This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

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I do agree that Windows 10 shouldn't be called a beta beyond the technical preview... but at the same time I can't say I've seen any large (or small) movement of people referring to the version of Windows 10 on the Lumia 950/950XL as a beta.

Even reading this post and the replies you will see several wm10 apologists refer to the OS as beta and that consumers should know what they are getting into. When I bought the 950xl, I did so without previewing wm10 because everything indicated it was not ready. I assumed wrongly that the information on Microsoft's website and the price of the phone meant that it would work. I was wrong in this case. The main point that the software holds the phone back is true. Previously, the app gap was the main problem. WM10 brings the OS problems to the forefront. Random restarts, crashing, etc makes using the phone as a phone, camera, or email service less reliable so you can forget the app gap. It will get better hopefully, but you may have to wait several months for the improvement. That is what drives me crazy. Also, the OS has always had updates to fix problems, I don't think we are really entering a new paradigm where this is the last windows number and everything is incremental. There will be a windows 11, even if only by another name. Assuming change will happen, windows cannot possibly meet all future demand anymore than windows 7 could function on tablet or smart phone.
Because iOS is in its 9th iteration while Win10 Mobile is brand new. You have to be committed to seeing this grow to be in at this early stage. Yes its buggy. Yes it can drive you crazy, but let me assure you that iOS was exactly the same on the very first iPhone release. I have had every release of the phone and OS and I am tired of the apple ecosystem. I will never switch to android as long as there is blood flowing through my veins so I wanted to give Microsoft another try. I don't understand people who judge others for their phone choice. Go with what you like and try and be a contributor rather than pointing the finger (rhyming not intentional). :wink:

I'm sick of people saying windows is new. It was new when I got wp7 and my biggest gripe was no copy. It was new when it went to wp8 and I really had no complaints. Why does wm10 get a pass? iOS may be on its 9th iteration, but if you want to count it like that so is Windows Mobile.
...I've seen better than this out of Fisher. This is not some of his better work... actually seems like he took a page out of The Verge's book. If even a single person were to make a decision to avoid based off this review, it should be met with shame.

Oh please. Because he couldn't recommend your precious and sacred 950XL he's not doing a good job? He went through two review units and both sucked. His own experience which is what his review is about. What do you expect him to say? Instead of blaming Fisher you should be blaming MS for delivering a half-assed and embarrassing product.
WM10 brings the OS problems to the forefront. Random restarts, crashing, etc makes using the phone as a phone, camera, or email service less reliable so you can forget the app gap. It will get better hopefully, but you may have to wait several months for the improvement.
So you've taken an interesting stance here - instead of mentioning that "we" will have to wait for improvement, you say I will have to wait for improvement? Why would I have to wait for them to resolve problems I'm not getting? Never had this phone randomly restart. I actually checked on UserVoice(Windows Feedback) to see if this was really a thing. The complaint's there, but has a tiny amount of upvotes... actually all the presented issues made by Fisher have a tiny amount of upvotes. Defintely doesn't indicate that it's a phone he should push everyone away from. But by what you say, I should have to wait several months to use my Lumia 950's camera for 4K recording... but I don't. I've been recording with it since day one and haven't run into the issue he and a small handful of users reported. Hell, I'll even shoot one now and since the common solution to people's recording problems is to use internal instead of external, I'll send to the SD Card instead of local storage.
... definitely not a problem I'll have to wait for them to fix.

He was able to catch MS-DOS Mobile failing to install and LiveATC failing to open... so does that mean I have to wait several months for a fix? Nope. They already install and work on mine.

I doubt any reasonable person is here to be an apologist for issues... but those that are simply on the outside looking in do eventually have to realize that while the proverbial sensationalist will just researchlessly believe this problem will hit everyone who buys the Lumia 950/950XL, video capturing an issue that's got 12 upvotes isn't good enough to override the tons of people within that video's comment section itself that note how they aren't having those issues.

Oh please. Because he couldn't recommend your precious and sacred 950XL he's not doing a good job? He went through two review units and both sucked.
Uh no. He's not doing a good job because he broke a cardinal rule by forming a conclusion off too low a sample size.
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Uh no. He's not doing a good job because he broke a cardinal rule by forming a conclusion off too low a sample size.

Seriously? You expect reviewers to check a 100 Lumia 950's to come to a conclusion whether the bugs exist or not?
Oh please. Because he couldn't recommend your precious and sacred 950XL he's not doing a good job? He went through two review units and both sucked. His own experience which is what his review is about. What do you expect him to say? Instead of blaming Fisher you should be blaming MS for delivering a half-assed and embarrassing product.

Some WP fans just cannot stand others from downplaying windows phone. Pity them.
I too felt that the review was meant to irritate people who like and use Windows phone, so that they keep the discussion going. So few people like me who believe that Michael's review was unfair, are actually right. They knowingly made it that way to gain popularity. So just ignore these reviews.
I too felt that the review was meant to irritate people who like and use Windows phone, so that they keep the discussion going. So few people like me who believe that Michael's review was unfair, are actually right. They knowingly made it that way to gain popularity. So just ignore these reviews.

Why don't you enlighten us on what you found unfair about the review. He clearly shows all the bugs that he encountered on the video itself.
I too felt that the review was meant to irritate people who like and use Windows phone, so that they keep the discussion going. So few people like me who believe that Michael's review was unfair, are actually right. They knowingly made it that way to gain popularity. So just ignore these reviews.

This is ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous.

I know Michael Fisher personally, as do a number of the Mobile Nations team. He is not "unfair" he is not a sensationalist and he doesn't do a bad review to be "popular." I can't physically shake my head any more than I am right now.

He gets paid to write/produce video reviews and that's what he does. I personally think he's one of the better guys out there doing it, putting my own work to shame in that area. Don't pretend that you think you know what's going on.

Calling a writers integrity into account is not OK.
A device with the best camera (other may be close but Lumia is still ahead of them), best display (thanks to clear black tech), and something that can be converted to a PC gets a "Nope". How is that fair, especially when you know that SOFTWARE bugs are not going to stay for ever? I mean look at Win 10. It was full of bugs when it was launched on July 29. It seemed as if he was looking for a reason to bash Lumia 950 XL and unfortunately, Microsoft gave him one.
A device with the best camera (other may be close but Lumia is still ahead of them), best display (thanks to clear black tech), and something that can be converted to a PC gets a "Nope". How is that fair, especially when you know that SOFTWARE bugs are not going to stay for ever? I mean look at Win 10. It was full of bugs when it was launched on July 29. It seemed as if he was looking for a reason to bash Lumia 950 XL and unfortunately, Microsoft gave him one.

You expect him (or any of us) to review a device based on what it 'might be?'

Come on. Is this your reaction to people who don't agree with you? You're just looking silly.

I searched the comments first, then realized the video was here:

and completely agree. After using a larger windows phone phone (windows MOBILE phone ? <-- naming scheme fail!) a few times again recently to attempt to record video, I was amazed at all the bugginess and UI inconsistencies. The "smoked by windows phone" contest would NOT be pretty today, with current versions.
Seriously? You expect reviewers to check a 100 Lumia 950's to come to a conclusion whether the bugs exist or not?
Whew... this type of thread's really good at attracting people who love putting words in others mouth. No, I don't expect him to check 100 Lumias - but I do expect enough journalistic integrity such that he'd get a scope of how large this bug epidemic is before saying it's a phone he can recommend to no one. He did enough research to find that some others had the problems he had, but couldn't be bothered to get a grasp on how many people's 4K recording and such were working fine? It's no surprise that the comments section of his review has so many people noting their contrary experiences.

I too felt that the review was meant to irritate people who like and use Windows phone, so that they keep the discussion going. So few people like me who believe that Michael's review was unfair, are actually right. They knowingly made it that way to gain popularity. So just ignore these reviews.
I don't entirely believe that. If you've been following PocketNow for a good enough length of time you'd see Fisher's not here to be a troll... but this type of review is horrifically misinforming for reasons I've addressed with picture proof in earlier posts.
A device with the best camera (other may be close but Lumia is still ahead of them), best display (thanks to clear black tech), and something that can be converted to a PC gets a "Nope". How is that fair, especially when you know that SOFTWARE bugs are not going to stay for ever? I mean look at Win 10. It was full of bugs when it was launched on July 29. It seemed as if he was looking for a reason to bash Lumia 950 XL and unfortunately, Microsoft gave him one.

For your information, a person will review the phone for what it does now. Not after Microsoft takes it sweet time to fix all the bugs. If Microsoft didn't want the bad reviews they shouldn't have released Windows 10 Mobile in this state.

But then again, why am I even surprised? The Windows Phone Mantra has always been "the next update will fix the problems".
Uh no. He's not doing a good job because he broke a cardinal rule by forming a conclusion off too low a sample size.

This is getting way too silly. How many 950XLs is he supposed to go through before writing a review? How long does he have to wait for MS to fix it's crappy software? lol

MS should have just named it the Lumia 950XLBeta. Coming Soon edition.
This is getting way too silly. How many 950XLs is he supposed to go through before writing a review? lol
*Sigh* Refer to previous person who made this stupid comment.

Even reading this post and the replies you will see several wm10 apologists refer to the OS as beta.
Sorry, I'm not seeing them. Ctrl+F'ed my way through the entire thread... I see people talking about those who say W10 on Lumia 950/950XL is a beta, but no one here actually saying it. Either way, if there were anyone trying to say W10 is in beta (outside of the TP program) I'd have to support Fisher in telling them to stop calling it a beta. The TP builds are betas by definition, but the version that ships with the 950/950XL is absolutely not beta software... which makes sense seeing as I don't get any of the crashing Skype Video, enormous Messaging+Skype battery drain or Loading/Resuming I got when I had my 640, 930 and 1020 in the W10TP program.
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For people wondering if they should buy the 950 or the 950XL i will just say, go check out the reviews on the retail sites from customers who has bought them. They are almost 100% positive.
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