I have aLumia 1020 & a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 mobile. they are both runnng fine and I think 10 runs better on the 1020 than 8.1 did.
I have the 950, not the XL, but I've had ZERO of the issues here. With exception of the lacking apps and app compatibility - which is long known and expected with Windows 10 being so new, respectively.
I can honestly say that NONE of those issues are happening on my 950. Sure, I had one app that caused a restart & lag but it was old nonessential lock screen app, uninstalled & back to normal.
I don't know why I haven't had any of the issues we've all seen reported, but I haven't.
battery life is very good. ( currently sitting on 50 % after 14 hours - mainly on standby with an hours web browsing and emails)
I watched that review 2 times now and it's dead on. No matter how much we all love Windows 10 phone, it's a buggy mess. For the most part it's good but, app crashes, start menu crashes, battery drain, and most other issues are very common but, happens across devices. Preview and 950/950XL models.
You cant honestly sit here and say NONE of these issues affected you at all... I know fanboys WILL be fanboys but, there are issues.
Read through the preview threads and 950 and 950XL threads, 95% of the problems he said are not unknown on here.
It's no longer a beta, all these issues should of been resolved before these models were released.