Using the 1520 in 2017 - My Experience

Sorry had to go away for the weekend and didn't take the phone with me so couldn't provide much for updates. So far its still not enough to be my own daily driver but I'm trying to give this a go.

If I could figure out the battery drain with edge this thing would be such a beauty.
^ Is this a second hand phone? If yes, perhaps you might have to change the battery

I'd considered that but the battery is fantastic outside of Edge. If it's just sitting in standby or doing other tasks there's absolutely no issues. It's only in Edge that the drain just destroys this thing.
Have you tried disabling EDGE in the background? There are two ways.

1. Settings > Privacy > Background apps > Microsoft EDGE > Set to Off
2. Settings > System > Battery Saver > Turn it on and set to 100% or you can look for see which apps are using battery (or something like that, and block EDGE from running in the background)

^ For number 2, I don't have my phone with me right now, so I don't know the exact words. Will fix it at a later time.
Have you tried disabling EDGE in the background? There are two ways.

1. Settings > Privacy > Background apps > Microsoft EDGE > Set to Off
2. Settings > System > Battery Saver > Turn it on and set to 100% or you can look for see which apps are using battery (or something like that, and block EDGE from running in the background)

^ For number 2, I don't have my phone with me right now, so I don't know the exact words. Will fix it at a later time.

I have. I'm not sure what the big drain is with it. I'm still trying to tweak a few things to see if there are any improvements.

Have you noticed substantial drain with yours?
So I was actually listing the phone for sale here and was just playing with it a bit today and noticed some of that Phantom touch issue I've read a bit about. I obviously pulled the listing as I don't want to send somebody a faulty phone.

It seems to be something with the actual navigation bar or below that causes the issue. If I disable the nav bar and use the on screen keys by some tweaks in interop I have no issues. If I use the navigation bar occasionally it will pull me out to "recent apps" list so almost like it's long pressing the back button or sometimes Cortana opens.

Anybody have any ideas on this?
So strange. Using the onscreen keys makes it perfect so it's definitely some fault of the Nav bar or a short circuit or bent frame or something there. Weird.
Anybody have any ideas on this?

Check your phone by laying it face down on a flat surface like a desk. Push lightly on diagonally opposite corners (first one then the other), then switch to the other two and push lightly.

Does the phone "rock?"

Then you have a warped polycarbonate unibody from putting it in too tight pants pockets and sitting. This can cause the long, thin body to "mold" to the curve of your thigh.

If the unibody holds that curve some parts inside will not align correctly. Straighten the phone gently by degrees by twisting it carefully with your hands. Spot check your progress by redoing the "rocker" test every so often.

I had some phantom tap/scroll issues and this corrected it for me. Just be mindful of how you pocket the beast. And do the "rocker" test from time to time.
I never put in a pants pocket as it's always in a jacket pocket of some sort but I'll give this a go. This may have been an issue from before I got it. I'll see what I can find. Thanks!!
I've got my own set of worries and I am sworn never to get another 1520 ever again. Even if it's free.

Battery doesn't go beyond 80

Every time it freaking reboots it's in my pocket upside down

I am on the latest creators update.

I've got my own set of worries and I am sworn never to get another 1520 ever again. Even if it's free.

Battery doesn't go beyond 80

Every time it freaking reboots it's in my pocket upside down

I am on the latest creators update.


Weird. Mine is running like a champ. Did you try a hard reset?

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