I can honestly say that NONE of those issues are happening on my 950. Sure, I had one app that caused a restart & lag but it was old nonessential lock screen app, uninstalled & back to normal.
I don't know why I haven't had any of the issues we've all seen reported, but I haven't.
No problems in my 950xl.
We now have a 950 xl and have yet to see any if those issues.
We have 3 x new 950xl's. Got to say I have no idea why people are complaining, we have certainly found our phones to work well coming off the 1020 and the 930 series of phone... Whilst win10 is not extraordinary it's only works well.. Happy with our purchases..
I've had my 950 for a week now, having no issues others are complaining about. I even installed some of the apps the reviewer complained about in the video and they installed without an issue.
I believe the silent majority aren't having these issues either.
More pretending that there is nothing wrong . The new Microsoft way. The scary thing is, that companies fine tune the hell out of a device before they send them to a guy like this for reviewing. The fact that this is what they sent him more than tells you the situation.Just for sh*ts and giggles, I Went down the list of problems they say followed them through three Lumias in the 950 series.
None of the app update problems, crashes or issues with 4K recording (since I have a two month old son and want my videos of him to hold as technology progresses, I've actually left 4K as the default option and have been recording things he does almost daily since I got this phone), and even tried to install MS-DOS Mobile since that's one of very few times they stopped being vague to specifically cite something - and it installed fine. Prior to seeing this, I was about to make a thread regarding this to see if I was just lucky... but it seems like a minority (regardless of how vocal) are the ones experiencing these issues. I wouldn't say this review nails it at all... but rather it tries to magnify the exception into being the rule. This will get on the good side of the shills that religiously hang out here just to bash the WP platform, but this is a big no-no for reviewers that want to be ethical and fair.
I will mention that I did at one point and time have some problem with stuck updates on my 950, but the very day I read this article Microsoft may have just fixed stuck app updates in the Windows 10 Mobile store | Windows Central I checked my phone and sure enough the stuck updates were taken care of.
Even in app crashes... I have 412 apps on my Lumia 950 now (including every single Xbox enabled Gameloft game and pretty much all the other major games on WP too). The only one that downright crashes is Mass Effect Infiltrator. Every single time I open it up it crashes. I get inescapable black screen problems with Spectral Souls and Monster GO!, but even if we were to count those as crashes, that'd still mean 409/412 apps I currently have installed work just fine.
Silent majority is always an ignored but very important aspect. If there's anything universally true, it's that there are more unsatisfied people complaining than there are satisfied people praising. I can catch my Nexus 5 having two errors any day of the week... and my Nike+ app crashes every time I open it on my iPhone. And I just happen to have 5 stuck updates on my iPad right now that have persisted for about a month and persisted through the recent update to iOS9.2.
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... if I wanted to center a review around those and briefly show a list of user complaints to get those "I'm not alone!" cookies, I could spin-doctor Android/iOS into looking badly as well... but I have more integrity than that. That's why the truly established reviewers like MKBHD may point out OS bugs (such as the always reliable way to make an iPhone crash) but they don't use such low, scummy spin doctor tactics to represent a phone or an OS as a whole.
...I've seen better than this out of Fisher. This is not some of his better work... actually seems like he took a page out of The Verge's book. If even a single person were to make a decision to avoid based off this review, it should be met with shame.
Whoa, slow down buddy... that poor keyboard did nothing to you!More ppretendingthat there iis nothing wrong.
Wait til next year!
I read these same things after EVERY WP reboot. Almost word for word from different people. It was said when WP7 launched, then 8, then 8.1, and now again with W10M. Too many apologists for a company who clearly does not deserve them. They'll NEVER catch up in the app gap or sales. Just deal with it and accept your Windows phone for what it is everybody. At least until the next reboot.Because iOS is in its 9th iteration while Win10 Mobile is brand new. You have to be committed to seeing this grow to be in at this early stage. Yes its buggy. Yes it can drive you crazy, but let me assure you that iOS was exactly the same on the very first iPhone release. I have had every release of the phone and OS and I am tired of the apple ecosystem. I will never switch to android as long as there is blood flowing through my veins so I wanted to give Microsoft another try. I don't understand people who judge others for their phone choice. Go with what you like and try and be a contributor rather than pointing the finger (rhyming not intentional). :wink:
I bought two Lumia 640s from MS Store when they were $38 each and gave them to my kids for Christmas. I asked the kids if they were willing to try Windows 10 and they went nuts (12 yr old girl & 9 yrs old boy). Now please take note we are the only family that uses WP Mobile. Wife and I both have 1520's. Girl had a 520 then 535. All they do is use and compare phones and platforms with their friends all using Iphones and Androids. I say that because I want you all to understand they are the stark minority in a group where EVERYTHING is about their phones and if their phones weren't up to par we would hear it. I'm talking about their peers having Iphone 6'sand the newest LG and Samsung Androids along with Ipads, IPad Minis and IPods'.
Ok. So we updated one phone to WP10 (the boy's with no data plan). It looked so damn good the girl insisted she was updated. Half of her contacts were gone and none of his apps would update. I created a family account for him and upped his age so his apps then updated. I then did a hard reset on both phones the next morning. This eliminated the battery drain. Then both phones found the newest update and I installed that for them and did a hard reset. She got back all her contacts. She is just wowing over all the great features and no complaints on the hardware or software. Both get better battery life than their friends devices and find the Android and iOS platforms stale. They both get email, Kik, Netflix, Hulu, Pandora can take selfies have a great regular camera can tap to share with NFC and tons of games to play. Favorite app is Mytube. Crushes on YouTube apps from any platform and believe me when I tell you, Youtube is the MTV of today's generation. These kids watch it for hours at a time in groups and have these videos going viral.
So my point is, the damn ecosystem is fine. It can grow with more dev support, but tons of these devs simply hate MS. I have two cousins who work at Google Irvine. They are about 30 and they rail on MS all day and they are the norm. Should the 950 & 950XL come out with major issues - HELL NO. Still in the past few weeks these have been addressed with firmware updates. I'm surrounded by people with tons of issues on their Androids and iPhones with messaging, resets, etc.... but reviewers are ****ting on the platforms daily. I'm talking about phones unable to get the newest OS, apps unable to update without the newest OS on the hardware unable to update, messaging issues and hardware that simply cracks, shatters and breaks after a drop or two. I'm amazed at the fragility of these other products.
If you ********, moaning, unhappy complainers who look for every flaw in these products are so disappointed, speak with your money. Buy what you like and what you feel is the best value for your money. That's all these major corporations listen too. If the Android and iOS platforms are that much better for you, than you should be purchasing them. Hell most people are on Verizon and can't get WP products anyway. The market share is less than 3% after all these years. For those of us who love what we have, we are lucky this MULTI-BILLION $ INTERNATIONAL company even is interested in our views and has outright came out and said it will be focusing on the low end markets,high end market and enthusiasts. At this point, we aren't here for the mobile takeover anymore so re-evaluate and asses how the approach is for our community. Let's build it from a realistic view.
Because iOS is in its 9th iteration while Win10 Mobile is brand new. You have to be committed to seeing this grow to be in at this early stage. Yes its buggy. Yes it can drive you crazy, but let me assure you that iOS was exactly the same on the very first iPhone release. I have had every release of the phone and OS and I am tired of the apple ecosystem. I will never switch to android as long as there is blood flowing through my veins so I wanted to give Microsoft another try. I don't understand people who judge others for their phone choice. Go with what you like and try and be a contributor rather than pointing the finger (rhyming not intentional). :wink:
Probably? it I the best to me so farProbably the best Lumia 950 review I've come across. Definitely Microsoft should take the points on the review more seriously.
I read these same things after EVERY WP reboot. Almost word for word from different people. It was said when WP7 launched, then 8, then 8.1, and now again with W10M. Too many apologists for a company who clearly does not deserve them. They'll NEVER catch up in the app gap or sales. Just deal with it and accept your Windows phone for what it is everybody. At least until the next reboot.
No problems in my 950xl.
I swear most of the so-called 'tech authors' go out of their way to find problems with Microsoft stuff lol