Touch Screen Too Sensitive?

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Switching from 920 to this 1520. The first day I use this phone already getting annoyed with the touch sensitivity issue. I thought only few units having this issue, but it seems quite a number are encountering the same issue.
Previously able to fixed this by updating the latest Microsoft Update with Developer Preview. But the problem came back after few days....
It seems worse the longer its left alone, I would say its gone in to low power/deep sleep, and the taps are not getting through, kind of like waking a person up from a sleep.....the longer the harder it is to wake them lol
If I use it and keep going back to it there is no real issue, but if its been left alone say 30mins, then at times I have to tap loads just to get it to wake.
This could be a powersave issue, they want it to run as deep as they can to help the battery life, really needs looked into as you look a fool stood there tapping like mad.
Having this problem since wp7 days when I was using a Lumia 800. Then I changed to Lumia 620 and still having the same problem. Recently I'm using lumia 920 with gdr3, I think whether the problem has been fixed with gdr3 or lumia 920's touch sensor is a lot better than my previous phones..
The firmware released on ATT today seems to have fixed this issue for me on my 1520. I've tested in both NORMAL and HIGH sensitivities and no swipes have been mistaken. This is only with about 5 - 10 minutes of just random swipes. Even after waking the screen up it seems much better.
After reading another guys post in Nokia forum it would seem the update did not fix the screen tap issue, he said it was ok for 12hrs and then it came back.
The symptom seems not happening during charging on my 1520...anyone try to turn off the battery saver?
My 920 & 820 never had such issue.
After reading another guys post in Nokia forum it would seem the update did not fix the screen tap issue, he said it was ok for 12hrs and then it came back.

I can almost guarantee you this is a hardware problem. I had to get my 1520 exchanged twice over unrelated issues. The first one had a horrible case of the swipe-click. The second was slightly better. The third one doesn't have it at all. I haven't installed any updates yet (plus the latest update the AT&T customers get isn't even out here yet). It seems Nokia's been shipping faulty digitizer units in some production batches. They may be trying to fix the problem with a software workaround but so far they don't seem to have been very successful.

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I need to use a signature in a dialog box for work and it is not possible to get a signature to register on my 1520 (works fine on my iPhone and GS4)... Just drawn a small segment, then drags/moves the screen around...
Well just Tweeted Nokia Helps again, said this is looking more like HW and as such no fix will work, or if they do get a work around it could be way off.....if ever.

There is no way a massive company like that cannot at the very least come to the conclusion of fixable yes...but will take time/not fixable and then pass on this info so we know what to do.
I love the phone except for this issue (and the screen dimming), but how did this phone make it through any quality control procedures before being released??? It seems like such a very wide-spread issue, that such procedures would have certainly caught the problem. Oh, well. Keeping my fingers crossed for a fix.
Giving it to end of next week, if no word off Nokia as to IF! its fixable then I will take it as a no go and return it.
This problem is driving me crazy. It's to the point I know when it will happen and just get ready to immediately press the back button. I'm beginning to wonder if I should go back to my Note 2.
same problems with no fixes...waiting for my sim card adaptor then sending this in under warranty. Back to the ultra z
I am running. extras, have the swipe rap issue and the need to tap lots to make phone wake.
Just wondering, has anyone tried returning one and getting a replacement without this issue? I am contemplating switching mine since Nokia still hasn't acknowledged a software issue.
Just wondering, has anyone tried returning one and getting a replacement without this issue? I am contemplating switching mine since Nokia still hasn't acknowledged a software issue.

Yeah, my third one doesn't have it. It's definitely worth a try

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