Touch cover 2 with gestures


New member
May 15, 2012
So they said that the new Touch cover 2 will support gestures over the whole surface (pardon the pun) of the keyboard. Does anybody know what this means exactly? Are there video's out that demonstrate this? I couldn't find any :(
Thanks for the info guys!
My guess is it is referring to Windows 8 gestures. Like swipe in from the right for charms bar, from the left for applications and swipe from bottom for options. I would also suspect scrolling as well.
I hope so. Two finger scrolling is completely natural on a mac, would love the same for windows on a massive keyboard.
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****, I bought a type cover because the touch was unreliable last time, now I'm regretting it. But they only had coming soon on the touch (MS UK)
Watch the video in this...
Surface Touch Cover 2: Thinner and Sensitive Under Pressure
The new gestures are useful for moving the cursor around and a few other things within documents.

Neat. I ought to give those a try in Store when I go. If they work well enough, I could very well just get a Touch Cover over a Type Cover, especially since I hear that, at the Panos Panay events, if you preorder before he leaves, you get a free Touch Cover. It will save me some money, that's for sure.
Heck yes. That would be awesome.

Well, technically the only thing preventing it from doing so is simply the software, seeing as the hardware is already. Just a simple software update from Microsoft and it's a done deal. Or, if some third-party wants to get involved in such shenanigans, be my guest.
especially since I hear that, at the Panos Panay events, if you preorder before he leaves, you get a free Touch Cover. It will save me some money, that's for sure.

That was true at Los Angeles event, but I procrastinated too long, and they said the deal left with him (basically). I'm still on the fence between touch cover 2 an type cover 2. Thing is, I really want the battery one, but it's gonna be a while before that ships... I'm wondering if the touch cover would be better for playing games (fps); apparently I must keep running to the right, cause my d key is wearing out on my keyboard..
That was true at Los Angeles event, but I procrastinated too long, and they said the deal left with him (basically). I'm still on the fence between touch cover 2 an type cover 2. Thing is, I really want the battery one, but it's gonna be a while before that ships... I'm wondering if the touch cover would be better for playing games (fps); apparently I must keep running to the right, cause my d key is wearing out on my keyboard..

FPS shouldn't be affected by what Cover you use (the game will interpret it as keyboard input one way or another), and with both the Surface 2 and the Pro packing so much power, I don't think FPS will be an issue to begin with.

As for your indecision, choice whatever works best with your budget and your lifestyle. You plan on buying a Power Cover, so maybe you want to spring for the cheaper Touch Cover? But you also plan on playing games, so the tactile feedback of the Touch Cover could be invaluable.

Also consider that the first-generation Touch Covers are available online at the Microsoft Store, starting at $79. They're obviously trying to clear inventory for the new stock. Yet another option to explore is finding a used Touch/Type Cover on eBay for cheap.

Lots of options, so look around, discover and explore. Do what ultimately works best for your taste, budget, and lifestyle.
That was true at Los Angeles event, but I procrastinated too long, and they said the deal left with him (basically). I'm still on the fence between touch cover 2 an type cover 2. Thing is, I really want the battery one, but it's gonna be a while before that ships... I'm wondering if the touch cover would be better for playing games (fps); apparently I must keep running to the right, cause my d key is wearing out on my keyboard..

it was the old version they were giving away anyway.
I didn't think that I would have much use for a keyboard but this actually sounds quite useful.
Anyone know if some of the gestures were dropped from the final release? I can't scroll over the entire keyboard, but can do the scrolling (but not selection) with it. Also very difficult to find exactly what gestures you can do, no documentation at all :(. Thanks!
Hi StuBeck, just received mine today and totally agree. Not got time to play, but aside from the function keys at the top, can't seem to find any edge gestures
Any update on this?

I have my touch cover 2 and the edge gesture plus moving the cursor doesn't work.

Had this issue on my type cover 2 - make sure edge gestures is enabled under mouse and trackpad settings and try cleaning the contacts where the keyboard and Surface click - sometimes just disconnecting and reconnecting it will make edge gestures work's a little buggy

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