Touch cover 2 problems


New member
Feb 18, 2013
Anyone got touch cover 2 and used it in anger? I'm having a problem where from time to time it stops responding, ie. I type but nothing appears on screen. I think it is software related because if I poke about in Windows, eg open device manager and press the up and down arrows a few times, it usually starts working again. However it's also possible that I have a faulty keyboard, in which case I want to get it replaced ASAP, so would be interested in what others are seeing.

I've had this behaviour with both Surface Pro (original) and Surface 2.

I would actually lean towards this being more of a generic Windows 8.1 problem. I have similar issues on my Samsung laptop since installing 8.1.
I'm having the same problem with touch cover 2 and surface 2. The keys act like they are disabled (no typing noise), but touchpad is still responsive. Usually happens after clicking out of a typing area and then back into it. I've experienced in both store apps and virtual desktop interface.
But is it a hardware issue or a software issue? Should I return my cover and try another one?
I'm going to say software. Didn't they move the touchpad settings into the OS? It was a third party app before from the store. Might be some bugs. First touch cover would randomly become entirely unresponsive on me at times.
I have the same issue, and this is the only mention of it I've found so far. Is there any point getting a replacement, or can I expect the same issue with that?

Happens fairly regularly. I'll stop typing and the cover goes dark. Trying to type again, the keys light up but won't register, though the trackpad functions fine. If I let the keys dim, then go again it works. Alternatively if I detach and reattach the cover it works.

I'm also finding the 2 finger swipe to move text cursed very difficult to get going. Registers around 10% of the time.

If anyone has had luck with different results after a replacement I'd love to hear about it.


Seems to be working consistently now. I cleaned the brand new shiny connectors with isowipe (alcohol wipe) and seems to have done the trick. Will update tomorrow if the issue recurs.
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I get this sometimes, but gotta say 99% of the time it's after its been in sleep mode awhile and once it gets going with a few key presses its fine again. I'm a bit more annoyed by the automatic punctuation insertion. Sometimes works sometimes not. I find having to go back and make corrections. I'm mostly pleased with its performance tho.("its" no apostrophe)

Seems to be working consistently now. I cleaned the brand new shiny connectors with isowipe (alcohol wipe) and seems to have done the trick. Will update tomorrow if the issue recurs.
Curious if you remove your kb much and if this makes a difference with performance. I've not needed to remove mine since I put it on after I bought it. Might be keeping those connectors cleaner as it may get dirty by being disconnected. Just a thought.
I only received the cover yesterday, though have had the pro for a week or 2, so the pro side of the connection could have acquired a stray spec of something.

Was a little disappointed receiving the cover and it not responding to start with. However I'm now very happy with it, really compliments the laplet / tabtop / um ... computer :-)
...the keys light up but won't register, though the trackpad functions fine. If I let the keys dim, then go again it works. Alternatively if I detach and reattach the cover it works.
Bought Touch Cover 2. Only trackpad and Volume worked. Got another Touch Cover. Same problem. Only after Refreshing my Surface 2 fixed the Touch Cover.
Anyone got touch cover 2 and used it in anger? I'm having a problem where from time to time it stops responding, ie. I type but nothing appears on screen. I think it is software related because if I poke about in Windows, eg open device manager and press the up and down arrows a few times, it usually starts working again. However it's also possible that I have a faulty keyboard, in which case I want to get it replaced ASAP, so would be interested in what others are seeing.

I've had this behaviour with both Surface Pro (original) and Surface 2.


I have found quite often that pressing the Windows key will somehow reactivate the keyboard without having to detach it.
My "N" key become unresponsive some of the time so I returned the kb for a new one. All is well again in my world ;)
Anyone got touch cover 2 and used it in anger? I'm having a problem where from time to time it stops responding, ie. I type but nothing appears on screen. I think it is software related because if I poke about in Windows, eg open device manager and press the up and down arrows a few times, it usually starts working again. However it's also possible that I have a faulty keyboard, in which case I want to get it replaced ASAP, so would be interested in what others are seeing.

I've had this behaviour with both Surface Pro (original) and Surface 2.


Hi! SAME problem here, exactly as you describe. Did you solve it?

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