W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Lumia ICON here. While I am really glad to see they fixed many of the Groove playback issues this build is otherwise a mess. Battery life for me is ridiculously bad. My battery dropped 40% on a 20 min. commute to work in which I never once touched my phone. I cant even stream groove via bluetooth with my phone on a Nokia Fatboy wireless charger, the charger simply cant keep up. Data connectivity issues up the wazzuu. Sometimes Groove will tell me I cant play music pass songs downloaded locally because it cant sign in (which is the whole point of locally downloading the song). It cant sign in because wifi & cellular connectivity is spotty causing me to restart my device.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

yes, there is no xiaomi brand on that selection...
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

hope they release a new build closer, like last time....
You took a nice risk, try googlin, I used once upon a time some flashers.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

anyone having keyboard issue the past 2 builds? IE Cortana Notebook cannot add new news topic. keyboard pops up but no text entry. same for new texts sometimes.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

The update process was fast, less than 40 minutes from downloading the update to its finalization. No particular problems immediately, but some remarks of the last 24 hours:
- Three random reboots in the middle of applications (email, twitter, pictures)
- Battery has remained good, no problems
- LG television with webOS doesn't connect over Miracast. This was fixed two Redstone builds ago and now it is broken again. Microsoft wireless adapter connections work ok
- Brightness settings are somehow messed up
- Programmes running from SD-card are slow in comparison with the Threshold builds

Over all it feels much more stable than the previous Redstone build, despite the three reboots.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

My device also seems to running rather hot. I have airplane mode turned on and I'm streaming local music from groove via bluetooth, its warm (some may call it hot) to the touch. It's plugged in & it still cant charge fast enough.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

No, the Store is a MESS. I'm sitting here on a Lumia 950 with OneNote in eternal "waiting" mode. It will not update, no matter what. And I HATE this stupid "Recent Activity" garbage. What the heck is that? I don't CARE about recent activity. I only care about what I'm trying to update right NOW.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Lumia 1520. Clean install (WDRT-> 8.1, insider 10,586,107-fast ring > 14342). No backup recovery.
Only three problems:
1. Uninstalling one app, it remains in the app list with blank icons. If you click, you generate black screen for a few seconds
2. Sometimes, in edge or in settings, the keyboard does not appear in the text boxes (I had to try three times to write this message)
3. by mail and calendar, does not bear the name chosen for the same account. I end up with Hotmail, Hotmail 2, Hotmail 2 (I have three different accounts on hotmail). Even if you change the account name (by mail and calendar or settings) the account name, in the mail and calendar, does not change while it is displayed correctly in settings, account.

Note: Microsoft Translator crashes if you try to change language. Problem which is present from the first version 143xx
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

In my L1520 the problem is definitely related to the cellular data connection, with wifi and all services on the problem dissapear, with cellular data on (3G or LTE), the battery drains and the device overheats!! We need a new build, we must send feedback to MS using twitter, feedback hub....
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

This build is the most troublesome build ever, i mean seriously. My phone lags like hell, i mean it takes 5 seconds to type A LETTER and my phone screen (lumia 830) is flashing black every time my phone starts lagging again. I did a soft reset and for some reason and I have the same problem to the point my phone is unusable.I had the stuck on the windows logo problem whilst updating yesterday and sorted it out. I think i might just revert to 8.1 and install the official Windows 10 Mobile but again, I really don't want to leave the insider preview. It breaks my heart :(
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

This build is the most troublesome build ever, i mean seriously. My phone lags like hell, i mean it takes 5 seconds to type A LETTER and my phone screen (lumia 830) is flashing black every time my phone starts lagging again. I did a soft reset and for some reason and I have the same problem to the point my phone is unusable.I had the stuck on the windows logo problem whilst updating yesterday and sorted it out. I think i might just revert to 8.1 and install the official Windows 10 Mobile but again, I really don't want to leave the insider preview. It breaks my heart :(

Do you accept a suggestion by heart? If tomorrow phones still goes strange, go in Settings -> Restore, for reinstall last update again and clean
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

After a loooooong download and subsequently resolving my Store Update issue, I have come to to really like this build. For me, and my needs, it is the best build yet....by far. Everything I have used, or tested, is working for the most part (Cortana's still a little bitc#y).

950XL, DS (1/2 is use), USA
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Lumia ICON: I went back to 8.1 using window recovery tool and then installed Windows 10 without restoring and when done did a reset from phone>about basically hard reset and then put in all the apps that I want and still facing all the problems. Battery draining faster than charging, lags everywhere. Seems Start menu is using up most of the CPU. Hope MS puts a new build to fix the major battery drain issue on Lumia Icon.

So basically, no using going back to 8.1 and putting back Windows 10. You will still face the same problem. I have already hard reset my phone 3 times!

Also I tweeted to @gabeaul and @windowsinsider about this issue and asked for new build. Hope others do the same and let MS know how bad this build is.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Lumia ICON: Battery draining faster than charging, lags everywhere. Seems Start menu is using up most of the CPU. Hope MS puts a new build to fix the major battery drain issue on Lumia Icon.

Also I tweeted to @gabeaul and @windowsinsider about this issue and asked for new build. Hope others do the same and let MS know how bad this build is.
Single handedly got the Icon taken back off the supported list?!? :angel:
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)


When the screen is OFF in developer mode the cpu go to 50-60%
When the screen is ON in developer mode the cpu go to 10-15%
(xiaomi mi4)

WTF? How can i tell it to MS?

I am trying to disable timeout of the screen and take brightness to minimum...
Update of my mi4
with the cellular data turned off the phone seems to be ok. No hot, no battery drain even with the screen turned off or on.
Tomorrow i will test it without cellular data, now is under charge (for the 6th time in 3 days...).
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I just installed the update a couple of hours ago. My Lumia 640 froze on the logo during the update. After 1hr, I soft reset by holding Pwr+VolDown until it vibrated and it rebooted and continued the update.

Reading through the thread, I saw the post about the scaling issue and the daddyleagues.com/madscrubs webpage so thought I'd try that - I had a typo in my typed URL so I tapped the kb joystick left and it did not respond. Then I noticed nothing was responding - the keyboard/scrolling/Edge/the volume buttons/the Power button - none of them worked. A moment later the phone began to buzz and vibrate... and it did not stop!

After 2 minutes of the phone vibrating and the phone still unresponsive, I plugged the phone in to my AC charger, and with no change, performed a soft reset (held 11 seconds). Phone rebooted and issue has not reoccurred.

I've got a long list of (Feedback filed) minor annoyances and suggestions for improvements but my main complaints with W10M are still not addressed:
  • Apps crash randomly ALL THE TIME. This has only been an issue during the last few months - when I first installed W10M on this phone back in December 2015, it was rock solid. Happened to me on this build at least 11 times (not exaggerating) during the 30 minutes or so that I was typing this message, while using each of Feedback Hub, Word, and Edge. It's a frustrating experience. And I can barely get through 15 minutes of Wordament gaming without the app crashing on me these days. Very frustrating!
  • Phone is is often sluggish - switching between apps, bringing up KB, expanding webpage menus. Responsiveness was not an issue back in December.
  • Edge History doesn't work. I don't believe it has ever worked for me in W10M. Works on my other WP8.1 phone though.
  • Scrolling in Edge stops working randomly. This began in previous build, and I was able to reproduce this after only a few minutes of using this latest update.
  • Keyboard doesn't pop up in some web text boxes or doesn't disappear. example: this website - I cannot reliably type replies on this forum using my W10M phone because the keyboard often doesn't open when I tap the Message box. Happens on lots of forums.
  • BLOCKER, in my opinion: With ENG(CA) keyboard and language set "English (Canada)", and with Speech language set to "English (Canada):-
    1) in the kb word suggestions, US-English spellings are given greater priority to ENG(CA) and in many instances the Canadian spelling is nowhere to be seen! ex: I type the letters "col" and "color" is the first suggestion while the correct ENG(CA) spelling "colour" or any of its derivatives are not suggested. Typing "col" in Word, I see "color cold college colors collect Colorado Columbus Cole colored Columbia closed Cpl. Vol come coming cool com completely". Typing "colo" gives me: "cool color colors colorful colors colony colon colonoscopy cologne coloring Colorado coliseum college computer comp coop complete collapsed completely". Typing "colou" gives me: "color computer computers colour colourise compulsive....." (and note that "colourise" is not a Canadian spelling).
    2) Auto-correct often changes the correctly-typed Canadian-English spelling into incorrect American English. ex: I type "colour" and tap the space bar and the word I typed is changed to "color". The changing of spellings from ENG(CA) to ENG(US) is not consistent - ex: "metre" is changed to "meter" automatically but "theatre" is left as typed.
    3) Using Voice Dictation via the kb microphone button produces text written in a foreign language, specifically ENG(US). In my test, ALL of the words that I used that are, in Canadian English (and British/Australian/South African English) spelled with "-re" or "-our" endings, were inserted automatically via W10M dictation with American "-er" and "-or" endings. The same is true for "-lling" "-lled" words, too - such as "travelling" or "travelled" which in American English use a single l.
  • Paste icon is often greyed-out even when an item is successfully on the clipboard and can be pasted via press-and-hold menu.
  • After returning to a text-entry area (on a web-page, in Word, or OneNote), sometimes the existing text becomes "invisible". Has happened since the last few builds and continues in this build
  • Flashlight cannot be used while phone is using external power. So if you have Flashlight turned ON and then plug in to the AC charger, the camera LED (acting as flashlight) turns OFF, even though the Quick Action button is 'ON' (blue). Being plugged in does not affect the Camera app's use of flash, but it does affect the use of the LED in apps that utilize it like the heart-rate monitoring app NeoCardiograph.

For the keyboard issue in edge, when the keyboard doesnt repond or pop up, tap on the address bar, it will show up, now tap back on where you wanted to enter your text, it will now start taking keystrokes in that text bar in one or two taps, Lumia 640 here.
And the flashlight never has worked for me while my phone is charging on AC power ever since I bought the phone more than a year back when it was on WP 8.1.2 and still never does if its on charging. This is something to do with the phone's LED type, I rememeber it being advertized somewhere back as "Dynamic Flash", may be it has got something to do with it.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I am stuck on logo screen as well, I haven't tried rebooting it yet to see if it passes that screen. Hoping it will load eventually if I wait it out but it's been like this a long time now.
mine fixed removing the SDCard and reboot
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