Those who ordered the L920 from AT&T in Yellow

I bought mine on black friday, when I asked them how many they have, they said they have plenty of them. They got them on 2nd week of release, and didn't sell that many. They also have a yellow on display. Unfortunately they will not price match.

It seems like only pop-up stores have yellow. AT&T doesn't stock them, and b&m MSFT stores didn't even receive them.

Got mine! Woot! But yeah I had to pay a bit more than the AT&T price. Curious.
oh man I know the feeling every time someone posted that they just got a tracking # I would go and check right away. trust me just when you give up hope and you think it will never happen BAM it happens lol but seriously I did not think I would see that until next week. I would really like to know how they go about picking which orders get shipped. watching this thread is really interesting.
It seems lots of people are having luck with the Microsoft Holiday shops found in some malls. The nearest one to me is in Beachwood, Ohio and if this ebay seller is selling legit unlock codes (not getting my hopes up) then that's where I'm going for my phone. If not, I'll keep my eye out for lower prices on an international version.
I just wanna say, if any of you are thinking of cancelling your yellow order and going with another color........ don't!!

There are no words to explain how undeniably beautiful the yellow 920 is. So here's a photo of mine:

It's worth the wait. And I would wait again if I had to.
I am frustrated beyond belief. First i ordered a phone the morning it became available online. Then on 11/15, it mysteriously got canceled by AT&T. On 11/15, I re-placed my order. Yesterday, 11/29, I checked my order and it said "shipped." Oddly enough, when I expanded it, i saw that my two wireless charging plates shipped (i paid extra for one - the other was the freebie), but my phone was still "Processing." Tonight after I got out from a movie, I loaded it up on my phone. My phone has been canceled. I came home and found my two charging plates at home. I'm pretty furious about this. And I mean why would they ship me the free charging plate if they were going to cancel my phone??? And now I can't even place my order online again, as the system says out of stock. WTF!!!!!
Can the guys who got their Lumias in the last week or getting them in the next week, please, post the pictures of the phone if possible? The more I look at mine, the more neonish it appears.
Ordered mine on the 7th. Phone released on the 9th! AT&T didn't ship mine until the 16th? Is something wrong here? They also shipped the charging pad a week later? Friends bought theirs from local AT&T store on the 9th.
So I posted before that I had ordered the yellow Lumia 920 in my local store here in Pennsylvania. I was going to be taking a trip to California, so they said they could ship it there. While I was in California, I went into a local AT&T store and decided not to wait, and picked up a red one. They said they would have no problems canceling the previous order for the yellow one, and out of the store I left with a new red Lumia 920 in tow. Now the fun begins.

I bought the red one on Black Friday, which gave me a discount on the phone. Everything was fine until yesterday when I was CHARGED FOR THE YELLOW ONE. I received an email that the yellow one was shipped along with the wireless charger....shipped to California too, where I no longer am. Yes, it's going to my parents house, but still. The rep in the store in California obviously didn't cancel my order as he stated. Since I originally wanted the yellow one, my parents will be shipping the phone to me here in PA. I called AT&T about all this, and they placed a $54 dollar credit on my account. They also said I could keep the yellow one, and return the red one if I wanted to my local store. So all in all it works out, and I'll actually have the color I wanted. Point being, is that I HATE being lied to. Not only did the rep in the store say that they had yellow ones in stock in the warehouse and that it would ship in time and I would receive it in Cali, but they also lied stating that they canceled my original order.
I just wanna say, if any of you are thinking of cancelling your yellow order and going with another color........ don't!!

There are no words to explain how undeniably beautiful the yellow 920 is. So here's a photo of mine:
View attachment 23947

It's worth the wait. And I would wait again if I had to.

That's a beauty! I can't wait to get mine. Still waiting for it to get shipped. I ordered on two yellows and one white from Walmart on 11/24, hopefully i'll get it before xmas.
Well, in the spirit of everyone keeping everyone updated, here's my update.

After having my order mysteriously canceled on Friday (but having my two wireless charging plates ship), I called AT&T, and this time, I got someone who was for more competent than people I had spoken with previously. Apparently this "mismatched phone number" issue, which a lot of people have been getting, including myself, is actually just how the system alerts them to the fact that a SIM card hasn't been added to the order. I believe the system is supposed to automatically add one. In any case, if a SIM card isn't added, rather than the order getting rejected upon entry, the order rejects when it's ship time. That's what happened to me. The guy I spoke to was able to put a "warehouse order" in for me, which is different than a normal order on the website, to get one shipped for me as soon as there's inventory. He also told me that of there three warehouses, one of them was showing a decent amount of stock. The other two, he said, weren't showing any. So he gave me my warehouse ship number. I see today (sunday) that there has been a $450+ authorization on my credit card from AT&T so I hope that means my phone is going to ship out to me tomorrow. If so, I should get it on Tuesday. If I get it, I'll post a pic here. Anyhow, the saga continues...
Well, in the spirit of everyone keeping everyone updated, here's my update.
The guy I spoke to was able to put a "warehouse order" in for me, which is different than a normal order on the website, to get one shipped for me as soon as there's inventory. He also told me that of there three warehouses, one of them was showing a decent amount of stock. The other two, he said, weren't showing any. So he gave me my warehouse ship number. I see today (sunday) that there has been a $450+ authorization on my credit card from AT&T so I hope that means my phone is going to ship out to me tomorrow. If so, I should get it on Tuesday. If I get it, I'll post a pic here. Anyhow, the saga continues...

10/21 Pre-Ordered the Yellow with Best Buy $599.
11/4 5 min after Midnight Pre-Ordered on ATT Premier web site, since Best Buy had not yet shipped (Purchased at full no contract price) $449 was charged $516 total on my bank account.
11/5 5pm was mysteriously cancelled for no reason, and a 72 hour hold put on my account while they review the order!
11/8 Reordered with ATT Rep
11/15 ATT mysteriously cancelled my order and resubmitted with a Micro-sim changing my order date and backorder priority!
12/2 Still waiting

After hearing about the "Warehouse order" I just tried calling ATT customer care, asked directly for a supervisor (Premier support was closed- Sunday). The Rep did a bunch of research but had never heard of a "Warehouse order".

They did verify that 1 of the 3 warehouses do have 606 Yellow Lumia 920's received today, and have 834 backorders.

Now to see if the statistics continue to work against my order... :-)

Good luck to all reading these forums, I hope you receive your tracking numbers tomorrow!
I received my charger about a week after I received my phone. I'm actually wanting to buy another one now but I think I'll wait so those of you that haven't received yours yet can get one.😎
I ordered on the 9th, received on the 26th. Charging plate was received the 29th.

A weird thing is that on the tracking info for the phone it showed it flew from Memphis to Honolulu (I'm currently in Hawaii so so far so good), but then it hopped back to Memphis, then back to Honolulu. I don't know if they accidentally shipped it back or if it's a computer error. Whatever, the phone is here and it's quite lovely.

It's not as neon yellow/greenish as it has looked in some pictures, but it's not pure yellow like the renders either. I really like it. I call it salsa yellow or not-quite-ripe banana yellow. It looks terrible with the yellow theme, though, which is more of a gold color.
I ordered on the 9th, received on the 26th. Charging plate was received the 29th.

A weird thing is that on the tracking info for the phone it showed it flew from Memphis to Honolulu (I'm currently in Hawaii so so far so good), but then it hopped back to Memphis, then back to Honolulu. I don't know if they accidentally shipped it back or if it's a computer error. Whatever, the phone is here and it's quite lovely.

It's not as neon yellow/greenish as it has looked in some pictures, but it's not pure yellow like the renders either. I really like it. I call it salsa yellow or not-quite-ripe banana yellow. It looks terrible with the yellow theme, though, which is more of a gold color.

Totally agree with the yellow software theme. It's pretty bleh.. looks like mustard. But the yellow hardware is pretty darn close to pure yellow and I love it more and more each day.

I'm in love with mine. For a little bit I thought it might be a hint green but it's not. In pure white light it's the darndest canary yellow you've ever seen. I had a cyan N9 and Lumia 900 and they don't compare with the wow-factor of this phone. I've gotten so many comments on it and everyone absolutely adores it, most of them are iPhone owners too. A friend of mine who's super bullish on Apple took a look at it and said "I wish Apple would do things like this." Nokia has done a superb job.


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Ordered mine on the 14th on the premiere webiste as an "add a line" to my family account
Order processed on the 15th.
Currently it is still in "processing" status.
I have called a couple times and I have gotten the same "it is on back order and will ship as soon as possible" response. The rep would not do any credits though and said when it arrives I may call back and ask for a "courtesy credit" for waiting so long.

Also, I see nothing regarding my charging plate when I check my status. Does nothing show up regarding that until one of the items ships? Also, I wish I had ordered the red charing plate instead of the yellow. Will try to swap it out when it arrives. I think the contrast of the two colors would be look better. And thank you all for the updates.

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