"Updates for Lumia 920, Lumia 820 and Lumia 620" - official notice from Nokia

Right now my 820 is running firmware 1232.5951.1249.0001. Is there a firmware update to this?
I keep getting an error in installation on my Win 7 laptop.

Same here, with Windows 7 (32-bit) and Windows 8 (64-bit) and it did not work in XP SP3 mode either ... so it seems that Nokia kills it, as they have mentioned already that it causes their extra costs to fix inproper use of NSU and NCS ... well, it seems that there is still too many "not so" clever managers, who do not understand how much they saved money, when their customers fixed their cell phones by NSU or NCS ... honestly, they should fire more managers, who make this kind of decisions, as without any doubt, this decision will cause much much higher repairing costs for Nokia and many unsatisfied customers, who would prefer fix their phone in an hour or 2 instead sending it for Nokia Care for 2-3 weeks ...
I updated my Lumia 820 and it said that update will take about 5-10 minutes. Now after 2 hours I have start screen.Should i still be waiting or try to remove battery ?
I got a red Nokia Lumia 920 with software version RM 821 APAC TW CV VAR RED - 1232.5957.1308.0001, the problem is that this is the software version that I bought the phone, is to Taiwan, I'm from Romania (Europe) and I would like to know if there is a version for my country or even Europe version I found on the internet a global version rm-821 europe swap, but do not know if it's good. Can someone help me ... Thank you.

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