Verizon Avail. of TP2


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Just talked to Verizon and was not confident they are going to ever get another TouchPro 2. They had no time frame and really could not provide me any timeline. :) Gotta Love Big Red! Put phones on your website you may never get again! :censored:


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Yeah, they've been sold out for a while now. Glad I ordered mine when I did. I wonder if there are any third party sites that have them for sale, like Wirefly. Have you checked those type of sites? Wouldn't hurt because like you said, there's no telling when Verizon will have them back in stock.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Way to go Verizon and AT&T your making Sprint look good. My nephew had been waiting for weeks for the Tilt2 it went up on the website yesterday but for premium customers only. He is pissed


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Just talked to Verizon and was not confident they are going to ever get another TouchPro 2. They had no time frame and really could not provide me any timeline. :) Gotta Love Big Red! Put phones on your website you may never get again! :censored:

ARGH!!!!!! After months of being totally frustrated with my AT&T BB Bold, I seen an add for the Imagio. So I went in to the local Verizon store yesterday to plop my money down on it to take one home. Well, off course they did not have one! But then the salesman showed me the TP2 and it was love at first sight! As I have big thumbs, I NEED a near regular sized keyboard, but also wanted a touch screen, and the TP2 fits the bill (and thumbs). But then when he was going to order me one, that is when I found out (like many of you) - there are NONE to be found, anywhere!!!!!! What is going on then? Is the TP2 already outdated before it had much tine out on the street? Is it already going to be replaced? Or is HTC (or Verizon) holding off to release ones now updated to Win Mobile 6.5? Or even better yet, remodeling it so it could be Win Mobile 7 compatible?

All I know, is I WANT ONE NOW! I can't stand another week, day, even hour with this lousy BB Bold!!!! And though tempted to see if Sprint has theirs in stock, I would much prefer Verizon because I have already a very bitter taste about the poor 3G service I get with AT&T, and don't know if Sprint would be any better (though maps show a bit more coverage than AT&T).

Any suggestions? Anyone want to buy a BB BOLD????


New member
Sep 17, 2009
I don't think it's outdated already and maybe they are waiting to release the devices with the 6.5 upgrade installed. But more than anything, I think HTC just under estimated how well this phone will sell, thus, not producing enough from the get go. (*I think I heard somewhere, they only started off with 4,000 units, but that could be completely false.*) So I think it's more like when the Wii was released. It was over a year or 2 before they were able to catch up with the demand and keep enough stocked in stores. Now I'm not saying that this is how long it will take for the TP2, but it will probably be best if you check online and in stores as frequent as possible because this may be your best chance to get one asap. When the next wave of devices come out, then you'll probably see this same situation again if you're not up on things.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Ok... still waiting. Want the keyboard.... but seriously looking at the Imagio or whatever the F its called. Need to ditch my storm before I flush it down the toilet.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Go to a Verizon store. If you plan on waiting online for one plan to wait longer. I went at the end of September (about a week and a half after they had sold out online) and ordered my TP2 from the warehouse. I will say that you wont get the instant rebate but you will get the $100 visa giftcard instead.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Just an FYI and rumorsville...

The Verizon people in my area are stating that the information is there on the 'restock/store stock' dates for the TP2... They are waiting for additional stock "PRELOADED" with WinMo 6.5. This is supposed to happen before the end of the month (Rumor they had heard from the uppers was October 20th - but we will see about that one...)

The other thing to keep in mind, if you look at VZW's history over the last year, they try to get every device they can for launch. Usually for a month or so after launch, they are out of stock in both retail and online channels. The Storm was this way, the Tour was that way (at least in-store) and I would imagine with the reviews it's getting the Imagio will be the same way.

Overall, just be a bit patient and they will have the TP2's in a few weeks. If not, the HD2 might be coming sometime in 2011... lol

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