No, it wont run Crysis (although, mid range hardware today should be able to run Crysis 1 with moderate graphics level) but, x86 on a phone is ONLY a really big deal to corporate customers when it comes down to it (who is REALLY going to care). You have companies who have Win32 apps that are very detailed to their company and that has been the biggest issue with phone lineup. No phones will run native Windows apps. If they can do a minor conversion with out changing all their code (comanies who made the software dont support it for example) and run it on a phone, it would be a big deal.
Now, if the benifits to a better app compatbilty (iOS/Android on WP/WM) and if there was a MAJOR jump in battery life, then it would be a big deal.
When it comes down to it to "Joe Sixpack", He wants a phone that runs good, good battery life and runs major apps....You dont need x86 support to get that.
Then you talk about the business companies, a RDP/Citrix option that will run on the phone will hold data security very well (no data on the phone, No direct access, only a remote session) that will be easy to use on a phone would be huge for banking and goverment type places due to the level of security required.
There always be different ways to do this. If a phone can run a old x86 Windows program that runs fine on a x64 processor, then I guess it would be pretty cool....but, for sure, I dont see it running Crysis
What I am trying to get at, the X3 with it's CPU, will do pretty much everything DESIGNED FOR W10M, as the x86 phone will. Is there really a NEED for x86 on a phone ?
Verizon support is no brainer for HP in the US. Largest carrier and a lot of companies use Verizon because of their coverage. If they want this be available for more customers, Verizon WILL happen.
I see HP allowing this through other sites, from Microsoft, direct on HP's site... Even if it's only through corporate customers only, a few weeks you'll always find a few available on ebay or Swappa...
Only problem if carriers dont get it, is no discounted pricing, if the phone is $799 (and $699-799 is my estimate), it will be $799....No carrier or promo discounts for a long time.
This will limit the access by a lot of people...