W10 Slow Startup - help?


New member
Nov 1, 2014

Since upgrading to W10 from W8.1 I've noticed it's a lot slower booting up. I have added nothing new to the start up sequence. I actually removed Spotify.

Is there a good way to measure start up time? I usually open up task manager and check out processes - see what's being heavily used. I use resource monitor and there is very high disk activity - any way to capture and post it? Screenshot I guess?

Eventually, it stabilizes but that takes about 7 minutes.

I find Edge browser does not always automatically have the cursor in the text box, I have to manually click there as well.

I tried defragging (but it always is pretty much done). Anything else to suggest? Or tips to troubleshoot?


Mr. V
After upgrading to Windows 10 it's reccommended to leave the PC switched on fgor 24-48 hours to allow it to run tasks like further updates & to index everything. When I downloaded 10 my startup was slow too as well as navigating the computer, after leaving it as above everything ran smoothly for me & startup was quicker too.
So I have already upgraded (a few months ago). And it is still slow. So leave it on for 48 hours?

Thanks for your input!

After upgrading to Windows 10 it's reccommended to leave the PC switched on fgor 24-48 hours to allow it to run tasks like further updates & to index everything. When I downloaded 10 my startup was slow too as well as navigating the computer, after leaving it as above everything ran smoothly for me & startup was quicker too.
If you haven't left the PC on continuously for 24 hours at least then yes try that.
When I upgraded to Win 10 my laptop was also slow, I didn't know about leaving it turned on so every night I would put the laptop into sleep for weeks it was slow on startup & in use, after leaving it turned on it became quicker.
update - my computer now has a 'memory' problem. But this never happened before - just after the latest patch... I hate hardware, and patches... Ok all computers today
That is one reason why I went back to 8.1. Boot to desktop takes 14 seconds in 8.1 - windows 10 took in excess of 45 seconds. Also had wired networking issues so reverted and will give it time for bugs to be ironed out before trying again.
Doing a clean install may fix it

I've heard that before but have also read that a windows 10 upgrade IS a clean install because it creates a new (clean) partition. I'm no PC buff so it is beyond my personal knowledge but if true then an upgrade should = clean install.

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