I decided to start a separate thread for this issue. Who else is having the problem?
I am not getting voicemail notifications of any kind when someone leaves me a new voicemail. No toast notification/sound/icon. Nothing. The only way to see if I have any voicemails is to call voicemail or actually open the visual voicemail app (and even that is a shot in the dark because that app sucks).
Sprint has been no help and they claim it is a Microsoft issue or a Samsung issue. In the last conversation they even told me to call Samsung for help and gave me their number. Samsung was worse than sprint and their support crew seemed to know nothing about the Neo. They kept asking if it was a galaxy! They even had me try a hard reset and of course that didn't help and only caused me more headache.
I've uninstalled/reinstalled the visual voicemail app several times. Nothing has helped. I have the latest version from sprint.
Apparently the HTC 8XT users are having the exact same issue. One sprint rep told me they are waiting for a Microsoft hotfix but it has been almost 2 months and still no resolution.
I'd be happy if I could just revert back to the old voicemail system (non visual voicemail) but even that doesn't work on this phone. I don't get vm notifications. My old arrive worked perfectly.
I am not getting voicemail notifications of any kind when someone leaves me a new voicemail. No toast notification/sound/icon. Nothing. The only way to see if I have any voicemails is to call voicemail or actually open the visual voicemail app (and even that is a shot in the dark because that app sucks).
Sprint has been no help and they claim it is a Microsoft issue or a Samsung issue. In the last conversation they even told me to call Samsung for help and gave me their number. Samsung was worse than sprint and their support crew seemed to know nothing about the Neo. They kept asking if it was a galaxy! They even had me try a hard reset and of course that didn't help and only caused me more headache.
I've uninstalled/reinstalled the visual voicemail app several times. Nothing has helped. I have the latest version from sprint.
Apparently the HTC 8XT users are having the exact same issue. One sprint rep told me they are waiting for a Microsoft hotfix but it has been almost 2 months and still no resolution.
I'd be happy if I could just revert back to the old voicemail system (non visual voicemail) but even that doesn't work on this phone. I don't get vm notifications. My old arrive worked perfectly.