Two phones with same Microsoft ID

I have a feeling that they may also want to purchase apps once and both use them.

It would be nice if there was some sort of family plan for buying apps.

All the OP has stated is that they want to share the calendar and contacts not apps ;)
Yeah if shared calendar and contacts is all you want, then just create a second live account and add that to each device. BAM. Problem solved.
Yeah if shared calendar and contacts is all you want, then just create a second live account and add that to each device. BAM. Problem solved.

Or this:

"You could export the contacts on your phone and import them on hers then you both have the same contacts. Granted she'll lose her text messages but that's a small price to pay. This would also mean you can keep text message backup enabled on both phones.

For the shared calendar, seeing as you both use WP8, you could use the most underrated feature called Family Room. That means you can have more than just a shared calendar. It also gives you shared photos, notes and chat."

that I posted earlier. Using the same Microsoft ID introduces issues like the one the OP explained that both phones receive the same text messages from the backup.
Or you can use the Family room feature of WP8 to share calendar instead of sharing the same Microsoft account.

My wife and I use our own created room, along with a family room etc. so we have our own private area, and our family area. The room feature is just plain awesome. Very under rated feature.
Like what? My wife and I have been doing that for a long time... Basically to share the SkyDrive integration and share our Xbox music pass.
Like what? My wife and I have been doing that for a long time... Basically to share the SkyDrive integration and share our Xbox music pass.

I guess the biggest issue is privacy!!

The Music Pass is a difficult one but for the Skydrive integration you can still share files even with separate Microsoft IDs. I just don't get why you're reluctant to use two separate Microsoft IDs, I get the Xbox Music Pass issue but everything else can be solved/used with two separate Microsoft IDs and the features built into the phone.
Does it allow you to share apps as well?

It does, but that is a huge gray area that has sparked many a debate. I tried to find the thread to post it here so but am not having any luck. Actually it's probably not a gray area, I think Microsoft's TOS actually say not to do it.

There was some good debate in that thread about it, if somebody else can find it, please post it. :)
You don't need to have the same account or even use Family Room to share calendar. My wife and I shared our calendars with each other on, and we see each other's appointments on our phones - just look in calendar settings to turn on shared calendars. No, the reminders don't pop up on the other's phone, but if you want that then I guess use the Room feature.

Sharing an account between two people does not comply with the terms of use of a Microsoft Account. So if Microsoft wanted to be sticklers about it, they could shut you both off. The right way to do it is to have one account per person and use the other provided features to share what you want to share.
I came to this thread from a thread I posted regarding a similar but same problem. Similar in that I have two numbers and one microsoft id but different in that I own both numbers and I am not sharing it with another person. Basically, I have two phones, with two different phone numbers, both are my phones, one for business and one is for personal usage. I should be able to share my microsoft id between phones without the overlapping of sms. I don't mind the sharing of apps, xbl account, and etc but I should be able to control my sms and keep them separate. Currently, I have turned off sharing on one of the phones, is there a way to change the default skydrive account?
I came to this thread from a thread I posted regarding a similar but same problem. Similar in that I have two numbers and one microsoft id but different in that I own both numbers and I am not sharing it with another person. Basically, I have two phones, with two different phone numbers, both are my phones, one for business and one is for personal usage. I should be able to share my microsoft id between phones without the overlapping of sms. I don't mind the sharing of apps, xbl account, and etc but I should be able to control my sms and keep them separate. Currently, I have turned off sharing on one of the phones, is there a way to change the default skydrive account?

Not without setting up a separate Microsoft ID, factory resetting the phone and using that ID as the primary account. I'm sure that's not the answer you wanted to hear but AFAIK that's the only way to do it.
I posted the following in another thread

My problem is that it doesn't handle sharing well even when one person owns both devices. For example, I should be able to have my apps that I bought installed on both of my devices while not worrying about business text getting mixed up with personal text, text messages showing up on both phones when backup text is turned on for both phones. At a minimum my text should be backed up per my unique sim numbers and not my Microsoft ID.
Not without setting up a separate Microsoft ID, factory resetting the phone and using that ID as the primary account. I'm sure that's not the answer you wanted to hear but AFAIK that's the only way to do it.

No, not the answer I was looking for, see my above post.
I have two Microsoft phones with the same ID because both phones then access the shared OneDrive account. We couldn't do this using two different ID's. Even though you can have multiple OneDrive accounts I've found I can only edit office files on my phone from the primary account. Files from the secondary account are viewable but not editable. So we have a need for both phones to have the same Microsoft ID.

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