If I'm going to spend towards $300 for another device, I don't want a bigger version of a phone. I just don't. That's basically going to be a computer replacement
Psycho, I know. The DVP8 & Miix3 are great machines. I almost bought an Asus T100, but opted for the Lenovo Flex 10 because of full size ports, storage, x64, 10 point touch & the fact that it basically turns into a tablet I don't have to hold.
But you agreed with me as well, one with such a device, only needs an inexpensive hub-type solution to experience all the "addability" that you get with a full Win8.1 machine.
Well, if you consider $79 inexpensive in the case of a decently powered dock with display adapter and USB ports and $15-$30 for a pass through cable to allow the tablet to charge when hooked up to it.
And I'm not sure how you figure I agreed with you since I pointed out they don't all have ports. ??
I'm agreeing with you. Your points are what drove me towards my purchase. With my Flex 10, I don't need an SD card, don't need micro USB to regular adaptors, same for HDMI. It also has its own charging port. For the same functionality and ease of connectivity, I'd have had to spend an extra $100+. These are the things that people MUST consider when they're out shopping.
Why would any sane, well-informed person?? Unfortunately, common sense isn't so common these days.
If you're in the business if only playing with apps and games, then Android is preferable to Windows, but then iOS is much more preferable in that regard to Android.
The best combination (IMHO) is having a Surface Pro for all matters related to work and productivity, and an iPad for all consumption and multimedia. The fact that Xbox Music, Video and many other Microsoft services are available on iOS makes it easy for you to extend what you do on the Pro to iOS.
You are being fallacious. "Why would any sane, well-informed person [choose that]." Is it really insane to want something that is not what you like?
This man needs to become president. Nice speech!![]()