WIndows Phone 7, that have NEVER been updated, the devs dont even care, as their iOS apps of the same title has been updated 20 times with new content.. even weeks ago...

Even apps that were made a few months ago are never updated on WIndows Phone but, iOS and Android...all the time.

Dont go here on this. There is apps in the store, they should work on all devices, ESP brand new $650 devices... Your another one making an excuse as a Windows Phone ******. Current apps saying "Not compatable with your device" or crashing, there is NO excuse for it
I'm not making excuses as anything. That's not exactly Microsoft fault or responsibility that these apps creators aren't supporting their product.

You cheapen your argument by labeling anyone who disagrees with you and is happy with Microsoft and the 950 xl as fanboys btw.
They are obviously stopgaps as Microsoft seems to now be looking to the "Panos/Surface phone" as their "REAL" smartphone and the OS itself is unfinished and will probably remain so till that new savior phone is launched.

The problem Microsoft will still face is the ecosystem. WP8.1 is quite stable, but it still lacks in apps/support. Even if W10M was equally as good, it would still have the the same shortcoming.

Until the ecosystem issue is taken care of, no amount of good hardware and even a good solid OS is going to help much.
Personally, I don't think anyone should buy these phones. They are obviously stopgaps as Microsoft seems to now be looking to the "Panos/Surface phone" as their "REAL" smartphone and the OS itself is unfinished and will probably remain so till that new savior phone is launched. Not seeing the appeal of being an unpaid beta tester while Microsoft does their best work on ios and android.
I think people should buy these phones because they are great products and the os, while quirky, is quite good.
SAying no one should buy this is basically a bit close minded and arrogant because for many people these products work well and meet their needs.

I certainly will be buying one because I find the phones exceptional and nothing on the platforms match my needs or wants.
I can honestly say that NONE of those issues are happening on my 950. Sure, I had one app that caused a restart & lag but it was old nonessential lock screen app, uninstalled & back to normal.

I don't know why I haven't had any of the issues we've all seen reported, but I haven't.
Go record some 4k video and after immediately take a pic or record so.e more and report back
Go record some 4k video and after immediately take a pic or record so.e more and report back


I couldn't have taken a pic faster after stopping record on a 4k video... no lag or freeze.

Sorry, my phone works great.
This is EXACTLY what a ****** says. Your defending a WIndows Phone app when you should not be. The isuse is, A EXPENSIVE phone was released, there is a applictions in the store TO BUY.

Defending apps? The apps are literally the entire problem lol. Call me a ****** or whatever you like, but at least I can read.

Notice how the recently updated games like Minecraft PE and Asphalt 8 are fine? Those games are made with QHD displays and 6+ core processors in mind. Older games are not. It's completely up to app developers to ensure their apps work with the latest devices. Microsoft can't edit the code on their behalf, nor is it MS's responsibility to design the phone and OS around them. The apps are either programmed well or they aren't.

Go record some 4k video and after immediately take a pic or record so.e more and report back

Gave it a shot and found trying to take 4K video while the phone is still adding finishing touches to a photo will cause it to fail. After the post-processing has finished though I've found no issues.
Those games are made with QHD displays and 6+ core processors in mind. Older games are not. It's completely up to app developers to ensure their apps work with the latest devices.

This is, at the very least, misleading.

Display resolutions and CPU architectures are exactly the type of things operating systems are expected to abstract away. Differences in hardware are exactly the type of things operating systems are built to deal with, so that app developers don't have to! That's one of the reasons operating systems exist in the first place. If the things you mentioned are actually what is causing apps to fail, then W10M is a laughable failure of an OS. Not a single app should experience compatibility problems or instabilities due to such hardware differences or any others like it.

Due to the complexities involved, it's not realistic to expect every WP7, WP8 and WP8.1 app to run perfectly on W10M. WP8.0 couldn't run every WP7 app without issues either. The question is whether we're just talking about a small number of apps exhibiting OS (not hardware) related compatibility issues (which would be tolerable), or whether W10M is just generally too unreliable/unstable for to average user to run anything with confidence at this time. I don't have enough information to judge this myself yet, but if forced to guess I'd currently tend towards the later.
Obviously the exact causes of the app crashes are unknown to me, but I do know that the worst scenario I'm aware of, where Minecraft PE would crash almost 100% of the time after tapping 'Play' on the Lumia 950 and XL (and only the 950 and XL, I should emphasise), was fixed in an update just a week or two after the phones launched. I haven't had a crash in Minecraft since.

I'd speculate that it isn't massively difficult to get these apps stable on the 950's, but developers just aren't bothering / haven't had the chance yet to update them.
Obviously the exact causes of the app crashes are unknown to me, but I do know that the worst scenario I'm aware of, where Minecraft PE would crash almost 100% of the time after tapping 'Play' on the Lumia 950 and XL (and only the 950 and XL, I should emphasise), was fixed in an update just a week or two after the phones launched.

I don't know the exact causes either. It's possible that Minecraft PE always had an error, which due to peculiarities in earlier versions of the OS went unnoticed, until it was surfaced by W10M, forcing the developer to go and fix it. It could also be one of a thousand other things. I don't know. What I do know is that if the mentioned problems are a result of hardware incompatibilities, then W10M is an utter failure of an OS, as those are precisely the sort of things app developers shouldn't have to update their apps for. That is all I was taking issue with.
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