Try again in 470535 minutes?

Ok my brother tried to open my lumia 520 and he says he stopped trying when the phone said to try again in 1 MINUTE.But when i returned from school i saw that it was written on lock screen TO TRY AGAIN IN 470535 Minutes.Anyone knows what happend.I have done every possible thing like restarting phone,removing sim and memorycard and battery.But nothing has worked.I can't reset because the problem is that my POWER BUTTON doesnot work so usually i unlock my phone using camera button.Please guys tell me how to reset phone without power button.Is there a way to install windows phone os using computer??Any help would be appreciated.

Use Nokia Software Recovery Tool.
Much easier to use than Nokia Care Suite.

Download from here - FAQ - FAQ - How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Nokia - Canada

Edit - oh this thread is old.

Person above me, please don't bump old threads .-.
1.Make sure your phone has enough battery power, charge your phone for at least 20 minutes.
2.Switch off your phone, and disconnect the charger.
3.Press and hold the volume down key, and connect the charger. An exclamation mark (!) is shown on the screen.
4.Press the keys in the following order: volume up, volume down, power, and volume down. ( in case there is no power button don't have any idea )
5.Wait for your phone to reset, during the reset there will be gears rotating on the screen for up to 5 minutes, after which the screen goes blank for ~30 seconds and then your phone will restart.
6.Go through the initial phone setup, if the date and time are shown, ensure the values are correct.
7.Disconnect the charger.
ps: all of your data will be erased after performing those steps.
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Same Problem here....My Nokia Lumia 520 is also Locked now and want 16414 MINUTES, My Phone Power Button is also damage...!!
I only know this why it takes too man y MINUTES.....!!
Today I mis-entered the code and it says try again in 1 minutes.....meanwhile my phone battery is gone...and my phone shutdown....when I turn it on I saw that MINUTES message and I NOTICED that the DATE and TIME is CHANGED to 19 december.....but my phone is locked 31 DECEMBER(TODAY) that;s the real problem it goes back in TIME -_-
So there are two Solutions for me:
1. I can Easily do a FLASH UPDATE with NSU
2. May wait till phone date and time goes to 31st DECEMBER
So, I Started FLASH UPDATE now my DATA will be erased but it is not worth to wait.............!!!
It's upto you what can you do!
Note: I'm using Nokia Lumia 520 - Windows Phone 8.1 with Latest Developer update.
I'm using NSU version # 4.3.2
Its pretty easy to reset a phone without a power button just take out the battery pack,but since uve already tried that... i dunno how 2 help (id contact some sort of nerd who can fix phones if i were you)
i bought my fieance a windows phone he changed the screen lock before he could give me the numbers he passed away july 28 blood clot. how do i get the numbers

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