I'm finding once the OS installed it hasn't been too bad (usable) with most issues related to drivers and such relatively easy to resolved (in my case), my gripe though is getting the OS to install in the first place, the Fall Update so far appears a tad better but still too much of a hit-n-miss affair, I cringe thinking about those who are not as proficient in technology having to deal with this garbage.
I was an early adopter of Win8, and expected to find more problems than I did. It installed easily, and was stable from the get-go. It took me a little while to adopt to the UI, but once I got that down, I became a real fan. I'm part of the small minority that much prefers 8 to 7.(My office computer is still on 7, and when I use it I always feel as if I'm going back in time to something a little more primitive, even though I wrote glowing reviews of Win7 when it first came out.)
So, I figured, why not take the plunge with Win10? I've tried twice, without much luck. I understand that an OS transition Inevitably messes stuff up here and there and requires some fixing. I'm OK with that. But both times it was the instability -- the PC stopping dead in its tracks for no apparent reason -- that drove me back to 8.1. The good news is that the downgrade worked perfectly both times, and 8.1 was as reliable as ever.
I figured I'd wait for November and try again, but I'm seeing so many reports of upgrade and instability problems, that I'm now thinking it's better to wait till next year -- or maybe longer.