W10M Insider Preview 14267 (Redstone branch - for devices released with W10M)

Oh, that has been a feature forever!
It happens to me when using Bluetooth so I try to keep the Bluetooth volume to no more than 25 or so and it happens less frequently.

I do wish there was an option to disable that "Safety" feature.
Seriously? I never noticed it before on earlier builds !
I just ended up doing a hard reset. Remember to back up first. Then the update worked for me.

I'm tempted to do an HR without backup, as I carried over my backup from my L1020 which was running the Insider preview for quite some time. Still contemplating that...
Not sure if this was mentioned yet. Too lazy to sift through all the posts.

App list scrolling has improved greatly over previous build. Scrolling vertically is faster, smoother, and does not scroll horizontally back to the START SCREEN accidentally.
Seriously? I never noticed it before on earlier builds !

I use Bluetooth earbuds when at work and to my Bluetooth radio in the car. I listen to music but some YouTube programs and I often have to turn up the volume to listen to some programs and then when something is louder it will trigger the volume safety feature.

It happens almost weekly and has happened with every build for a year now.
So I set my 950xl on a bag of ice (just in case) and let it update.
I forgot all about it until I heard a notification for a message after it finished.

So far so good.
And it wasn't hot when it was finished. :-)
I have Lumia 950XL and fast windowss insider
I tried to update my phone to new vuild but I keep getting erorr 0x80073712
what I suppose to do?
I have Lumia 950XL and fast windowss insider
I tried to update my phone to new vuild but I keep getting erorr 0x80073712
what I suppose to do?

I had to restart, cancel download, switch to production build, restart, switch to Fast, restart,then it worked
I have been working on it about 2 days and all the time I got 2 % only under installation
Someone suggested here that I should stop windows insider and do the update.
I did what he said, and it actually started to download and installed it
What when it came to restart after installation I just get angry face
And lumia restart again and again
I have been working on it about 2 days and all the time I got 2 % only under installation
Someone suggested here that I should stop windows insider and do the update.
I did what he said, and it actually started to download and installed it
What when it came to restart after installation I just get angry face
And lumia restart again and again

Apply the hard reset key combination, or use Windows device recovery tool
Mine is the 950 Dual SIM,
FWRN : 01078.00027.15506.02004

Phone is 'back from the dead' for 3 hours now with the .107, no problem, stability is back. ;)

It's a bit scary if the same model can have different behaviors... what a headache for Microsoft. :)

That's not the newest firmware. Can someone on the new firmware confirm if this build works for them? I'm currently on the fence. Don't want to mess up my phone.
Hey I have 14267 on L950XL with Latest firmware and it works solid .. First you should force a Firmware upgrade then go to 14267
Hard reset solved most all my problems with 14267 on my dual SIM 950XL. It's only been a day but the only remaining problem I notice is I can't change the notification sound on some third party applications. Not a big deal for me since I have my phone in vibration only mode more than 90% of the time.

I wish I had bit the bullet and did the hard reset sooner. It was the inability to open Outlook Mail and calendar that forced the issue for me. I was a little surprised I had to restore my start menu manually after the reset like back in the bad old days. That ate up quite a bit of time. Maybe I could have avoided that by refreshing my backup? The error message I got was "we could not restore some of your applications ." Some applications, including Here maps/drive/transit, did not download until I manually added them from MS store. Anyway, everything seems stable for now, more news to come.
Hi all, so on my Lumia 950 with latest firmware I did the 14267 update. Terrible experience with yet again several at random restarts, startupscreen not starting after trying to wake it up (just see the red upper right led), at random lags in apps, and resets after opening certain apps. Pfoe. Unreliable at present. So I thinking of doing a hard reset. Any tips before doing so ? Can I restore a backup after that or will that render my phone in the same state ?
Aside from MS Health no longer working, I've experienced the 'camera black out for a second when launching' issue and I've also experienced the Glance screen won't wake up issue. A soft reset fixed that and I haven't had it happen since

My big test here was the Skype integration with messaging. Since they included all the Skype moji's and such in the new Messaging build I figured i'd try it out... bad move.

While it works fine and messages come and all that jazz, in 5hrs I was down to 67% battery. Today is a standard work day for me and my first with these integrated (I use skype at work a lot) and boy it was hot in my pocket at one point and battery sense is now showing a massive increase in use with more background than "in use". Meanwhile a regular day with the apps separate, I would usually go below 70% at the end of my work day.

Integrated Skype+Messaging:
7am - 12pm = 33% battery usage

Not integreated (separate apps):
7am - 5pm = 30% battery usage

So why the hell does it need to use SO Much more battery to sync messages on this app but no where near what the old one requires? I can't see a reason to want these integreated if it stays this way. I also like having notifications on my Glance screen that show me skype and text messages separately, this isn't really an option with them integrated.

In the time it took to post this and futz around, i' now at 50% battery and i'm not even touching my phone (turned on wifi for 2 min, checked for Firmware update, disabled wifi" So with this integration i'm at 50% battery usage in about 5.5 hrs.

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