W10 for phones your opinion of the event news?

My opinion is I love the new look
I also adore the new office in styling and look although in all honesty I don't think id use it unless there's something I have to absolutely change or edit, I try to keep to one device when I use office (My Surface 2)
The start menu looks gorgeous finally going with the transparent tiles, although kind of sad to not see the tiles getting advanced functionality like widgets in android and on desktop, and the new design for apps such as outlook, the photo gallery, the settings menu and the Xbox apps look fantastic I personally love it and view it as an advancement on metro hope to see it in further advancements of windows 10 through the gdr builds aswell as maybe some interactive live tiles (probably being a little wishful there, oh well)
Updated action centre and actionable notifications is more than welcomed.
I really hope there's more to see before final release ^.^
also got a bit disappointed on the design choices! alas, it's just an early stage and once they release the preview for Insiders, there will be thousands of feedback and months of polishing.

I just hope they keep it as user choice to use current start screen design (black/white with background in tiles) OR add a wallpaper and choose tiles opacity.

I'm pretty sure if they remove the ability to keep the start screen the way it is now, many and many users will be displeased.

this is a good way of solving the personalization problem, since you'd be able to do a lot with your screen!

well,we can only speculate about stuff, it was a quick tour thru main features and we'll only know better once we have the Preview!
There is no downside to this as it is a preview. Obviously, a finished product I would be a tad more critical. But for what this is- a huge update with about 70% ready to go and a preview coming to phones/laptops- I am very excited.
It was pretty ho-hum. It was the bare-minimum we expected it to be--Windows Phone with a universal app market. It's not x86-based or anything, so we won't be playing Steam games on the PC or anything.

Smartphones are going to still be driven more by apps than anything. For example, my phone is still primarily for listening to music and texting. Any modern phone can text, but music can be iffy on a per-platform basis. I'm really wanting to see a revamped Xbox Music, where it doesn't tag everything incorrectly, launch slowly, and need to spend 2-3 minutes updating my library on my device after each sync to my phone.

Basically, I ended up not caring about the phone announcements. The shrinking keyboard for one-hand use was neat, but I don't intend to get a large device. The backgrounds are whatever, but I'm not that intrigued. The improved settings are a slight convenience. Instead, I'm looking at it from the perspective of someone without a widespread set of uses for his phone, hoping my core experiences on Windows Phone (music, gaming) get better. Let's hope Xbox on Windows 10 phones isn't just local network streaming, but a re-commitment to getting third-party devs to accept things like LIVE and Achievement integration.
I like the overall idea and the supercool new features, but what bothers me is that "Has Microsoft got rid of the beautiful Metro UI forever?"

Don't get me wrong. I liked everything Microsoft offered in W10, but the new UI.....It just keeps bugging me. Dunno why? Anyone alse feel the same??
Yeah, I also agree that there was some interesting stuff in there, but the least interesting, and the thing that received the shortest shrift, was phones.

I'm also in agreement with the view that doesn't see how universal apps changes the argument for developers and closes the app gap, and app quality gap for phones and tablets.

There isn't a compelling argument that the developers at Parrot drones or Tinder or Snapchat or Pinterest, or Pebble watches, or Nest thermostats, need to reach out to Windows desktop or laptop users.
And why would they, their services are essentially mobile related, that need to tie in to a phone's GPS, positioning, bluetooth stack, etc.
It may prevent someone like a Chase bank from pulling their app from the Windows store, but little else.

I'm also irritated that they're essentially rebuilding the Music app, from scratch, *again*. Who knows what features they'll strip out this time, before they promise to eventually put them back in months later.
I am very happy with wp 8.1 and big changes would I not like to see in the way it works. The miner changes are bigger thn they look like and in my opinion, the changes improve the system.
They keep that what I love from wp 8.1 and improve it.

the only thing I missed and hope to see is the function than you can make phone calls ns sms from your pc that is connected by wi-fi with your network.
Whattsapp is working already great on the pc with my wp. I onl hope that they will ad support for other browsers than only chrome.
But that in an app in win 10 would even be greater.

What a day, I am more impressed than I was ever before by Microsoft. Microsoft found there way to the top cross platform.
I loved the event yesterday and cant wait to get the windows 10 on my pc and phone. Now I am not sure if this has been covered but coming from India, I just want to know if everything they announced yesterday including the February launch for phone preview is a global thing or if it will take that much longer for everything to come to India.

While I am huge fan of windows phone currently using my Lumia 925, the irritating thing with windows for me has always been how I am never sure of getting any of the new features in time. I was lucky that I got my phone when I was in the UK, subscribed to the developers preview and hence got the Denim roll out very early and hence have been using Cortana and other features for a while. It is still not as good as how Cortana is in the US but I already cannot do without the remind me feature and few other features of Cortana. But it does pain me to see how limited my Cortana is compared to how people use it in the US. I have friends and family with Lumias that still dont have Denim or Cortana.

So can someone please clarify what the situation would be for me in India? Will I be able to try out the preview when it comes in February? And will that technical preview for phones be recommended for not an 'expert'?
I loved the event yesterday and cant wait to get the windows 10 on my pc and phone. Now I am not sure if this has been covered but coming from India, I just want to know if everything they announced yesterday including the February launch for phone preview is a global thing or if it will take that much longer for everything to come to India.

While I am huge fan of windows phone currently using my Lumia 925, the irritating thing with windows for me has always been how I am never sure of getting any of the new features in time. I was lucky that I got my phone when I was in the UK, subscribed to the developers preview and hence got the Denim roll out very early and hence have been using Cortana and other features for a while. It is still not as good as how Cortana is in the US but I already cannot do without the remind me feature and few other features of Cortana. But it does pain me to see how limited my Cortana is compared to how people use it in the US. I have friends and family with Lumias that still dont have Denim or Cortana.

So can someone please clarify what the situation would be for me in India? Will I be able to try out the preview when it comes in February? And will that technical preview for phones be recommended for not an 'expert'?

The Windows 10 preview would most likely be available through PFD/Windows Insider app. So yeah, it should be available everywhere at same time, without any carrier restrictions either (for US-based people).

IMHO, You can try the preview but it is advised to make a backup before trying such maneuver.
There needs to be some cutting edge hardware announced by April or windows for phones will be a distant memory. I was expecting something closer to windows rt on a phone, which would blow Android and ios our of the water. Instead we get a safe tweak to an existing operating system that can run on two year old bottom end phones. Drop the Nokia/Lumia low end strategy and come out with the surface phone already.

Sorry to break it to you bud but they ain't here to please you, they're here to try and make money by establishing a presence. It's a known fact that the only way for them to break large into the smartphone market share is to aim for the low end. That's not saying they shouldn't make flagships at all, they definitely need one and they've announced they'll be releasing one summer 2015 so cool down! :)
I loved the event yesterday and cant wait to get the windows 10 on my pc and phone. Now I am not sure if this has been covered but coming from India, I just want to know if everything they announced yesterday including the February launch for phone preview is a global thing or if it will take that much longer for everything to come to India.

On another note, I have Lumia 520 in India, and have Cortana since launch through PFD, and recently after complete reinstall got Denim update too without PFD. So most other Lumias should get the update too in no time.
For Cortana, you may have to change the phone language/region to English(UK or USA), if your relatives haven't already.
I wish as the start menu is transparent, the action centre for both desktop and phones would also be transparent.......
For an early built I think it looks great. New UI more cohesive to w8.1/10, the new universal apps seems better (office, skype, photo etc). Improved wordflow, changes in our lovely Cortana. I must say that I am surprised for all these changes. It's definitely a huge change. Now we can wait for the preview and ask for changes.

Ps the new settings look promising
From what they showed today, It seems the strategy for phones is to make Windows 10 a total success in PCs, and expect some people to say, "hey, I love Windows 10, I would like this same experience in my phone". From what they showed today, there isn't a new feature in phone itself that could alter the market position of the product.

This is exactly what they're doing. They've effectively put Windows Phone on the back burner for now. They've acknowledged that consumers don't really care much for change in the smartphone market which is why Windows Phone failed. When enough people get tired of Android/iOS and they've used Windows 10 on their PCs that's when the thought may pop up in their heads: "my PC kicks *** I'd like my phone to be like it." (or something to that effect). That's when Windows Phone's time will come as it'll be waiting patiently in the background of the smartphone market quietly humming along with the financial support of its low end devices. Well it makes sense looking at it objectively from a business point of view. Look at it from the point of view of a Microsoft fan boy and they'd say I'm just a "hater" or "pessimist" lol.
I was disappointed to hear that Lumia camera is going to the other OEMs. Mainly because it should be exclusive and I consider the others irrelevant.

After today, I am actually okay with it. I still think it is stupid but less so as Lumia still has exclusive features to the app it appears so I'm okay with that :P

They are trying to make those other phones appear more relevant I guess lmao. Other than that I am quite happy with windows 10 preview
With all this talk about cross platform and devices interaction I certainly hope I will be able to access my network shares from my phone. It's such a basic feature and it baffles me that they haven't implemented this yet.
I was disappointed to hear that Lumia camera is going to the other OEMs. Mainly because it should be exclusive and I consider the others irrelevant.

After today, I am actually okay with it. I still think it is stupid but less so as Lumia still has exclusive features to the app it appears so I'm okay with that :P

They are trying to make those other phones appear more relevant I guess lmao. Other than that I am quite happy with windows 10 preview
I completely disagree with this Lumia exclusivity thing, Lumia camera is far superior than the native camera app so having it as a Lumia only app would make people think that good things only come to lumias which gives a bad impression to OEMs, it's just like Google saying that the next Android will be for nexus phones only,of course no one would want to buy other manufacturer's phones with outdated software and that's the thing that Microsoft never cared about with Lumia denim which came out in just the time HTC had launched the m8 for windows, Lumia exclusivity isn't good for Microsoft, windows phone or OEMs and that's what i think is the reason Lumia camera will be exported to other phones and it carrying the same Lumia camera name makes me wonder if other OEMs will support such a title.
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