This is Mango?


New member
Sep 24, 2011
This is my first WP7 phone and not to sound like anything, Im not sure Im completely sold on this. When I got this phone, Mango was just around the corner so instead of exchanging it, I waited to see this "major" update. I find that mango makes the os nicer but fills in alot of gaps most other phones already have. Im still thinking of switching and not to sound like anything(again), I'm wondering about what Mango "added" that would be missed if you were to switch to android or iPhone?
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xbox? Didn't remember an avatar jumping around when I was on Android. Live tiles, don't believe iOS has them yet. Overall, wp7 is just different. It's more content based rather than app based. Unfortunately, it's way too locked down just like iOS.
Let's see. Text, Messenger & FB Chat all integrated in the same thread. Facebook, Twitter & Linked In integrated into the OS. Syncing Office docs with SkyDrive. Zune Pass Smart DJ.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
To add to that list: Office 365 support, tagging from the camera, integrated Facebook/Twitter support (even iOS5 is only getting Twitter).

Are you serious? I actually feel like I just fed a troll.
hmm Silverlight.... Cross platform

Mango hasn’t even been exploited to 20% of its potential yet. The big changes from mango comes with DEVELOPER taking advantage of the new features and API access.
Don't get me wrong, I have no interest in anything that has to do with iPhone, and I sold my droid because of the ridiculous amount of nonsense.. like seven home screens and what not. As for wp7 and mango, I wouldn't miss an avatar jumping around or Facebook meshed into text messaging. I was just wondering..
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Don't get me wrong, I have no interest in anything that has to do with iPhone, and I sold my droid because of the ridiculous amount of nonsense.. like seven home screens and what not. As for wp7 and mango, I wouldn't miss an avatar jumping around or Facebook meshed into text messaging. I was just stating how mango only filled in the gaps..

not only did they fill in the GAPS but they also added a bunch of stuff for developers..

check out the link in my signature...then --> Mango, not a game changer? or is it? --> link i posted to a break down for things you might not know...

mango was made 80% FOR developers... they filled in the gaps.. and now we are waiting on DEV to exploited the rest of the potential (witch counts for more then 80% of mango)
lol wow OP ok. Want WP7 > iOS/Android features? Metro UI, built in Twiter/FB/LinkedIn, threads with FB Chat, Windows Live Messenger, and Text all in one, phone locked to camera by just holding the button, face recognition for pictures, Local Scout, built in music recognition, Bing Vision built in, tons of info just on the wallpaper, Zune Pass/Smart DJ, contact groups, full HTML5 support in a MOBILE browser, Live Tiles, battery saver....I could go on. Compared to iOS specifically you actually get, gasp!, a choice of what type of form factor you want in a phone. You get an OS that isn't as stale as 10 year old potato chips. You get faster updates. Compared specifically to Android you get an OS that is clean. You get an OS that is smooth as butter instead of mad choppy. You get consitency.

Do you understand now?
Filled in the gaps only? Puhleez guy. This is the most diverse OS out there. Go back to the fun list of improvements and re-read. Pessimists...If people want a perfect device, go build one.
The music album cover art on a locked screen. God bless I lover that feature. It's minor I know, but I love it!
.If people want a perfect device, go build one.

LOL!! sadly even oh you build your OWN device and you might think its the Best and has ALLLL the features... i bet allot of people would still say its lacking LOL...

nothing on this planet is perfect.... but you can find the Perfect Things(phone,girls,car,jobs..ect.) for YOU!! ;)

I also don?t think people relies how MS oriented WP7 is ? and I think if you don?t own allot of MS gear (Xbox, PC ect? ) then your not taking FULL advantage of your WP and you feel like its lacking.
Custom groups with live tile updates
Hardware acceleration in IE9
Dancing Xbox Live avatar :)
Battery saver
Not a grid of icons :D
I can't believe this thread exists. Does the OP even have a WP? Everything about it makes me glad I am now still not an iPhone user or didn't switch to Android. When people ask questions like that I wonder if the have even used a WP.
Yeah, customer group is a big one. It's like google plus for everybody. It almost makes me want to use facebook. :)

Again, that demonstrates the philosophy of wp7. Content integration, not app based. If only M$ would allow third party plugins to populate these contents.

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