Sometimes you have to get the carrier involved, if you can't modify the "forward to voicemail" destination for example. That happened to me once and not on an insider build.I know they mentioned Visual VoiceMail was not working but (unfortunately), I found out I could no forward or use an alternate voicemail # either. This was the first time I had to roll back to a stable version. I can deal with intermittent bugs etc. but (for me) VM and call forwarding has to be stable.
i cant get the build, though am on insiders fast ring on phone.
i tried the release preview ring back and forth, still nothing
So far this build has been almost worse than the one installed on my 950 when I bought it (.29). Now I can't use any messaging app because after few word the whole phone freezes and reboot. Terrible.
I'm going to reinstall an old build through WDRT.
Also, on a separate note, what is the correct terminology for various types of rebooting and resetting. I know people say things like soft reset, hard reset ,etc. but what means what. Like, when I hold down the power button to force it to restart, is that a soft reset? If i do a factory reset, is that a hard reset? Just curious.
Edit: What's the latest firmware version for the Lumia 950XL Dual Sim US Unlocked variant? I have 01078.00027.15506.02005. If I don't have the latest, i'm wondering if that could be a cause possibly.