USB3.0 on Lumia 2520, works or not

Jerzy Plieth

New member
Jul 23, 2014
When I bought my 2520 one year ago I had not any device with USB3.0 interface. So I used a simple USB2.0 adapter to connect a mouse, or external HD, or pen drive, at that time. When I bought an external USB3.0 card reader and USB3.0 adapter it turned out, that my 2520 didn?t ?see? the external device. Because the card reader worked well on my PC via USB3.0 I found out my USB3.0 adapter is damaged. Unfortunately with new and expensive USB3.0 adapter phenomenon repeated.
In the next step I sent 2520 to the repair center, because it was still under warranty. They confirmed the 2520 damage and yesterday I received the new one piece. When I loud my MS profile and installed all O/S updates, I connected an external USB3.0 device and unfortunately nothing has changed 
So the question is if I have no luck and the next 2520 has the same disadvantage, or maybe nobody has reported this problem ever?
Thanks for your opinion.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
I just tried a 32GB PNY USB 3 flash drive and a 1TB USB 3 hard drive and they both worked without a hitch. It did take a little bit for the drivers to be installed to read the hard drive. You probably need a connection to the internet when you connect your adapter. Also, if on a cellular connection make sure in settings that drivers can be updated over a metered connection otherwise it won't likely work. If that is all set then maybe there aren't drivers for your adapter.

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