Todays App Updates

windowsphone Premium Fitness Paid Apps now available for free trial!
Guys! Today we have released 3 more free versions of our following apps.

- Sit-ups trainer (for 6 pack abs) | SitUps Trainer | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
- Squats trainer (strong legs & perfect curves) | Squats Trainer | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
- Pullups trainer ( for V-shaped upper body ) | PullUps Trainer | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Currently app consists of following Premium features that no one else is providing at windows phone store
- Audio Coaching
- Visual Graphs
- Beautiful Interface
- Automatic reps count
- Beautiful graphs to track progress
- Great looking rewards & trophies
- Exercise Guides with pictures
- Interesting tips, facts and info
- 9 weeks solid training program designed by fitness professional

Guys your comments and feedback will be highly appreciated! And it will really help us to boost up the app reputation
Tinder Open Source version now available
1/14/14 - The app has been submitted to the Windows Phone store and should be available soon!
1/14/14 - Users with a developer unlocked phone can download the app here!
1/14/14 - The source code for this app is now up on GitHub!
Tinder Open Source version now available
1/14/14 - The app has been submitted to the Windows Phone store and should be available soon!
1/14/14 - Users with a developer unlocked phone can download the app here!
1/14/14 - The source code for this app is now up on GitHub!

please give link for " here ".

Send via Lumia 625 GDR3, Developers Unlocked.
The Facebook beta update is probably the update for WP7.8?

Sent from my RM-875_apac_sea_220 using Tapatalk

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