I don't understand.
It seems as if you're saying it would be better to push Continuum on Windows 10 Mobile and skip Windows on ARM because nobody wants to run windows desktop apps on a 5" screen, but that's just a false dichotomy. If we're willing to use a W10M phone using continuum it stands to reason we're using the phone with a larger screen + keyboard / mouse. Ok, so at that point, at the point you're using the Continuum that was "pushed the dogcrap out of" with a large screen, keyboard and mouse, you've just made exactly the case for Windows 10 ("full") on a phone anyway!
Because again, as has been pointed out repeatedly, once you're carrying what is effectively a Windows PC in your palm, with a 5" screen, why would you NOT want to be able to run those larger apps when connected to the very same devices you'd connect to using Continuum???
I just think people continuously fail to understand that a Windows 10 running on ARM would give us all the options currently available as far as form factors are concerned. We're NOT limited to full W10 software on a 5" screen, and we're NOT limited to W10M apps using Continuum. We'd be able to run both scaling UWP apps on smaller AND larger screens, and we can then choose to NOT run full apps on smaller screens and instead reserve that for when we hook up to a larger one....
I mean... am I missing something here or?