Touch Screen Too Sensitive?

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have all experiencing the issue have a protector shell on?? I have an international version but still sometimes my swipes opens up apps.. this happens more when I lay the phone down and use one hand... I then removed the case(rubber gel case) and started using the phone without it.. I was working for more than an hour did not find one instance where it mistook a swipe..
I've seen this issue with my Nokia E7 too, after the Symbian Anna update(not fixed in belle too) if i use the phone without touching the metal casing the touchscreen would act bizarre like this.. so its worth a try, you guys can check if this happens when the case is off?
I have a shell, but I've taken it off and experienced the problem as well. I can say that I've noticed it more after setting the phone on a flat surface, on its back. You don't think there's a loose connector that's been causing the issue? Maybe a lazy assembler (or a whole bunch of them?)
I can't really say.. I am not sure about the engineering that goes into it.. But I definitely feel that its a software issue since I have seen this in my E7 as well.. And it happened right after the update..
In my case at least when I physically touch the mobile and use it, I didn't really see any issue..
I can't really say.. I am not sure about the engineering that goes into it.. But I definitely feel that its a software issue since I have seen this in my E7 as well.. And it happened right after the update..
In my case at least when I physically touch the mobile and use it, I didn't really see any issue..

My wife had the same issue as well on her (former) galaxy S4 and it was a hardware fault. They exchanged the screen and it was gone.

As for color: my first two ones were black. The first one was so bad in this respect that I could barely use it. The second one was a bit better. Now I'm on my third and it's drastically better. Still happens occasionally but I've seen that on other phones as well, so this could be just random. The third one is white.

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My experience with various apps has led me to the conclusion that it isn't necessarily that it's TOO sensitive, but rather it registers TWO touches sometimes for a single tap. That seems like a software issue to me, and one they should be able to fix.
My experience with various apps has led me to the conclusion that it isn't necessarily that it's TOO sensitive, but rather it registers TWO touches sometimes for a single tap. That seems like a software issue to me, and one they should be able to fix.

yep one page back in this thread i mentioned....

Whilst playing a game i noticed touching the screen caused a double tap microsecs apart from each other (shown as a turn on an then off of a switch realy fast)
As a developer i would say this could be caught in software (i.e. If two taps detected too near to each other ignore one).
Probaly hardware error but i think patchable they need to tell us if they will fix or i have to join the good,bad replacement lottery

I still think its a variance/HW problem in a lot of digitizers but Im sure they could patch it BUT.....
if all apps don't use the same SDK and to test for swipe or tap then FW updates might not fix all apps etc
Just my 2 cents and im hypothesising

On the subject of firmware there is another forum that has one person adamantly saying he has gone 70 hours with out a problem since the newest firmware

Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel for us low level FW peeps - who knows - 31 days left to bung it back to amazon

P.S. i didnt like the way my 1520 came either no seal on box and no film over the lense to peel off but maybe is country/distributer variant
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Just off chat with Nokia UK, issue has been acknowledged and also she claimed that the firmware update released in the US (ATT) was specifically for that reason.

The kicker: "The update may take a few weeks to become available...", i.e. no ETA.

I was advised to exchange and when challenged as to why do so if a software update is forthcoming she said that not all devices/variants experience the issue.

Can't wait weeks, it is probably going back Special Delivery today for a refund, once they have sorted things I will repurchase, can't play handset lottery with a ?600 device.
Just off chat with Nokia UK, issue has been acknowledged and also she claimed that the firmware update released in the US (ATT) was specifically for that reason.

The kicker: "The update may take a few weeks to become available...", i.e. no ETA.

Not being insulting to anyone, as I am a British ex-pat, living in America and knowing the two and three week Christmas holidays so common in some parts of Europe, it would not surprise me that the European roll out won't be until after the holiday break. Not enough staff working to analyse issues and decide to roll it back if needed etc until Jan 6th or so... Sometimes good quality holiday policies don't work in our favour. Oh well.
Still having the issue and was told to send it back in for repairs. Kinda sucks but what else can I do? I did the att update and it fixed much of nothing.

Sent from my C6802 using Tapatalk
Is this FW update state side only? anyone UK or other parts of the EU had this FW update?

UK here we are behind on both OS and FW
I have a nokia conversation running on twitter at the moment but its not going to well hehe

‏@madusmacus 6h
@NokiaHelps Extras+Info did not fix - When does UK gets OS 8.0.10521.155 and FW 1028.3534.1347.2001 -FIXED?-

But they cant tell me anything and suggest i try to return the phone.

I will wait for a few weeks
Just off chat with Nokia UK, issue has been acknowledged and also she claimed that the firmware update released in the US (ATT) was specifically for that reason.

The kicker: "The update may take a few weeks to become available...", i.e. no ETA.

I was advised to exchange and when challenged as to why do so if a software update is forthcoming she said that not all devices/variants experience the issue.

Can't wait weeks, it is probably going back Special Delivery today for a refund, once they have sorted things I will repurchase, can't play handset lottery with a ?600 device.

See this is what bugs me, they have info and dont part with it on the website.

There are people going nuts, returning phones, leaving Nokia for another maker, wasting time writing threads to find a scrap of info.......all they had to do was write that they know of the issue and a update will be with us shortly...thats it, job done, most would be happy (though a rough date would help...none of this months crap, needs to be weeks)

They need to get on with this soon, and yes its Xmas but those guys dont get paid minimum wage....and its kind of their fault, why do we have to wait because of a error they caused.

Oh and it needs sorted fast so I can move on to the next issue The horrible, laughable, shockable, poorable (its now a word ok) low light videos recording
See this is what bugs me, they have info and dont part with it on the website.

There are people going nuts, returning phones, leaving Nokia for another maker, wasting time writing threads to find a scrap of info.......all they had to do was write that they know of the issue and a update will be with us shortly...thats it, job done, most would be happy (though a rough date would help...none of this months crap, needs to be weeks)

They need to get on with this soon, and yes its Xmas but those guys dont get paid minimum wage....and its kind of their fault, why do we have to wait because of a error they caused.

Oh and it needs sorted fast so I can move on to the next issue The horrible, laughable, shockable, poorable (its now a word ok) low light videos recording

That's exactly what they did say. Also just because they are paid more than minimum wage doesn't make them our slaves, ok? They have families too and it's the holiday season.
I know its not the worker as such, he/she is doing their job....but the company should not rest, do what they need to do.

Ok its pushing it to the extreme but where do you draw the line with "oh its ok, they will sort it one day" I mean I would like to think that all firms check their stuff and if errors found they correct them, or at least have people on standby for a release to deal with teething problems.

If this is just the norm, then what of the outcome if companies worked to the same level with say a schoolbus, plane,pacemaker....ok way bigger things, but would you accept "oh its new, always going to find a few bugs" when does it go from "this must 100% correct, nothing less" to "oh just release it, we can sort later" where do you draw the line (yes its just a phone....but you paid good money for it)

This should come back on Nokia, or any firm, a lesson to QC the product better, this is not a small amount of people who had/have the issue, so if they need to pay the overtime to help correct a poorly QC product then so be it...................(this is only one of many issue owners have had)
I know its not the worker as such, he/she is doing their job....but the company should not rest, do what they need to do.


You do realize that in order for work to be done that employees have to actually be doing work right? As I said they are not our slaves and deserve some time with their families over the holidays.

How about I start asking you to work every day that I want you to work on something and I stop having regard for your wants, because I'm not 100% satisfied with the work your company turns out?

Yes I paid good money for the phone, and guess what? I'd rather the folks at Nokia be able to sit down with their children and make some precious family memories for a few days as opposed to worry about whether or not my phone has some minor issues that they can fix when they get back in the office.

I mean hell why have time off at all at this point? We should find a way to also remove the need for sleep, nutrition, urination, defecation, and normal biological procreation...if we want to talk about going to extremes. I mean pfft...who needs time off when we can engineer a 24/7 workforce without wants, needs, love, lust, ambition, etc.

See what I mean? ;)
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