W10M Insider Preview 14267 (Redstone branch - for devices released with W10M)

Id be able to live with the voicemail issue if it was only visual voicemail, but I'm not receiving notifications for voicemail at all (not on the lock screen or the live tile). I'm going to have to rollback. Other than that the build is very stable.
Gotto say, HUGE improvements with Continuum on this build. I had major problems getting the sound over to the TV previously, but now it just works. It's also streaming more reliably to the Wireless Display Adapter. There's an issue with using the phone screen as mouse though, unfortunatly. Couple of other issues are sound on message notifications are missing, and Health app won't sync with motion data from the phone.
I know they mentioned Visual VoiceMail was not working but (unfortunately), I found out I could no forward or use an alternate voicemail # either. This was the first time I had to roll back to a stable version. I can deal with intermittent bugs etc. but (for me) VM and call forwarding has to be stable.
I know they mentioned Visual VoiceMail was not working but (unfortunately), I found out I could no forward or use an alternate voicemail # either. This was the first time I had to roll back to a stable version. I can deal with intermittent bugs etc. but (for me) VM and call forwarding has to be stable.
Sometimes you have to get the carrier involved, if you can't modify the "forward to voicemail" destination for example. That happened to me once and not on an insider build.
i cant get the build, though am on insiders fast ring on phone.
i tried the release preview ring back and forth, still nothing
i cant get the build, though am on insiders fast ring on phone.
i tried the release preview ring back and forth, still nothing

Just to be sure, you have a 950 , 950xl, or the 550 right?

If so, you can try using Windows Device Recovery Tool. Be warned, it will wipe everything. Also, do not opt to restore from backup for best performance. Good luck.
Does anyone know how to fix lumia motion data? I saw their is way to fix MS Health but im using the fitbit app and after this update it does not sync anymore. Also I noticed when listening music through earphones it stops sometimes.
So far this build has been almost worse than the one installed on my 950 when I bought it (.29). Now I can't use any messaging app because after few word the whole phone freezes and reboot. Terrible.
I'm going to reinstall an old build through WDRT.
Same issue with Gadgets: The app will tell me that my Band 2 is connected even when in flight mode (phone and band). Also tells we that my car Bluetooth is not connected even when I am in the car, and Driving Mode is clearly active.
Since the update, every time I use my headphone jack on the 950 XL, after unplugging it the phone volume control only has the option of controlling headphone volume, as if it still thinks it is connected. Restarting the phone fixes this.

Although the volume control is incorrect without headphones, ringtones and media still plays through the speaker.
So far this build has been almost worse than the one installed on my 950 when I bought it (.29). Now I can't use any messaging app because after few word the whole phone freezes and reboot. Terrible.
I'm going to reinstall an old build through WDRT.

Yep it's a horrible disappointment. A year long beta has produced crapware
On *.107 I was doing pretty good. Everything seemed to be fine. I moved to *.1002 and its been horrible. First, I only upgraded (didn't reset or anything). I was getting random points where the phone would just simply freeze and I'd have to do a reset (just hold the power button down til it restarted). It happened a couple times so I was like, lets do a reset. So I did a factory reset, did *not* restore anything from backup. The freezes still occur and worse, after one of these freezes and restarts, I couldn't get a start screen. It just said "Loading..." indefinitely and the action center wouldn't even open. I'd scroll it down and it'd disappear before it would even fully open. Glance wouldn't work either, though I could lock and unlock the phone normally. I did a clean reboot (because the power button was responsive, as was the touch screen to slide the power down) and that did not alleviate the problem. I had to do a force reboot (hold down the power button til it restarts) and that caused it to reboot into a usable state. Is anyone else having similar issues with this build?

Also, on a separate note, what is the correct terminology for various types of rebooting and resetting. I know people say things like soft reset, hard reset ,etc. but what means what. Like, when I hold down the power button to force it to restart, is that a soft reset? If i do a factory reset, is that a hard reset? Just curious.

Edit: What's the latest firmware version for the Lumia 950XL Dual Sim US Unlocked variant? I have 01078.00027.15506.02005. If I don't have the latest, i'm wondering if that could be a cause possibly.
Also, on a separate note, what is the correct terminology for various types of rebooting and resetting. I know people say things like soft reset, hard reset ,etc. but what means what. Like, when I hold down the power button to force it to restart, is that a soft reset? If i do a factory reset, is that a hard reset? Just curious.

Edit: What's the latest firmware version for the Lumia 950XL Dual Sim US Unlocked variant? I have 01078.00027.15506.02005. If I don't have the latest, i'm wondering if that could be a cause possibly.

For Microsoft phones there are 2 main resets.
Soft reset = hold in the power and volume-up buttons at the same time for roughly 10 seconds. A soft reset doesn't delete anything from the device. It simply provides a means to resetting the device that's frozen.
Hard reset = Also known as factory reset. Reset your phone to the factory shipped state, erasing all settings, downloaded apps and data. This can be done by either going through the operating system menu or using combo "down volume/power/camera button"
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I'm going to be lazy and not read all the comments to see if anyone else is having theses issues.
1. Phone locked up yesterday where I couldn't get it to let me in. It was working still, but I couldn't get to the lock screen.
2. Iris scanning just doesn't even try. This is fixed by a soft reset, but still really annoying that it just stops working over night.

I'm on a 950 with At&t and the fast ring.
Hello there, i got this preview update the day it was available on my Lumia 950XL, so far it looks smooth overall, though lately i found a few bugs:
-I'm no more able to change ringtone, going into settings-personalization-sounds when you touch the ringtone you have it should open a window with all the ringtones available, though now when i touch there it does nothing and after a few seconds settings app crashes sending me back to the phone home
-Groove stops playing songs after a while, i use to work-out listening to a playlist of songs i've got saved on my phone, though now after a few songs played it just stops and won't start the next song, and i have to restart the phone to have Groove work.
-That's really a small issue but now when i open the camera app or i switch from camera to video recorder the screen flashes for a instant.
Also last night the phone completely froze while i was on What's App, touch screen or power button weren't responding, and after a few seconds it just restarted on its own, though it happened just once so far.
So anybody else is having these issues on 950XL? Could someone with the same phone tell me at least if you have the same issue trying to change the ringtone? I already did a soft reset but i'd rather avoid the hard reset...
I also have the same issue with groove, camera app and phone regularly freezing. It all seems a common theme with most on this thread.:angry:

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