The Trophy is a World Phone and will work outside of the US on GSM networks. You need to call Verizon and have them activate global roaming. Also, if you have an account in good standing (not sure of the definition of that) they will unlock the GSM part of your phone and you can use other SIMs in the phone.
I don't know if the process is any different with Mango since I haven't traveled overseas since I upgraded. I did have Verizon uplock my phone to allow for other sims, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
The Trophy is a World Phone and will work outside of the US on GSM networks. You need to call Verizon and have them activate global roaming. Also, if you have an account in good standing (not sure of the definition of that) they will unlock the GSM part of your phone and you can use other SIMs in the phone.
I don't know if the process is any different with Mango since I haven't traveled overseas since I upgraded. I did have Verizon uplock my phone to allow for other sims, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
Thanks - my concern was whether I still needed to call verizon to sim unlock the phone as I'd obviously reflashed with Mango whihc is not formally released. My intention was to get a local SIM card when I get to Europe.