Verizon support?

I live in Silicon Valley and worked at HP for 15 years - several friends say a Verizon version is coming and "officially" neither HP nor Microsoft nor Verizon have said "NO" - at least that I have read - only us techies that try to read specs.

I sure wish that HP or Microsoft would simply create a MVNO and turn Verizon into a "dumb pipe" and not let Verizon dictate what we can and can not have. I have been with Verizon far too long and am tired of their dictatorial business practices ... but, Verizon provides me with great coverage where I need it.

I'd believe that ^^ to be true - even Verizon can't ignore (potential) subs jumping ship ...
HP appears to have the hammer ... Time will tell.
I live in Silicon Valley and worked at HP for 15 years - several friends say a Verizon version is coming and "officially" neither HP nor Microsoft nor Verizon have said "NO" - at least that I have read - only us techies that try to read specs.

I sure wish that HP or Microsoft would simply create a MVNO and turn Verizon into a "dumb pipe" and not let Verizon dictate what we can and can not have. I have been with Verizon far too long and am tired of their dictatorial business practices ... but, Verizon provides me with great coverage where I need it.

I do hope you are correct. I have an ATIV SE at present and would like to jump to the x3 on VZW. The price is steep, but I would be willing to pay it if the phone lives up to it's specs. Will be getting the lapdock and the wireless charger also. Wanting something to replace my big laptop out on job sites.
I'd believe that ^^ to be true - even Verizon can't ignore (potential) subs jumping ship ...
HP appears to have the hammer ... Time will tell.

I hope your right. Verizon has a bad taste with Microsoft in their mouth. Remember the Kin ? Yea, anyway. Verizon has not done very well with Windows Phone, and this is why they only carry a very limited selection of devices. So the possibility looks kind of dim for them to CARRY the X3 but, if they give it approval for their network is a whole different story.

Verizon has a lot of poor policies, LONG testing and trials before aprooval, so a lot of OEMS don't even like dealing with them but, they normally sell a lot of phones so it could be worth dealing with Verizon's BS...

Just like normal phones that are released on GSM then CDMA/Verizon, normally 3-4 months...

As for Verizon supporting this windows based device. I wont believe anything I read here till I see an official document from Verizon. WAY too many rumors on upcoming Windows Phone devices...Been on here too long to fall for that again...
Re: Who's Planning to Get an HP Elite x3

I don't see any carriers picking this up. If it's truly geared to enterprise customers and direct corporate sales, consumers who want it will have to pay full retail at HP or Microsoft.
Re: Who's Planning to Get an HP Elite x3

I don't see any carriers picking this up. If it's truly geared to enterprise customers and direct corporate sales, consumers who want it will have to pay full retail at HP or Microsoft.

I spent 15 years at HP in Enterprise Accounts and HP has a vast, worldwide network of all kinds of partners - plus a huge direct HP sales force - who can and will bundle this into a full end-to-end solution!

However, the "carriers" are still critical for moving the data and cell phone calls ... unless, an MVNO setup is used!

I assure you that a "very large solution deal" will not be thwarted by whether or not "Verizon" carries the device. Yes, there is a BYOD market in large Enterprises but there ALSO are enormous tens or hundreds of million dollar solutions that deliver, implement, setup and maintain the entire solution.

BTW, this is "how everything was done" before BYOD spread like wildfire and companies just "gave in" in an attempt to save money.
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Re: Who's Planning to Get an HP Elite x3

I assure you that a "very large solution deal" will not be thwarted by whether or not "Verizon" carries the device. Yes, there is a BYOD market in large Enterprises but there ALSO are enormous tens or hundreds of million dollar solutions that deliver, implement, setup and maintain the entire solution.

BTW, this is "how everything was done" before BYOD spread like wildfire and companies just "gave in" in an attempt to save money.

That's what I'm talking about!

There'll be a cursory outreach to Verizon ...
IF Verizon will NOT allow the HP Elite x3 on their network, we'll find someone who will.
The carrier is simply a conduit, there are more out there than Verizon.
Comcast is about to jump into this biz.
Re: Who's Planning to Get an HP Elite x3

That's what I'm talking about!

There'll be a cursory outreach to Verizon ...
IF Verizon will NOT allow the HP Elite x3 on their network, we'll find someone who will.
The carrier is simply a conduit, there are more out there than Verizon.
Comcast is about to jump into this biz.

Simply a conduit and there are already hundreds of MVNOs operating in the US alone ...

From the second URL = "Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) in the United States lease wireless telephone and data service from major carriers such as AT&T Mobility, Sprint Corporation, T-Mobile US, and Verizon Wireless, as well as the regional carrier the United States Cellular Corporation for resale."

Someone simply has to have it "Certified" and have the proper radios enabled !!!

See the lists below to others
Re: Who's Planning to Get an HP Elite x3

I spent 15 years at HP in Enterprise Accounts and HP has a vast, worldwide network of all kinds of partners - plus a huge direct HP sales force - who can and will bundle this into a full end-to-end solution!

However, the "carriers" are still critical for moving the data and cell phone calls ... unless, an MVNO setup is used!

I assure you that a "very large solution deal" will not be thwarted by whether or not "Verizon" carries the device. Yes, there is a BYOD market in large Enterprises but there ALSO are enormous tens or hundreds of million dollar solutions that deliver, implement, setup and maintain the entire solution.

It's not so much whether Verizon carries it, but rather if ATT/TMo have coverage. Where I live, we have several Fortune 100 facilities and multiple transportation cross roads. ATT only works outdoors half the time, and TMo piggybacks on them.

Unless HP is rolling LAN/internet cell extenders to get around coverage issues, an ATT/TMo solution isn't working where I live & work, or the larger region for that matter.

We've bought out ATT contracts for recruits we've wanted to bring on board.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Re: Who's Planning to Get an HP Elite x3

It's not so much whether Verizon carries it, but rather if ATT/TMo have coverage. Where I live, we have several Fortune 100 facilities and multiple transportation cross roads. ATT only works outdoors half the time, and TMo piggybacks on them.
Where the heck is that ??

Oops, just remembered, wife's cousin, lives just north of Baltimore, near some farmland - @ his house, virtually nothing works, T-Mo is the best, but spotty ...
Central Kansas, but you can see a diagonal across the state from NE to SW. South of that line it's pretty poor ATT, with any indoor coverage non-existent. Same actually for western half of the state.

We call it Smoke Break coverage - you have to go outside with the smokers to use your ATT phones.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
There was a Reddit conversation with a HP employee and he said no Verizon with this device.

Yeah, saw that myself. :-( Only hope is MAYBE Verizon gets a CDMA version worked out with HP, but not holding my breath at this point.

So ready to switch to AT&T if they ever get central Nebraska covered. I know, have heard some of the stories about them, but at this point, VZW isn't doing any better for me.
There was a Reddit conversation with a HP employee and he said no Verizon with this device.

If the CDMA radio is onboard, and LTE Band 12 or 13, then "from what I have read", HP merely needs independent certification for Verizon and not Verizon's permission.

It sounds like "negotiations are still going on" ... Verizon hates us is not a business decision, and Verizon is operating under FCC rules from their 700 Mhz spectrum auction several years back
If the CDMA radio is onboard, and LTE Band 12 or 13, then "from what I have read", HP merely needs independent certification for Verizon and not Verizon's permission.

It sounds like "negotiations are still going on" ... Verizon hates us is not a business decision, and Verizon is operating under FCC rules from their 700 Mhz spectrum auction several years back

Could present a problem for Big Red ...
If the CDMA radio is onboard, and LTE Band 12 or 13, then "from what I have read", HP merely needs independent certification for Verizon and not Verizon's permission.

It sounds like "negotiations are still going on" ... Verizon hates us is not a business decision, and Verizon is operating under FCC rules from their 700 Mhz spectrum auction several years back

Interesting idea. If anyone would want to go nose to nose with VZ about this, it may just be HP. They KNOW what kind of business market they would be missing not operating on CDMA, and maybe that is what Microsoft is hoping.

MS wants a third-party hardware manufacturer to make a good Windows 10 phone that would sell across all carriers.

HP can either work out a deal with Verizon to allow access normally, or if push comes to shove, they could enable the 700Mhz band with a firmware patch after the release. Keep in mind that all we have seen up till now is the current specs as they want revealed. They may not want to talk about the CDMA side till they see whether they can come to an agreement with Verizon.

I would LOVE it if on the official release day HP says "Oh, by the way, this phone will run on ANY CARRIER you want, GSM or CDMA." That would be a thumb in the eye of every other phone maker out there, especially if they announce the first 250,000 phones had already been purchased and shipped to corporate clients prior to the general release. Watch VZW squirm then.

I know, wishful thinking, but it is still fun.
Interesting idea. If anyone would want to go nose to nose with VZ about this, it may just be HP. They KNOW what kind of business market they would be missing not operating on CDMA, and maybe that is what Microsoft is hoping.

MS wants a third-party hardware manufacturer to make a good Windows 10 phone that would sell across all carriers.

HP can either work out a deal with Verizon to allow access normally, or if push comes to shove, they could enable the 700Mhz band with a firmware patch after the release. Keep in mind that all we have seen up till now is the current specs as they want revealed. They may not want to talk about the CDMA side till they see whether they can come to an agreement with Verizon.

I would LOVE it if on the official release day HP says "Oh, by the way, this phone will run on ANY CARRIER you want, GSM or CDMA." That would be a thumb in the eye of every other phone maker out there, especially if they announce the first 250,000 phones had already been purchased and shipped to corporate clients prior to the general release. Watch VZW squirm then.

I know, wishful thinking, but it is still fun.

I couldn't agree more !
If the CDMA radio is onboard, and LTE Band 12 or 13, then "from what I have read", HP merely needs independent certification for Verizon and not Verizon's permission.

Verizon operates the 700 MHz portion of their LTE on Band 13. A device having Band 12 does not matter for Verizon compatibility.
OK, so in the Reddit thread, CDMA was asked but not Band 13 as I recall?

I really can't be bothered reading Reddit. I looked in because someone sent a link and then I was right back out after about 5 posts or so. I find Reddit very sloppy and just a mess of all kinds of stuff mashed in together. Too much chaff and not enough wheat, IMHO. Like TwitFace. I just don't want to sink my time into something so nutritionally empty.

Here's what I think about X3 coming to Verizon. Look at Lumia 950 and 950 XL as the model. Rinse and repeat as needed.

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