Voicemail notification not working


New member
Jan 8, 2007
I decided to start a separate thread for this issue. Who else is having the problem?

I am not getting voicemail notifications of any kind when someone leaves me a new voicemail. No toast notification/sound/icon. Nothing. The only way to see if I have any voicemails is to call voicemail or actually open the visual voicemail app (and even that is a shot in the dark because that app sucks).

Sprint has been no help and they claim it is a Microsoft issue or a Samsung issue. In the last conversation they even told me to call Samsung for help and gave me their number. Samsung was worse than sprint and their support crew seemed to know nothing about the Neo. They kept asking if it was a galaxy! They even had me try a hard reset and of course that didn't help and only caused me more headache.

I've uninstalled/reinstalled the visual voicemail app several times. Nothing has helped. I have the latest version from sprint.

Apparently the HTC 8XT users are having the exact same issue. One sprint rep told me they are waiting for a Microsoft hotfix but it has been almost 2 months and still no resolution.

I'd be happy if I could just revert back to the old voicemail system (non visual voicemail) but even that doesn't work on this phone. I don't get vm notifications. My old arrive worked perfectly.
Happens to me as well. On the Sprint Community forums, it's happening to pretty much everyone, whether you've got a Samsung or the HTC 8XT. Sprint's Customer Care has responded by saying they're "Looking into it" or that it's a "Known problem", but I haven't seen anyone point fingers on who to blame yet.
Well I made a second trip to my local Sprint corporate/repair center store and they were unable to help. The tech looked at it a while and said there is nothing they can do. They admitted that neither wp8 device in the store works for voicemail notification and I would have to wait for a software update. They have no information on a software update or how long it would take. I told them I didn't want the device if voicemail doesn't work as it should but they wouldn't refund my money and allow me to return it. They said I was past my 14 day window and there is nothing they can do. I argued for a good while about how it didn't work out of the box and I've been trying to get it fixed with them for weeks. They wouldn't listen and said they couldn't let me return the device. So basically Sprint has no solution and we are stuck with these things. No returns. LMAO! BBB time!
it's only the 2nd windows phone on sprint, so it's bound to have a bug or two. if you get a missed call, just press the voicemail icon - it's quick. mostly text nowadays.
Ahhhh... so it's not just me. I did get a vm not (visual voice mail) icon on the lock screen once but it seemed to just stick there for a while and hasn't shown up since. I am getting audio notifications though. What's "toast" notification??
im having the same issue with my lumia 520. I was actually singing the praises of windows mobile until this happend :(
Toast notifications are when you get that bar that shows up across the top of your screen showing "something", like a text message for example. You can tap it to go into the app requesting your attention, slide it off the screen to the right, or just let it fade away.

The voicemail thing is a slight inconvenience. I've just gotten in the habit of checking it when I have a missed call or two. Takes little effort to hit the dialer app and push the voicemail button. Still, you'd think this type of bug would've been rectified post haste since it should've been found by QA people paid to look for bugs like that in the first place.
A sprint rep on twitter had the audacity to say "were not aware of any known issues with the vvm on wp8" ....and said I should take it to a service center.... I work at one lol
Two of my co-workers have this same phone from Verizon and their voicemail notification works. Why/how did Sprint break it? My previous Windows phones from Sprint worked perfectly. VERY annoying. I've had this phone since May/June 2013 and it's still not fixed. (Got it from Sprint on the second day they had it.)
Two of my co-workers have this same phone from Verizon and their voicemail notification works. Why/how did Sprint break it? My previous Windows phones from Sprint worked perfectly. VERY annoying. I've had this phone since May/June 2013 and it's still not fixed. (Got it from Sprint on the second day they had it.)

I have asked sprint repeatedly how they broke the voicemail indication, since it works on all other carriers. I have the HTC 8XT, see my last post on page two of the voicemail thread in that forum.
Sprint finally release a fix for there Visual Voicemail this morning everything work, except for the Voicemail icon not showing on the lock screen untill you open the app; the good thing is that it finally work lol;-)
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I would not say that everything is working then....My Live tile has been working since day one. I cant get past the authenticating...to download any messages
I would not say that everything is working then....My Live tile has been working since day one. I cant get past the authenticating...to download any messages

The update had the downloads working (but only when I opened VVM), I had to do a hard reset yesterday, and now I'm in the same boat as you...can't get past the 'Authenticating... Please Wait...' message, so it never downloads anything.
What I met is; before the sprint voicemail update. I never got any banner or sound or icon notification when I received any voicemails at all! but now I do except for the icon notification not showing up on my lock screen!:grin:
I have this issue with a Lumia 520 on Vodafone UK. It stopped working until a month or two ago, and Vodafone are saying they can't do anything about it as it's a software problem. Text message and call notifications of voicemail work fine if I select them as voicemail options, but I can't get the voicemail icons back, which is really frustrating!
I have this issue with a Lumia 520 on Vodafone UK. It stopped working until a month or two ago, and Vodafone are saying they can't do anything about it as it's a software problem. Text message and call notifications of voicemail work fine if I select them as voicemail options, but I can't get the voicemail icons back, which is really frustrating!

Fortunately for you, your voicemail issues are not related to ours. Sprint disables the delivered WP8 voicemail functionality and replaces it with 'Visual Voicemail' by Smith Micro Software. Our voicemail issues are caused by the crappy software from Smith Micro Software on Sprint WP8 phones and aren't related to yours.

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