Todays App Updates

Easy Shopping, 8/2/13 version
Import & Export to excel
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Sometimes i feel people post links just to get likes and thanks on this thread, for God's sake, CHECK THE LAST UPDATED DATE OF THE APP BEFORE POSTING HERE!!!!
If you managed to update an app a month after its released that doesn't mean the update was released that day. Mods seriously need to step in to keep this otherwise helpful thread clean.

Thanks for highlighting!!
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Link please??

It's a private beta. You can't download it unless you gave Rudy yesterday your live ID.
Also, he is a damn good and pretty busy developer. His app got updated yday and the day before several times (probably no need to post here every version? Just asking)
Kayak v2.0.6.9

No change log but I see vast improvements in speed and integration with maps and navigation (I don't think they had it before)
Oh Clock - alarm interval

InReach - music player with gesture support, mainly created to prevent screen lock.

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