Todays App Updates

Age of Empires: Castle Siege


Alliance Messaging
? Alliance members can send custom text messages that will appear in the Alliance Messages window.
? The Alliance Messages window will now show when players are promoted, demoted, kicked, or joined.
Expanded Age 8 Content
? Silo, lumberyard, mill, farm, and Hall of Heroes have an additional upgrade level at Age 8
? Infantry, Spearman, and Rams now how an additional upgrade level at Age 8
? All heroes have an additional upgrade level after upgrading the Hall of Heroes to Level 4
? Caltrops, archer towers, and guard houses have an additional upgrade level at Age 8

? Measures have been implemented to make players attackable even if they are online if the system detects that they've spent a significant amount of time logged in.

? Fixes for crashes when visiting castles, viewing replays, and at the end of battles
? Fixes for crashes when using certain heroes or abilities
? Towers will now attack units even if only part of the squad is in range of the tower (the ?flame tower? bug).
? Cavalry will get in at least one hit when they catch up to a unit they are chasing.
? Joan of Arc will now convert all members of a squad instead of just the units in range.
? Traps can now be placed under decorations.
? Belisarius no longer fires arrows when using Undermine.

? A warning will occur on phone if pressing the back button would exit the game.
? Fix for notification settings sometimes not being saved.
? Fix for siege towers sometimes not showing a death animation.
? Fix for building getting stuck if UI buttons are pressed while a building is being moved.
? Fix for troops on walls appearing in front of instead of behind adjacent towers.
? Fix for some unit colors not changing when units die or get converted.
? Fixes for missing ambient audio sounds.
? Miscellaneous graphical and UI polish.


- Plex Home support
- Playlist support
- (Video) Access Now Playing queue from video player
- (Play Queues) Enable local Play Queues with synced albums and seasons
- (Play Queues) Add Play Next option

- (Music) Display actual artist when playing "various artist" albums
- (Sync) Don't attempt to sync while playing video
- (Sync) Sync composite images
- Explain automatic sign-out when password changes
- A number of user-reported crashes
MEGA Privacy updated to version
I don't know about you guys, but i really like this app with the latest 2 updates, including this one. It is super light, it is minimalistic as it can be (which is awesome if you ask me) and it doesn't cripple the speed you are connected on (wi-fi or mobile internet) like many cloud apps are doing it, including OneDrive too. MEGA Privacy uploads and downloads files with the top speed of your upload and download connection (whatever that connection is). :)
MEGA Privacy | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Change log:
- Added file selection dialog.
- Updated the file upload section.
- Added upload support for more file types.
- Updated screenshots with beautiful New Zealand scenery.
About Mega Privacy, it is too minimalistic - I can not even open it (Lumia 1520 Denim DP 8.1)

EDIT: a new update fix it ...
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About Mega Privacy, it is too minimalistic - I can not even open it (Lumia 1520 Denim DP 8.1)

Well that is unfortunate bro, hope the next update will fix this issue for you. Have you contacted other Lumia owners with Denim FW if they have the same problem? For me MEGA Privacy was never a problem, i find myself recently using it more then I use OneDrive, (and I adore OneDrive). The only thing I notice tho is that when you go let's say to Photos and want to share a photo, MEGA Privacy is not in the Share Suggestion List, the previous beta was there. However, about the minimalistic design, yes I know is too minimalistic, and if i may say monotone, but since I have Samsung ATIV S i8750 (WP8.1.1, OS+official Samsung FW) and we know that ATIV S have Super AMOLED screen, you will understand why we love apps that have more "black" in their designs. Black in Super AMOLED means battery savings and MEGA Privacy is perfect app for that, LoL.

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