I don't think it's outdated already and maybe they are waiting to release the devices with the 6.5 upgrade installed. But more than anything, I think HTC just under estimated how well this phone will sell, thus, not producing enough from the get go. (*I think I heard somewhere, they only started off with 4,000 units, but that could be completely false.*) So I think it's more like when the Wii was released. It was over a year or 2 before they were able to catch up with the demand and keep enough stocked in stores. Now I'm not saying that this is how long it will take for the TP2, but it will probably be best if you check online and in stores as frequent as possible because this may be your best chance to get one asap. When the next wave of devices come out, then you'll probably see this same situation again if you're not up on things.