Time of AT&T Mango Release?

Ha, I probably have you all beat on full backup time! Just got my phone yesterday :D and I haven't put much on it yet :-)

Depending on how much you have loaded on device memory, 25 to 75 minutes. Part of the update process is a full backup, which takes most of the time. The backup will be stored on whatever machine you run the update.

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I have to subscribe to this thread, this may keep me from my ATRIX for a bit :) make my focus work!

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
I switched from using my home computer as the main zune to my laptop which is currenbtly at the office. When I updated to nodo the phone never said I had an update it popped up when I connected it to the desktop via usb. I woinder if it will be like that again?

12:03 here and just linked up synched no update oh well not surprised. Just finished reading the newest Clive Cussler The Race iveting and exciting book the latest in the Isaac Bell series. Hard to put down got it from the library this afternoon finished in about 2.5 hours reading time. Check it out if you like Clive Cussler!
Updating Zune as I type this. If it re-loads and prompts me with Mango I will be a very happy camper.

EDIT: Nothing yet.
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Nope, The Great Mango Charlie Brown has not visited my mango patch. AND I'VE GOT THE MOST SINCERE MANGO PATCH IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!
I remember Palm used to do their WebOS updates overnight, when they detected minimal use by the phone owners. I wonder if Mango will roll out the same way.

I don't remember it being overnight, but more of when the phone was on wifi and not being used, so the update would go through quicker. And it was recommended that you put the phone on the charger.
I need some Mango before I go to bed!!! ;p

They still have it safely locked up Res215dg. Off to bed you have a big day tomorrow! ;)
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Ya, I'm gonna sleep in and not worry about it. If it's there when I wake up, great. If not, well, I'll just roll back over and catch some more z's.

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