Updates Pushed automatically?


New member
Nov 3, 2014
I am wondering if anyone knows how the updates are pushed - Perhaps Daniel can inquire. I think there are some behaviors that are a little different (i.e. double vibration for incoming call, showing battery meter when charging) that were not there in the last few days. I did not see an update notification and am wondering if they are pushing small incremental updates out.
they very well could be we wont know unless someone that owns it keeps an eye on the software version and report back in it changes and then we can all figure out what did change since MS doesn't like to give out change logs
Battery level while charging was there from day one and I'm pretty sure we'd know if an update was pushed.
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was thinking about this all day off and on. im going to give a wild guess at thit but the only scenario i can think of is that when the app is updated it will have the new firmware along with it if they have any
I thought it was only there if you have watch mode enabled. If you don't, then it doesn't show. Not sure where you are seeing it now, but if not in watch mode, it's new I think.
I got a notice about an update today, but when I tried to accept it, the update failed.I'm thinking this was a glitch because, nothing has changed and I'm not getting any new notices.
I am wondering if anyone knows how the updates are pushed - Perhaps Daniel can inquire. I think there are some behaviors that are a little different (i.e. double vibration for incoming call, showing battery meter when charging) that were not there in the last few days. I did not see an update notification and am wondering if they are pushing small incremental updates out.
I'm using uunbranded phone. I'll let ppl know if I got any update
I received a Band update this morning, but it failed to install due to a communication error between the Band and my phone (Lumia 925). I figured it was because the update attempt happened while the Band was in sleep mode. I tried to trigger the update manually by syncing, restarting the app, and rebooting my Band, but none of these did the trick.

Microsoft Band: 1.1.1933.0 09 R
Microsoft Health: 1.3.1023.1
I ran into the same. Failed background sync overnight due to a pending update. I accepted the update this morning and it failed and I no longer get notified of the pending update. I assume they pushed one and pulled it back for who knows what reason and we will probably get an update soon. At least we now know how the update process works (or doesn't work :winktongue: ) :)

EDIT: I have a AT&T Lumia 1520.
I got a notice about an update today, but when I tried to accept it, the update failed.I'm thinking this was a glitch because, nothing has changed and I'm not getting any new notices.

Yeah I got the same, spent a while trying to get the update manually through the app and the band itself to no luck. Hopefully we get more info soon.
It seems like there is an update for Windows phones. I am on Android and no update notification received.
I have been notified twice about a update and it failed both times, was going to stop at the store to see what they might know about it

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