Hello everyone,
I've bought Nokia Lumia 1020 in yellow and everything works like a charm, but I found a small problem which is visible only at night (in darkness). I can't take a photo because it's really hard to see and catch it on camera but I tried to reproduce "what I see" in Photoshop (look at the attached image below). This problem occurs only when the display background is black or when I open a black image on full screen. In this case I can see black "objects" or stripes… It looks like small cracks on display (cover glass), but the phone is brand new and has never fallen down. When I switch to any screen with other color (or set White theme instead of Black), these "objects" are gone and everything is ok. And I can't see these "objects" during the day, only at night (or in the darkness/low light conditions). Does anybody know what the hell these objects are?

I created this in Photoshop – "objects" are hard to see & hard to capture with my DSLR
I've bought Nokia Lumia 1020 in yellow and everything works like a charm, but I found a small problem which is visible only at night (in darkness). I can't take a photo because it's really hard to see and catch it on camera but I tried to reproduce "what I see" in Photoshop (look at the attached image below). This problem occurs only when the display background is black or when I open a black image on full screen. In this case I can see black "objects" or stripes… It looks like small cracks on display (cover glass), but the phone is brand new and has never fallen down. When I switch to any screen with other color (or set White theme instead of Black), these "objects" are gone and everything is ok. And I can't see these "objects" during the day, only at night (or in the darkness/low light conditions). Does anybody know what the hell these objects are?

I created this in Photoshop – "objects" are hard to see & hard to capture with my DSLR
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