This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

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I've gone tired after reading all the pages here. Look, every OS has it's problems, some are more severe whilst others are not. Remember when IOS 8.0.1 came out and broke the most important thing to a phone on the brand new released iphone 6 and 6 plus: the GSM connection? now that's a problem, not an app crashing because the dev was too lazy to update it..even on Android and IOS old apps crash if no update to support the new OS is made.
As for the latest Lumia phones, I also do have a 950 and besides the strange horizontal line that appears when I try to view a 4K video captured by the camera, I haven't had any issues. Battery is fine, does not overheat. The only thing that is getting me mad!!! is the fact that the latest firmware+radio stack update still depends on the mobile carrier, and mine is too lazy again to deliver.
I am not saying that MS does not have it's guilt. It does have, and a lot, especially Satya for laying off so many engineers resulting in very poor quality control. Is the Windows 10 a rushed OS? Well for me it looks like it is. why? I do not know, but it is clear that it is not polished enough for public use yet.
Do I like windows 10 mobile? Honestly I do not, mainly because the entire design looks like it was made by a drunk man, but for me it does it's job so this is why is use it. Many Insiders pointed out several design flaws but MS seems to ignore them (People app is a good example with it's totally wrong circle model when all the OS is iconic!!). I have switched from platform to platform, tried before trolled :) and the one thing I miss on Ms's side is the great customer service from Apple. Seriously, those guys have engineers who treat issues, not some guys who read steps from a piece of paper like MS has. I call MS in UK, someone from India answers with totally no knowledge about anything related to phones, OSs, issues or whatever. NONE, ZERO knowledge...what the...???
So, complaining that you have issues on your brand new Lumia is not a bad thing, it is your right, but many users have done the worst thing possible that resulted in many of their problems: restored from an older lumia model's backup. DON'T!
I know Michael Fisher personally, as do a number of the Mobile Nations team. He is not "unfair" he is not a sensationalist and he doesn't do a bad review to be "popular." I can't physically shake my head any more than I am right now.
Half of the review consists of only 2 bugs - MS-DOS (joke app) not starting and Camera 4K recording problem.
But those bugs are showing repeatedly (3+ times ) on the video to make it look like the phone is plagued with bugs.
How is that not sensationalistic?
There is a lot of negativity on this thread.

I have a 930 with 8.1. I prefer the 950 XL with Windows 10 Beta. It is a superior phone, the software is much better. The reboots, while annoying, don't bother me that much.

When the updates roll through, it won't be problematic.

To be honest, I am happy that Microsoft released this phone earlier than stability would require - the software upgrade and hardware update is welcomed.

I am more worried about apps updating to work with W10M. Some of my favourite apps - like Mixradio - don't function well at the moment.
You're clearly as deluded as the rest then Mr Fischer is one of the best reviewers on the planet and not biased. The problem with Window's phone user's, I am one myself, is that they are like Apple fan boys and can't take the heat. The 950XL has its problems and that's it. Like it or lump it.
This is ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous.

I know Michael Fisher personally, as do a number of the Mobile Nations team. He is not "unfair" he is not a sensationalist and he doesn't do a bad review to be "popular." I can't physically shake my head any more than I am right now.

He gets paid to write/produce video reviews and that's what he does. I personally think he's one of the better guys out there doing it, putting my own work to shame in that area. Don't pretend that you think you know what's going on.

Calling a writers integrity into account is not OK.

Not to mention that if people actually followed Michael's work they'd know he is one of the last "Windows Phone defenders" at PocketNow (and the only active defender actually). Even when everyone else is turning their backs on WP, Michael keeps crossing his fingers for the OS and wanting to love it. If he's not able to, it's most certainly NOT because he doesn't want to.
And he absolutely had no obligation to do that since PocketNow isn't even a website like Windows Central that is Microsoft-focused and has a pretty close relationship with Microsoft people. So he could simply trash the phones and the OS to no end. Like almost every non-Microsoft-fan website does.

So yeah. It's absolutely ludicrous.

Besides...Rubino's own review of the phones isn't THAT much better. Actually I think the general consensus has been that the phones are fine on the hardware aspect and are only pulled down by what is a Beta of the OS at best.
For people wondering if they should buy the 950 or the 950XL i will just say, go check out the reviews on the retail sites from customers who has bought them. They are almost 100% positive.

Yes. All 5 people that bought the phone love it.
I don't understand why people can't experience things for themselves. If you have issues with the phone and have gone through troubleshooting and you're still experiencing issues then go ahead and return it. You either need to accept the fact that you have to wait or it just won't work for you for the time being.

People have the right to be upset and to vent their frustrations, but I feel like people are here only to agitate others.

I personally didn't have any major issues other than the update/storage full problem which has been patched so it works fine. There are other minor issues, but nothing that I can't deal with at the moment. If I had as many issues as others I would've returned the phone and probably fixed my old phone or purchased a LG V10. It's either our problem (Microsoft and I) or their problem cause I would just return the phone.

TL;DR - Don't feel obligated to hold onto this phone. Either you stick with the issues or return/exchange it. Speak with your money and not with random angry posts on a website that Microsoft won't even see.
I have a 950 which I received for Christmas. I've been using it for 4 or 5 days now, everything works pretty well. I haven't had any major issues, my biggest problem with it is that the phone is usually a bit warm during use (not hot, just warm), and the battery life isn't as good as WP8.1 was. The battery life is still about on par with Android, and I think it will probably improve over time.
I don't get why you're hating on Fisher. He did a very positive piece on continuum a short while ago.

He's just telling it like it is.

For all those people who are saying "I don't see any of those .. " here is a question

how comes some people see these issues and some don't - isn't it supposed to be the exact same phone with the exact same software? how are some people seeing issues and some not?

Either they're "Using it wrong" (to borrow a well known phrase) or there is a fundamental quality issue with the hardware - which in and of itself is a pretty large problem.

Honestly. I love my 1520.3, and I once upon a time I was excited for these two phones, but then I tried the preview and found it to be full of bugs, so I quickly rolled back to 8.1, which is where it's staying for now.

I guess my basic point is that WP10 is not functionally consistent enough to be recommended to anyone - which is kinda the point Mr. Fisher makes, and makes it clearly and demonstrably.
For your information, a person will review the phone for what it does now. Not after Microsoft takes it sweet time to fix all the bugs. If Microsoft didn't want the bad reviews they shouldn't have released Windows 10 Mobile in this state.

But then again, why am I even surprised? The Windows Phone Mantra has always been "the next update will fix the problems".

There are some great things too on Lumia 950 XL, which are not there on rival phones. This doesn't warrant a -ve review. He could have at least given a moderate review.
Michael Fischer is wrong here. Stop defending him. I believe that success of Lumia 950 XL is not only important for Microsoft but also for the entire smartphone industry because it takes smartphones to the next level.
This thread is like so many on WC these days. Almost completely dominated by the folks that aren't happy with Microsoft and their products.

Nothing I can see is going to change that. It's simply our culture. And not just the culture of us "Yankees" either, but seems to be pretty much worldwide. (Kind of indicates that mankind has advanced to the point where far larger percentages of the population are now blessed to be in the "haves", instead of the "have nots")

Regardless, if you are someone who is enjoying your Microsoft products and are feeling like you are in the minority, don't let that then turn into some kind of burden to change the minds of the apparent majority. To me it is foolish to relinquish your joy over the debate. Not to mention that the gripes DO have a basis of fact to them, although I personally feel our low threshold of pain these days blows most things completely out of proportion.

I'll be labeled as a ******, and it really doesn't cost me a thing. I make my living and feed my kids and send them to college by using the technology-tools I carry in my travel bag. Currently they are a SP4 and a 950XL. They replaced my SP2 and 1520. These are my "daily drivers" and I consider them Mission Critical. If they weren't worthy, I'd be still using their predecessors. They are both superior devices to the ones they replaced and I am amazed at the continual march of progress! I have said many times that I go to sleep every night and when I wake up I marvel at what "they" have invented last night.

And if you don't approve of what they offer you today, that's really ok, because they are going to offer something else tomorrow.

Note: "They" = Apple, Google, Microsoft, and many more. There have NEVER been more choices. And they are ALL quite remarkable, if we are honest about it. We live in amazing times.
This thread is like so many on WC these days. Almost completely dominated by the folks that aren't happy with Microsoft and their products.

Nothing I can see is going to change that. It's simply our culture. And not just the culture of us "Yankees" either, but seems to be pretty much worldwide. (Kind of indicates that mankind has advanced to the point where far larger percentages of the population are now blessed to be in the "haves", instead of the "have nots")

Regardless, if you are someone who is enjoying your Microsoft products and are feeling like you are in the minority, don't let that then turn into some kind of burden to change the minds of the apparent majority. To me it is foolish to relinquish your joy over the debate. Not to mention that the gripes DO have a basis of fact to them, although I personally feel our low threshold of pain these days blows most things completely out of proportion.

I'll be labeled as a ******, and it really doesn't cost me a thing. I make my living and feed my kids and send them to college by using the technology-tools I carry in my travel bag. Currently they are a SP4 and a 950XL. They replaced my SP2 and 1520. These are my "daily drivers" and I consider them Mission Critical. If they weren't worthy, I'd be still using their predecessors. They are both superior devices to the ones they replaced and I am amazed at the continual march of progress! I have said many times that I go to sleep every night and when I wake up I marvel at what "they" have invented last night.

And if you don't approve of what they offer you today, that's really ok, because they are going to offer something else tomorrow.

Note: "They" = Apple, Google, Microsoft, and many more. There have NEVER been more choices. And they are ALL quite remarkable, if we are honest about it. We live in amazing times.

Well put. It's weird that being happy with something you bought has become something to be ashamed of lately.
To the people who have zero problems with their Lumia 950: What are your settings? Do you have a Skype account signed in? Do you use Windows Hello? Do you use "Hey Cortana"? Camera backup? Text message Backup? What are your background apps?

I'm just wondering. I've had a mess of problems and I want my phone to run optimally. I'm willing to give up a few features if I know my phone will work a lot better.
To the people who have zero problems with their Lumia 950: What are your settings? Do you have a Skype account signed in? Do you use Windows Hello? Do you use "Hey Cortana"? Camera backup? Text message Backup? What are your background apps?

I'm just wondering. I've had a mess of problems and I want my phone to run optimally. I'm willing to give up a few features if I know my phone will work a lot better.
Yes all the way.
Only things I change were some settings to enable stuff where needed.

Edit: Oops, 950XL here lol
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