

New member
Jul 31, 2008
Today Screen Backgrounds

A lot of users have asked me how to change the fact that with a touchscreen WM phone, when you connect to REDFLY, the existing Today Screen background just tiles a few times across the larger screen. There's a workaround built into the OS. You can read the instructions and download a few background images here...

The workaround lets you change the tiling like this...


to a full 800x480 image that automatically changes when you connect the phone to REDFLY looking something like this...


Have some images to use? Share them here. Sizing, file format info in that link above.
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Jul 31, 2008
Alt-Tab App Switching

You can use the Alt-Tab key combination on REDFLY's keyboard to quickly switch between open apps similar to Alt-Tab in Windows.


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Jul 29, 2007
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I found out I could charge my 4g ipod with the Redfly by USB. It also recognizes it as remote storage. Very nice for travelling so I dont have to pack the wall plug.



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Aug 8, 2007
Not that amazing a trick, but I'll point out that USB hubs work well. I've had my smartphone hooked up to one USB port on the Redfly, and a hub on the other, allowing me to use a mouse and two thumbdrives simultaneously.

I've even copied files from one thumbdrive to another this way, but it's slo-o-o-o-w.

While I'm on the topic, I've successfully used a couple of USB card readers with the Redfly, too.


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Aug 8, 2008
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The Return of CTRL-Q

While most third-party Windows Mobile apps these days are designed with the thoughtful "Exit" menu option, most of those pesky Microsoft apps still cling to the original WinCE strategem that users shoudn't ever have to close an app -- the OS should manage all that for you. Which no doubt explains why an entire cottage industry grew up around task switchers and app closers (Magic Button, HTC Task Manager, HandySwitcher, etc.).

Most users also know that the CTRL-Q keystroke combo will quit most apps, especially the ones that Microsoft thoughtfully omitted the Exit option from, but most of us don't use CTRL-Q because there's no Control key on the phone's hardware keyboard -- and it's a pain to flip out the soft keyboard just to try to type CTRL-Q (especially if your stylus isn't already in your hand).

But now thanks to Redfly, CTRL-Q rules! Pop open PIE to Google a phone number; when you're done, hit CTRL-Q, and it's closed! Finished with Windows Media Player? CTRL-Q zaps it shut. Not every app will close this way, but it sure is better than holding down the "X" button for 2-3 seconds like you have to with the "magic" button apps.


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Oct 12, 2008
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If one copies the background (.jpg) to thewindows directory, how does RedFly know what filename to use?

All the enhanced (stretched) downloadable screens have differ names.


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Sep 20, 2007
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A quick tip on the background jpg tip: it doesn't work with all themes. Someone created a really nice theme for the Treo 800w called "Simply Blue", and the stwater_800_480.jpg doesn't work with that theme. As soon as I switched to the default WM theme and put the same stwater... jpg in the /windows directory, it worked immediately.


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Jul 31, 2008
I've noticed that some (not all) of the 800w and Treo Pro themes are using images based around .png files instead of .jpg. The way to find out is to activate a theme using the Today Screen settings then using File Explorer go in the /Windows directory. Find a file called stwater and/or tdwater. Click on the file(s) to open and then press the right softkey and choose ?properties? that will tell you if it?s a png or a jpg.

I?m not an expert on themes (working on it), but from what I?ve read a theme can call the ?tdwater? image to be the default background image and ?stwater? to be the image behind the Start menu when it pops down over the Today Screen. Since usually the two images are the same, I believe there?s a reg setting somewhere that forces the phone to use the same image for both anyway. That?s why you only usually only have to add one new image for this hack to work and show a larger screen background when you switch.

Windows Mobile has a built-in feature that loads the default ?stwater? or ?tdwater? image at the phone?s normal resolution. However, if the resolution is changed, the OS will look in the /Windows directory for a different image whose name exactly matches a naming parameter. In the case of the REDFLY, our driver tells the phone?s OS it has an 800x480 display. The OS then goes and looks for a file named ?stwater_800_480? (regardless of its actual size, just the name) the loads it as the background image.

Sorry for the long post, but bottom line, I?ve found that usually you can get any theme to work, but you need to do some trial and error with 2 things. 1) Try saving the file as a .png if a .jpg doesn?t work (you must use an image editing program and do a ?save as? ? you can?t just change the file extension); and 2) most themes use the file name ?stwater_800_480? but some use the ?tdwater_800_480? so try both.

I?m going to try and update our background image download page (linked to in the top post of this thread) with all of this info soon and also offer both png and jpg files, but for now, if anyone can?t get a jpg to work and you don?t have access to an image editing program, let me know and I?ll re-save the file in the format you need then send it to you directly.

I think the real work around here is just to make some actual REDFLY themes (.tsk files). I bought a theme editing program last week and am starting to learn how to do it. In theory, you should be able to build a theme with all of the necessary images (both standard phone resolution and 800x480) so we just have to install a theme once and not hassle with copying certain named files into the/Windows directory.
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Jan 1, 2008
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I think the real work around here is just to make some actual REDFLY themes (.tsk files). I bought a theme editing program last week and am starting to learn how to do it. In theory, you should be able to build a theme with all of the necessary images (both standard phone resolution and 800x480) so we just have to install a theme once and not hassle with copying certain named files into the/Windows directory.

The *REALLY* tricky part with that is to make your theme look good in all resolutions.

320x320 <- Most important one here :D

And then on top of that you have the different DPI's to deal with too.

In other words, if you want the words "Redfly" to appear on your background, you cannot place them in the bottom right corner of the background image at 800x400. Unless of course you only want them to show when the Redfly is in use....hmmm.....


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Nov 2, 2008
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LogMeIn Full Screen Trick

I use pretty often. It was annoying having to scroll around so much to see things on various corners of my office's 1280x1024 screen. Also, if the pointer approched the ends of the screen while working on anything, it scrolled the screen even when you didn't want it to.
I found that using logmein's "Change Resolution" feature solved this problem in a big way for this Redfly user. You can't key in a specific size, but you can pick from the list that it already has. I found that by setting it to 1088x612 and then using the "scale to fit" setting gives you a full screen PC experience that uses almost all of the Redfly's screensize. This way you can work freely without having those scrolling issues.
... and the really nice thing about it is that when you log out, the original screen resolution on your desktop automatically returns to the way it was before you logged in!
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Nov 6, 2008
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Also, simultaneously pressing the two mouse buttons on the trackpad turns the trackpad to "scroll mode" I guess. which is useful for large documents, lists, and webpages. doesn't work GREAT.. but it works.


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Nov 18, 2008
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I think the real work around here is just to make some actual REDFLY themes (.tsk files). I bought a theme editing program last week and am starting to learn how to do it. In theory, you should be able to build a theme with all of the necessary images (both standard phone resolution and 800x480) so we just have to install a theme once and not hassle with copying certain named files into the/Windows directory.

Colin, Have you had opportunity to build the 800x480 image into the theme? I've built a theme with some freeware, but it did not provide a means to place the 800x480 image into the theme.

For all, I've attached a ttheme and 800x480 image that works on a Tilt. Enjoy!


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Jul 10, 2007
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Background images for HTC Touch

Thanks ckj,

I got the backgrounds working, the Touch actually uses 3 GIF files.

tdywater_800_480.gif - the background
tdwater_800_480.gif - background for the Touchflow panels
stwater_800_480.gif - menu background


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Jul 31, 2008
Thanks Cotys for the info on the Touch, that will come in handy.
Jxmot, I'm still working on the themes. I'm having a hard time finding a theme app that will allow you to insert any number of background sizes - but I haven't had a lot of time to search. If anyone hears of one, let me know. Now that with the latest Firmware update the REDFLY can display at 800x600 too, we'll need to include a "stwater_800_600" image in any theme also.


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Dec 24, 2008
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For the Sprint Treo 700wx...

I've noticed that some (not all) of the 800w and Treo Pro themes are using images based around .png files instead of .jpg. The way to find out is to activate a theme using the Today Screen settings then using File Explorer go in the /Windows directory. Find a file called stwater and/or tdwater. Click on the file(s) to open and then press the right softkey and choose ?properties? that will tell you if it?s a png or a jpg.

I?m not an expert on themes (working on it), but from what I?ve read a theme can call the ?tdwater? image to be the default background image and ?stwater? to be the image behind the Start menu when it pops down over the Today Screen. Since usually the two images are the same, I believe there?s a reg setting somewhere that forces the phone to use the same image for both anyway. That?s why you only usually only have to add one new image for this hack to work and show a larger screen background when you switch.

Windows Mobile has a built-in feature that loads the default ?stwater? or ?tdwater? image at the phone?s normal resolution. However, if the resolution is changed, the OS will look in the /Windows directory for a different image whose name exactly matches a naming parameter. In the case of the REDFLY, our driver tells the phone?s OS it has an 800x480 display. The OS then goes and looks for a file named ?stwater_800_480? (regardless of its actual size, just the name) the loads it as the background image.

Sorry for the long post, but bottom line, I?ve found that usually you can get any theme to work, but you need to do some trial and error with 2 things. 1) Try saving the file as a .png if a .jpg doesn?t work (you must use an image editing program and do a ?save as? ? you can?t just change the file extension); and 2) most themes use the file name ?stwater_800_480? but some use the ?tdwater_800_480? so try both.

I?m going to try and update our background image download page (linked to in the top post of this thread) with all of this info soon and also offer both png and jpg files, but for now, if anyone can?t get a jpg to work and you don?t have access to an image editing program, let me know and I?ll re-save the file in the format you need then send it to you directly.

I think the real work around here is just to make some actual REDFLY themes (.tsk files). I bought a theme editing program last week and am starting to learn how to do it. In theory, you should be able to build a theme with all of the necessary images (both standard phone resolution and 800x480) so we just have to install a theme once and not hassle with copying certain named files into the/Windows directory.

Thanks Colin...this was great info!

For my Sprint Treo 700wx the files are:

Start Menu background: stwater_800_480.GIF
Background: tdywater_800_480.GIF

Works like a charm!


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