Universal apps are failing

no it's not xD since Windows 10 Desktops run the same OS that the surface pro run. if you have ever noticed the tablet mode on your pc this is the proof so when you make it on your desktop for desktops to try it on your desktop and it works it will work on the surface pro too :3
Lets look at an example of a Universal app, Huetro for Hue by Neils Laute, Neils has supported WP and Windows but now he only has to make one app that runs on the one platform, so he can concentrate on just one thing saving time and money, for me I only need download one app on whatever platform I want it on, and I only have to show my wife one app and that saves me so much time and effort you wouldn't believe it.

But for other developers who have been on one platform or the other, now just they just have the one, for all the people who reckon PC users can just use a web login, now they have a reason to think of apps, because not all PC users use desktops, some of us use phones, some small tablets, some use transformers and there are even one or two traditional PC's about, the point is Windows isn't just a dying OS stuck on PC's, it's a young upstart that can run on almost anything including fridges.

Developers will want to be involved because this is going somewhere now.
Lets look at an example of a Universal app, Huetro for Hue by Neils Laute, Neils has supported WP and Windows but now he only has to make one app that runs on the one platform, so he can concentrate on just one thing saving time and money, for me I only need download one app on whatever platform I want it on, and I only have to show my wife one app and that saves me so much time and effort you wouldn't believe it.

But for other developers who have been on one platform or the other, now just they just have the one, for all the people who reckon PC users can just use a web login, now they have a reason to think of apps, because not all PC users use desktops, some of us use phones, some small tablets, some use transformers and there are even one or two traditional PC's about, the point is Windows isn't just a dying OS stuck on PC's, it's a young upstart that can run on almost anything including fridges.

Developers will want to be involved because this is going somewhere now.

But how does this make a developer of a mobile app develop for windows phone. Take my Kroger grocery store so used for coupons. It makes sense on a phone. It does not on a PC, tablet, or hololens. How does the fact that it can run on your refrigerator get a developer to put it on my phone?I used to think this is was the answer, but it is flawed logic. You can think I'm just talking on windows phone, or whatever. Doesn't change the truth. I'm a long time windows and WP user. I started posting a lot in this forum because of how poised of the current strategy is making me and my regret buying a 950xl. It's an open forum. I have my opinions. I would like to add the platform live, but lying to myself never helped.
Universal App is the best try by Microsoft! If it works or not, its developer's problem that they don't want to make the app! I seriously don't want Android Apps as the emulator makes the Windows 10 Mobile lag! And i don't want my phone to lag like Android!
All who want Android Apps can go to Android, why have you come here?
All I know is that Microsoft is giving their best they got!
Universal apps are available on wp8.1, I have them on my 640. Been available for months at least. How are they totally different?

Win 8.1 and wp 8.1 apps weren't true universal apps. First they were in different stores, second yes they synced between them but there was no scaling and adapting to the screen form factor.. Now you have the same app on pc, phone, even xbox etc which is able to adapt..
Universal App is the best try by Microsoft! If it works or not, its developer's problem that they don't want to make the app! I seriously don't want Android Apps as the emulator makes the Windows 10 Mobile lag! And i don't want my phone to lag like Android!
All who want Android Apps can go to Android, why have you come here?
All I know is that Microsoft is giving their best they got!

Because of app gap people are going to android and iPhone... Even the windows fans are leaving windows.. This is all the mistake of Microsoft for not giving us proper apps(Microsoft I mean here are developers and testers) if they are not working then why Microsoft is paying like fools for them..... If windows 10 mobile not going to fill the app gap the its a major failure for windows. And they should shut down the mobile department for not being capable of developing mobile market...
Microsoft cant force a developer to port there IOS / Android app over to Windows if they don't want to.
If you have a problem with it go moan at the app developer & not Microsoft!
Steve Ballmer is correct in this newest article. Universal apps are destined to fail. They have been present for I don't know exactly, a year? I was always excited to see them in the store, even though rarely. It does seem that they go mostly from the phone to PC which makes sense. It is easy to do and a developer can go from the small population of Windows Mobile users to the large audience of PC users. It is kind of dumb to make the effort the other way around, since you still have to provide updates and time.

Also, as easy as this should be, like Nadella failed to explain, a Starbucks app, Lowe's app, Bank of America app, or any other mobile app makes little sense to put on a PC. You don't interact the same with them. And so there is little chance of leveraging PC to get phone apps.

You sure are a Debbie downer.

Are all your posts negative?

Plus your title it's obviously some at bring click bait.
Because of app gap people are going to android and iPhone... Even the windows fans are leaving windows.. This is all the mistake of Microsoft for not giving us proper apps(Microsoft I mean here are developers and testers) if they are not working then why Microsoft is paying like fools for them..... If windows 10 mobile not going to fill the app gap the its a major failure for windows. And they should shut down the mobile department for not being capable of developing mobile market...
Then what do you Suggest Microsoft to do?
-They cant add Android Emulator because it makes the OS lag! And personally i dont want 2-3GB RAM and all the top processor power only to remove lag, Windows Phone 1GB RAM and low end processor is more than enough!
-MS already have given developers option to port iOS apps, its developer's problem if they don't want!
-By Windows Insiders Program, everyone are getting all the features they want one by one in the Windows 10 OS...
-By making it universal apps, Windows 10 is the easiest platform to develop! What more do you want MS to try?
But how does this make a developer of a mobile app develop for windows phone. Take my Kroger grocery store so used for coupons. It makes sense on a phone. It does not on a PC, tablet, or hololens..

That would be up to the grocery store or developer to think outside the box and come up with some good use for an app that runs on phones,pc's and even Xbox. I can think of several things without even any effort. Like notifications with great offers right in your notification-center when you're in front of your PC. My point is it's just stupid to neglect that massiv userbase.
Then what do you Suggest Microsoft to do?
-They cant add Android Emulator because it makes the OS lag! And personally i dont want 2-3GB RAM and all the top processor power only to remove lag, Windows Phone 1GB RAM and low end processor is more than enough!
-MS already have given developers option to port iOS apps, its developer's problem if they don't want!
-By Windows Insiders Program, everyone are getting all the features they want one by one in the Windows 10 OS...
-By making it universal apps, Windows 10 is the easiest platform to develop! What more do you want MS to try?
Agreed with you.... Don't know why these dev are not willing to port the android apps and IOS apps:(......... Concern about the apps.... Because everyone criticize for this reason... Now wat ever big hardware we get from Microsoft people say it's no worth buy, since no proper apps......
Right, but why would Starbucks care at all about having an app on the Surface or Hololens? The Starbucks app might work on an iPad, but it was designed primarily for phones. As iOS is a huge chunk of the market, Starbucks wouldn't dare miss out on those users. On the other hand, with Windows, there's so few users on phone that they haven't seen any need to develop for it. You could have 6 billion Windows PC users, and there still would be zero reason for Starbucks to care about a universal app. For a lot of these things we're missing out on, if there's no reason to develop for phone, there's no reason to do it at all.

Here i would like you to notice 1 thing! Its does not have to be a tablet or HoloLens to take to Starbucks! Universal Apps run on all screen sizes, that means it can go on any technology which has a screen! If MS releases a new product, we dont have to wait for the App to support the screen size! I agree that we wont use a surface tablet to starbucks, but how sure are you that there wont be a new technologies which can do it!

The main point here is, Microsoft making it universal apps is future proof! It wont be any different for the developers if the surface user does not download their app, because mobile users are using it anyways! Its not like they have to make an extra app from desktop users, No, its one App!
Then what do you Suggest Microsoft to do?
-They cant add Android Emulator because it makes the OS lag! And personally i dont want 2-3GB RAM and all the top processor power only to remove lag, Windows Phone 1GB RAM and low end processor is more than enough!
-MS already have given developers option to port iOS apps, its developer's problem if they don't want!
-By Windows Insiders Program, everyone are getting all the features they want one by one in the Windows 10 OS...
-By making it universal apps, Windows 10 is the easiest platform to develop! What more do you want MS to try?

I don't know, but doing something that doesn't make any sense is not the answer. Microsoft's backup solution seems to be too become a developer for android and iPhone. Based on their efforts it may be more of a backup plan.

When I read between the lines in the Windows central app, I see universal apps as a way to move things away from phones to PC.

Just this morning, I got an email to join a professional community online for a device rep. Only android and iPhone apps exist. Same with my email for professional journals. These are things that both could have already been available for PC app, but they aren't. Why is that? In fact in commercials for products like Pandora they don't even include that it is available on windows mobile even though it is. There is no Pandora on PC store.

It doesn't make sense to me why any of this stuff is failing. It just is.
The problem is that Ballmer doesn't get it.
You can clearly see that at the end of this golden video:


Edit: also just download "appraisin" and look at what jems are coming daily to W10m and W10, it is clearly seen that Universal apps are not failing.
Also take into account that W10m is not available to the public and it will be released to the public (as an update) 14/12/2015 (via wikipedia) or sometime around this date.
When I read between the lines in the Windows central app, I see universal apps as a way to move things away from phones to PC.


It's not. It's a way to make whatever device you're currently holding to be your PC.
It doesn't make sense to me why any of this stuff is failing. It just is.
We just have to wait to see the results! Making apps is not easy, look at FB app, just came out. Look at Instagram and mainly Windows Central, they have not yet come! Im sure Windows Central started making theirs App from the time the tools were released, and still its taking time! If big Apps like FB took so long, then you can imagine how long other companies might take.
Companies who said they are stopping support for their Windows Phone App were talking about their WP8.1 App, they didnt tell anything about Windows 10 App!
We just have to wait!
From the past few days, all I see is Apps coming!
also just download "appraisin" and look at what jems are coming daily to W10m and W10, it is clearly seen that Universal apps are not failing.

I tried installing it. I'm on windows phone 8...app not available. Honestly that is what life is like on windows phone.

Also, made me laugh when I binged it, first thing to show up was appraisen...a bankruptcy website.
It will work or it won't. I have two phones (both midrange) that cost less togeather than one high end phone. One is the excellent 640 and the other also excellent Moto G lte. Funny thing is I have the same apps on both phones. Except for playstore of course. I use the 640 probably about 75% of the time and the G the rest. I also own two Android tablets and a W10 desktop and a W8.1 desktop. No Apple, sorry. I enjoy having two different OS's and plan on keeping things this way as long as its possible. No doubt there are more apps available for Android; but I have yet to need any apps on my G that I can't get for my 640. I hope Microsofts new strategy works, but if it does not the world will not end. We're talking about phones, and tablets and PC's. Not life and death.

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