Touch Screen Too Sensitive?

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What version is the extras + info update? I just used the sysapp pusher, it says no update. Maybe its not available for me just yet.

Don't see a version number for it. In the sysapp pusher, did you long press Extras-Info and force it to check??
Yes I did. The latest update is version number, dates 11/28/13. You can check the version number from the sysapp pusher, or from the link in the sysapp pusher that takes you to the app in the store. What version number do you see?
Yes I did. The latest update is version number, dates 11/28/13. You can check the version number from the sysapp pusher, or from the link in the sysapp pusher that takes you to the app in the store. What version number do you see?

Aha. Got it. I'm showing the same as you. That's odd. So, a few possibilities.... I have adjusted my swipes and taps to the issue, my current 1520 (my second one) does not actually have the issue, or a number of release day 1520's are plagued with this issue, but since I exchanged mine for a new phone 12 days after release, I now have an issue-free 1520.
On a side note, on my original 1520, I was experiencing a screen dim of around 10% brightness after turning the phone on. I'm not experiencing this issue any more either.
Installed all the updates but it's still doing it. I believe this is a hardware issue as my wife's Galaxy S4 did the same thing and had to be exchanged. It was a faulty digitizer in the case of the S4

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Had a few issues but not a big deal, I am sure they will fix it, just find you need to really make a choice, swipe or tap, any gesture thats in between can cause it to open stuff you dont want.
Tap to unlock is a little hit and miss.
Had a few issues but not a big deal, I am sure they will fix it, just find you need to really make a choice, swipe or tap, any gesture thats in between can cause it to open stuff you dont want.

That would be normal behaviour for a sensitive screen. Mine's much worse, however. I can reproduce this 2 out of 3 times: hit the home button coming from any app and then perform a swiping gesture on the home screen (either upward or to the right towards the app list) -> either it'll immediately open an app instead of swiping, or it'll do nothing at all and I have to repeat the gesture 2-3 times until it reacts.
Yea, im having the same issue. It is annoying. Also, whenever im tying a message sometimes it doubles or even triples the letters im typing. I think ill just go use the demo model in an ATT store and see if the same thing happens, and then if it does then ill just deal with it, but if it doesnt I may swap it out for another one.
NOTICE!! I believe we have a fix for this!! I have also updated my Extras+Info with no luck to fixing the screen sensitivity. However 5 days later I decided to look into this more because of how annoying it is. After playing with it for a few my sensitivity is now fixed!! Please follow the steps below it worked for my 1520 hopefully it will work on yours.

1. Force update to Extras+Info in the app store if you have not already.
2. After update reboot the 1520.
3. Go to System Settings > Touch, once in there toggle the Touch Sensitivity (either to Normal or High) and back out of touch settings.
4. Reboot phone one last time.

This should fix the sensitivity on the screen. I believe the update was the fix for the screen sensitivity, however the "extremely high" firmware sensitivity was stuck until you toggle it out of what ever touch sensitivity mode you were in. :smile:

Hi. Im new at al this and im obviously having the same screen sensitivity issue. Im confused by step 1. What do you mean?
Those with issues, are you using a screen protector? I previously used a matte type protector and had issues. I have now changed to a clear glossy protector and the issue seems to have gone so far. Could be a coincidence, I don't know...
this is a bug with glance background beta as it does this every now and again on my 920. If I am correctly assuming about what your talking about

I just had this happen to me on my 1520 but I don't even have the glance background installed so it's not that.
Spoke to live chat and they said to return the phone and replace.....and yet people done this and either a bit better/same/worse than the one they took back, I also did see someone say a friend in Nokia told them a fix is on the way eta?????? I said all this to live chat today and they were all "oh, what problem, never heard of this issue"
TBH bets thing anyone can do is bug the hell out of Nokia, only way to get answers and get a fix quick.
I have been at them a few times about screen and the horrible low light video...NOISE!!!!
What should i do with this issue. Bring the phone to nokia care or wait for new software update? I'm very sad :(
Have you spoke to Nokia, anyone with issue needs to speak to them to get answer....wait or return. The more that do the faster we get a fix or told to return.
Talked to Nokia support, their advice is to hard reset which I don't think will help and is going to be a real hassle. So,, more people need to complain for them to take this seriously.
Yeah they tend to say hard reset or turn touch off high to normal.....well whats the point in having high if its broke.

Again, if you have the issue speak with Nokia.

Its funny its like that issue with the SGS4 with the smeargate saga, I was well behind that with a few others, pushing on sites and driving people to question that issue, in the end one guy got it to hit the media and lol who would of thought it......a fix came not long after :-)

Problem is most companies rush product out, they know we will buy it and look at it as "hey we can update as we go along, just get it out and sell" and the problem is some dont complain to them, so in any companies eyes why bother to fix it if they seem happy with it, thats why you need to get on at them.
Loads of us got the tap happening when you swipe but have any got issue when trying to double tap to turn screen on, half the time its fine and the rest I find I need to tap from 4 to 8 times (max)
Loads of us got the tap happening when you swipe but have any got issue when trying to double tap to turn screen on, half the time its fine and the rest I find I need to tap from 4 to 8 times (max)

I think that is on all phones, not just the 1520. I know I had that issue on my 925, 1020, 1520, and my dad has it on his 920. Sometimes I can get in a groove and will work for a few days nicely, but it always shows up again. I've tried screen sensitivity, leaving glance on all the time, etc. No luck.
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