[W10M] Enable DNG Capture on Your Lumia Phone

I have found lighting and distance will have a profound effect on this. High ISO will have greater noise. You need good enough lighting to bring the ISO down to at least 100 or less to reduce the noise the sensor picks up. Less noise on the sensor = sharper image.
I'm well aware of how this works. I'm a Remote Sensing scientist. My point was that the camera's post-processing does a great job of balancing sharpening and noise reduction (color & luminance). It does this at any ISO, but as you've mentioned, this becomes more obvious as the ISO increases.
I'm well aware of how this works. I'm a Remote Sensing scientist. My point was that the camera's post-processing does a great job of balancing sharpening and noise reduction (color & luminance). It does this at any ISO, but as you've mentioned, this becomes more obvious as the ISO increases.
I'm sorry as I didn't mean to seem condescending to you on it. We have a lot of amateurs interested that don't understand the process, and it helps to give them a thorough explanation from time to time. Usually when I post something like that I'm aiming at a more general audience for educational purposes. I just don't have the time for it like I used to.
The app does not show up neither in extras(Settings) neither in all apps Lumia 640 app version InteropToolsApp_0.0.173.0_arm

While InteropToolsApp_0.0.2.0_arm did show up in extras, but I wanted to use the latest version possible.
I tried that on a spare 920, I do have the DNG option but it doesn't save the actual file, can anyone confirm that its supposed to be working on the x20s ?

I have set up all the paths correctly, But I guess there is something missing for the 920, because I can select the JPEG+DNG option, its just not saving the DNG file
I am on the same situation. Lumia 1020 with 10.0.14393 build with DNG registry enabled.
The app shows me DNG option, but when I shoot, app only creates a jpg.

I have set up all the paths correctly, But I guess there is something missing for the 920, because I can select the JPEG+DNG option, its just not saving the DNG file

I am on the same situation. Lumia 1020 with 10.0.14393 build with DNG registry enabled.
The app shows me DNG option, but when I shoot, app only creates a jpg.

I've just combed through my 1520.

You may need to create the following (fill in any missing steps in the path):
"Interop Tools > Registry Browser > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > OEM > Nokia > Camera > RFC > Resolution > DngCapture_NeededBufferSize"
This needs to be set as an Integer with a value of 26508288

Deprecated, see post #76 below...

OP updated as follows:

Here is a link to the latest version of the tool ( Beta). ARM

Download and unzip. You need the tool and 5 dependencies that are bundled in a sub-folder.[/INFO]
After downloading and unzipping, connect your Lumia to a PC via USB. (Or transfer the file by another method if you prefer.)
  • Navigate to the root folder of the device and place the ARM folder there.
  • On the device go to Settings > Update & Security > For developers > highlight "Developer mode" by tapping on it > accept the warning and tap "Yes." (Note that you may want to come back after the tool is installed and restore your default.)
  • Close Settings and open File Explorer
  • Navigate to the root folder of the device and open the ARM folder > open the ARM Dependencies folder > tap on each file in turn and tap "install" for each when the dialog box pops up (there are 5 dependencies in total and you should install all 5)
  • Navigate back up the directory tree to the ARM folder > tap on the tool > accept the advice and tap "install." (Note that the tool should be signed in the advice by "gus33000" and if it is not I don't know what the heck you are doing - get out of there!!!)
  • The App should appear on your All Apps list and you may pin it to Start
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I've just combed through my 1520.

You may need to create the following (fill in any missing steps in the path):
"Interop Tools > Registry Browser > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > OEM > Nokia > Camera > RFC > Resolution > DngCapture_NeededBufferSize"
This needs to be set as an Integer with a value of 26508288

View attachment 129986

Thank you really much for helping. I did it carefully but nothing changes. Keep saving to 34mpx JPG. :(
I tried this on my Lumia 650, but without success. For some reason changing the value from 1 to 0 had no effect, however after some more testing I found out how to make it work!

It seems that for newer MS devices, the path is different:


So if you are unable to make it work using the original path, try this alternative method.
I suspect it will be needed for all new MS devices (550/650).
So if you are unable to make it work using the original path, try this alternative method.
I suspect it will be needed for all new MS devices (550/650).

The OP was updated with your helpful information, Dano91, including credit to you. Thanks for contributing.

OP was also updated as follows:

Here is a link to the latest version of the tool ( Beta). ARM Folder

Download and unzip. You need the InteropToolsApp, the 1.8 Beta and 5 dependencies that are bundled in a sub-folder.

After downloading and unzipping, connect your Lumia to a PC via USB. (Or transfer the file by another method if you prefer.)

  • Navigate to the root folder of the device and place the ARM folder there.
  • On the device go to Settings > Update & Security > For developers > highlight "Developer mode" by tapping on it > accept the warning and tap "Yes." (Note that you may want to come back after the tool is installed and restore your default.)
  • Close Settings and open File Explorer
  • Navigate to the root folder of the device and open the ARM folder > open the ARM Dependencies folder > tap on each file in turn and tap "install" for each when the dialog box pops up (there are 5 dependencies in total and you should install all 5)
  • Navigate back up the directory tree to the ARM folder > tap on InteropToolsApp appxbundle > accept the advice and tap "install." (Note that the tool should be signed in the advice by "gus33000" and if it is not I don't know what the heck you are doing - get out of there!!!)
  • Tap on InteropTools_Beta > accept the advice and tap "install." (Note that the tool should be signed in the advice by "gus33000" and if it is not I don't know what the heck you are doing - get out of there!!!)
  • The App should appear on your All Apps list and you may pin it to Start

Note that the above includes an updated component which will expand the Tweaks section of the tool. For best results I would recommend unistalling Interop Tools and reinstall the packages as outlined in the new version of install steps.
Great info @RumoredNow. I had not searched for this thread yet, but posted my own little snippet for enabling this on my Idol 4s. But I was more after the Capture living images option which is not there by default, and accomplished it. BTW what does Barc stand for?
But I was more after the Capture living images option which is not there by default, and accomplished it. BTW what does Barc stand for?

Could you add LI hack in here? Please and thank you.

Barc? I really could not say...
After adding the below keys and values I enabled the Capture Living Images option in my default camera for the Idol 4s. I have not tested DNG capturing though.

Add Key:
Name: Barc

Added these values under the Barc Key:
BarcVersion String=101.1

DNGDisabled Dword=0

IsEnabled Dword=1

Let me know if it works for you.

Like posted above MMO will have camera keys too, but I have not added anything else, since for now Capture living images works, which was my goal.

Adding the same key values above to [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\MMO\Camera] give the same result. Not sure why but DNG can be selected but the files do not save. Actually I have been leaving out the Key "BarcVersion" since I have no clue what it is or mean anyway, and capture living images still works.
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