Verizon support?

My understanding is the the radio is set at Qualcomm for the SoC order and it is a preassembly of the phone process.

I could very well be wrong, but I have a strong impression that it is the case.

Evidence? Looks inside Field Test will reveal some frequencies/bands that may be enabled on some Windows Phone models. This would be Firmware switches that can be flicked off and on. No device I've heard of has "all the radios" waiting.

More evidence? The Nexus 4 is a pretty famous example. The Snapdragon S4 inside had some US LTE bands enabled, but disabled via firmware and hidden away due to lack of FCC certification. Hacks came out to enable LTE, but no hack in the world could coax out CDMA support. It just was not enabled on the SoC.
My understanding is the the radio is set at Qualcomm for the SoC order and it is a preassembly of the phone process.

I could very well be wrong, but I have a strong impression that it is the case.

Evidence? Looks inside Field Test will reveal some frequencies/bands that may be enabled on some Windows Phone models. This would be Firmware switches that can be flicked off and on. No device I've heard of has "all the radios" waiting.

More evidence? The Nexus 4 is a pretty famous example. The Snapdragon S4 inside had some US LTE bands enabled, but disabled via firmware and hidden away due to lack of FCC certification. Hacks came out to enable LTE, but no hack in the world could coax out CDMA support. It just was not enabled on the SoC.

EXCELLENT POINT = if accurate, sure "looks like" that "either" this "closes the door" - OR - there is a "special variant" like the Lumia ICON and the "international Lumia 930 variant"?

So, "bottom-line" may truly be = we simply do NOT - YET - KNOW and HP and Verizon are either still negotiating ???

ANY "Verizon WILL NOT OFFER an HP Elite x3" - that has been CERTIFIED on their network *** CONTRARY to the FCC 700 MHz auction "ground rules" *** would have surely made the Press by now !
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Mr. MacPhisto,

I don't know who your sources are or where you get your information, but none of what you are saying is true. This phone will not support Verizon or CDMA. Verizon wireless hasn't picked up a non Microsoft Windows phone for 2 years like you said they would a while back. Windows Phone has completely abandoned Verizon Wireless all together. I don't understand how you have all these sources or whatever and they always turn out to be wrong. It sucks
Well, I had heard from one VZ rep that VZW was still in negotiations with HP over the x3.

Now that may be for a "exclusive" model like the Icon, but if it is too crippled compared to the stock GSM unit, seriously considering going to AT&T since they are finally expanding into central Nebraska.
Well, perhaps a good sign - my Lumia Icon is 2 1/2 years old and was "discontinued by Verizon" almost 2 years ago !!!

I'd say Microsoft is SERIOUS about not letting us Windows 10 Phone users get left behind!

Verizon is set to upgrade Lumia Icon to Windows 10 Mobile on June 23

Verizon's Lumia Icon will be added to Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview program

The Verizon Lumia Icon - Windows 10 Mobile breathes new life into an aging flagship

After two weeks using Windows 10 on my VERIZON Lumia Icon and "how wonderful Windows 10 Mobile is" = there is no way that "a version of the Elite x3" is simply not part of HP's plan. I spent 15 years at HP and my HP friends tell me that they are on Verizon (Silicon Valley area) and the internal buzz is heavy over the Elite x3.

We shall see!
After two weeks using Windows 10 on my VERIZON Lumia Icon and "how wonderful Windows 10 Mobile is" = there is no way that "a version of the Elite x3" is simply not part of HP's plan. I spent 15 years at HP and my HP friends tell me that they are on Verizon (Silicon Valley area) and the internal buzz is heavy over the Elite x3.

We shall see!

Time will tell, IN THE US, a Phone OEM NEEDS Verizon to succeed. A lot of large corporate compaines have Verizon because of their coverage. Microsoft I am sure wants HP to get Verizon. If they can also PROMOTE the phone to reps to show the advanages to it, MAYBE WIndows Phone could turn around a little.

Verizon is really the big guns in phone carriers in the US, any phone needs to be on Verizon to have any luck succeeding..
This is the latest from our enterprise HP contact:

“We will be launching the HP Elite x3 with AT&T in the US. It will most likely also support T-Mobile, but is not yet confirmed. The issue with Verizon support has to do with their ongoing conversion of their CDMA network to VoLTE (Voice over LTE). To the best of my knowledge VoLTE support is still under development with Window 10 Mobile. We fully expect future x3 devices to have multi-carrier support, but it is not likely to be available at initial launch.”
This is the latest from our enterprise HP contact:

“We will be launching the HP Elite x3 with AT&T in the US. It will most likely also support T-Mobile, but is not yet confirmed. The issue with Verizon support has to do with their ongoing conversion of their CDMA network to VoLTE (Voice over LTE). To the best of my knowledge VoLTE support is still under development with Window 10 Mobile. We fully expect future x3 devices to have multi-carrier support, but it is not likely to be available at initial launch.”

Aww man, that stinks.
After two weeks using Windows 10 on my VERIZON Lumia Icon and "how wonderful Windows 10 Mobile is" = there is no way that "a version of the Elite x3" is simply not part of HP's plan. I spent 15 years at HP and my HP friends tell me that they are on Verizon (Silicon Valley area) and the internal buzz is heavy over the Elite x3.

We shall see!

Well, the "spec sheet is out" and NO Verizon !

Of course, there would be NO REASON to support the Lumia ICON on Windows 10 Phone *** IF Verizon and Microsoft truly intended to NOT to support Windows 10 Phone *** !!!

STILL NO "Official" word from HP on Verizon - or CARRIERS for that matter???
This is why I keep hoping that AT&T will buy out Viaero, a GSM provider that is squatting on the frequencies that AT&T could use to cover most of the western 2/3's of Nebraska and NE Colorado.

I had Viaero for a few months 4 years ago and they are one of the WORST companies to deal with, even worse than Verizon. Lousy support, no sales support. They fob off junk second-hand phones that are rejected in production runs by other carriers for quality/techincal issues, Viaero buys them up for pennies and sells them as a1 quality phones. They target specifically low-income users with sweetheart deals that basically rob them blind.

If AT&T would buy them up, then I would switch to GSM-based phones in a heart beat and be rocking the x3, a Blackberry Passport, any of the other high quality GSM phones instead of the weak units VZW still peddles.
What is the installed base - or best estimate - of TOTAL number of Lumia Icons "SOLD to date"?

We know that Verizon "dropped the Icon after less than a year" ... but, the Microsoft store "were directly selling them for many months after" as I had a number of friends buy them that way.

So ... I have read as low as 600,000 and as high as 1,000,000 ?

Anybody "know or may have read somewhere"?
HP's US website is now showing a US price of $799 for just the phone itself - but no real mention of carriers?
I think some of us are missing the point ...
IF enterprise customer ABC company wants the HP Elite x3 & they are Verizon subs ...
They'll subsequently be AT&T (or T-Mobile) subs, it's really that simple.
I think some of us are missing the point ...
IF enterprise customer ABC company wants the HP Elite x3 & they are Verizon subs ...
They'll subsequently be AT&T (or T-Mobile) subs, it's really that simple.

Not necessarily. There are some areas, especially in the more open parts of the US where AT&T is not a viable option.
Not necessarily. There are some areas, especially in the more open parts of the US where AT&T is not a viable option.

I'm reasonably certain that NO carrier works in 100% of the places (especially in the more open parts of the US) ...

That being said, my point is IF a company decides the HP Elite device is for them (or part of a larger solution) and the limiting factor is their mobile carrier, they'll switch carriers, rather than look for a different solution.

From what I've read, HP has a significant number of business customers clamoring for this device (read something about a pilot with certain customers already utilizing the phone). As mentioned elsewhere, Win Mobile provides the security solution coveted by businesses, that neither iOS nor Android can provide. HP allegedly built this device to spec for their Business customers with everything, because that's what they wanted.

This is what will (possibly) bring HP & Verizon to some meeting of the minds & drive a CDMA enabled version of the x3.
Obviously, this would benefit the consumer - time will tell.
... and that could boost WM10 beyond the current 1%, possibly facilitate consumer uptake.
The best advertising is word of mouth, if Joe Marketing uses this device for work & tells Bill Neighbor about it ... hmmmmm

Just my $.02
I'm reasonably certain that NO carrier works in 100% of the places (especially in the more open parts of the US) ...

That being said, my point is IF a company decides the HP Elite device is for them (or part of a larger solution) and the limiting factor is their mobile carrier, they'll switch carriers, rather than look for a different solution.

From what I've read, HP has a significant number of business customers clamoring for this device (read something about a pilot with certain customers already utilizing the phone). As mentioned elsewhere, Win Mobile provides the security solution coveted by businesses, that neither iOS nor Android can provide. HP allegedly built this device to spec for their Business customers with everything, because that's what they wanted.

This is what will (possibly) bring HP & Verizon to some meeting of the minds & drive a CDMA enabled version of the x3.
Obviously, this would benefit the consumer - time will tell.
... and that could boost WM10 beyond the current 1%, possibly facilitate consumer uptake.
The best advertising is word of mouth, if Joe Marketing uses this device for work & tells Bill Neighbor about it ... hmmmmm

Just my $.02

I couldn't agree more! But, "perhaps" some positive indication is that we have a a number of Verizon Lumia Icons that were originally "NOT on the Microsoft supported Windows 10 upgrade path". Then "magically" in mid-June, Microsoft Gabe Aul "announced" that us Verizon Icon users *** WOULD *** get Windows 10 and we did. In fact, a "new build" was just pushed to my Icon this morning OTA (over the air) and "no Verizon" process.

I'd say that is some hope that HP and Verizon and Microsoft are still talking !

BTW ... SEEING and using Windows 10 on my Icon - as my daily driver - for over a month now = it is AWESOME and I couldn't live or operate in business without it !!!
Verizon stands to lose more than the installed base of a business switching to a GSM carrier to get the HP Elite x3.
Usually, there are discounts for their employees on a consumer level ...
They could jump ship, also.

It'll take someone BIG to switch, before Verizon realizes they should get on board.
IF I was HP corporate sales, I'd be emailing Verizon with XYZ company picking up 50,000 units (as a trial). That could translate to 100,000 subs (or more).

It'll then be up to Verizon to play ball, request a CDMA version of HP, with streamlined / expedited approval.
Possibly HP reaching out, on behalf of a LARGE customer, especially if said Large Customer could get the same service on another carrier.
I live in Silicon Valley and worked at HP for 15 years - several friends say a Verizon version is coming and "officially" neither HP nor Microsoft nor Verizon have said "NO" - at least that I have read - only us techies that try to read specs.

I sure wish that HP or Microsoft would simply create a MVNO and turn Verizon into a "dumb pipe" and not let Verizon dictate what we can and can not have. I have been with Verizon far too long and am tired of their dictatorial business practices ... but, Verizon provides me with great coverage where I need it.

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