W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I'm doing the new update now on my Icon. I'll report the idle CPU usage as soon as it's done.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

My Icon was also having to be charged every hour or two, even with light usage. I also work in an area with very poor "Extended" reception on 3G or 1x sometimes, and everytime I left there, I'd have to reboot the phone to get LTE working again. And Groove wouldn't play any songs that were downloaded locally. Not sure if the battery drain from the communications service was causing that issue too, but it's very difficult to use this phone on this build.

As soon as I can get enough battery power up, I'll try tonight's update. Fingers crossed.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Ran the .1003 update on my Lumia Icon--stuck at the dreaded Windows Logo of Doom again. Will wait the requisite 40ish minutes and it's getting a soft reboot. Maybe it'll solve the battery issues...
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Same with me. Stuck on the Windows logo. Already tried soft rebooting prior to waiting 40 minutes. Still stuck after soft reboot. Waiting the 40 minutes now before doing another reboot.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Anyone cellphone signal fluctuating after the 14342 update? Have a dual sim 950xl.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

First update to 1003 didn't take, am now trying again. FYI the update to 14342 1001 took 3 tries before success never had any dreaded hangs on windows screen.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Waited nearly an hour and did a soft reset--and it's migrating my data! Only one reboot this time...progress!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I think that battery drain is not solved with cellular data connection, according to Windows Insider twitter account ("We are actively investigating this issue"). In my L1520 problem persist!!! :unhappysweat:
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

First update to 1003 didn't take, am now trying again. FYI the update to 14342 1001 took 3 tries before success never had any dreaded hangs on windows screen.

Gears are now spinning, a good sign
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I hope .1003 helps... I really don't want to run WDRT on my Icon again, too damn laborious. I can stand other bugs, but I just want the battery drain issue to go away.

NEW POST: No improvement per battery drain, just as bad as .1001
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

What really annoys me is loosing l my WhatsApp chat history when doing a restore or WDRT, is there any way to get that back?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

This didn't fix the battery drain issue on my Icon. Idle CPU usage with cellular enabled is still around 50% and draining the battery fast.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I certainly hope not. They need to test better. I can certainly help them, just need them to hire me! :-)
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Battery life seems to be about the same as prepatch, unfortunately. Will monitor overnight but it's warmed up quite a bit.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Here's my task manager after a few minutes of idle time. That service that doesn't seem to need network is killing the phone, maxing out a core. Every now and then it goes away, but then it comes back with a vengeance. This is after today's patch.

EDIT: Now it's chilled out for some reason. We'll see if it maintains...
EDIT 2: Nope, it's back, lol
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

One of the worse builds for me and my L930 once more - the heating and battery drain issue is back again, quite big time. :-( And yes, I have already reported it in the Feedback Hub.

I am really happy Microsoft is releasing the new builds fast and I know this is a fast ring preview, however, the last couple of builds are like a see saw in terms of heating and battery drain. The first Redstone build was terrible, then it was fine, now quite terrible again... We will see. :-) But I like the updated notification design (only white icon on black background, without the accent color).

I’m experiencing crazy battery drain – about 2% per minute. Tried a software reset and everything – just installing the update 14342.1003 now – will report back on if it fixes it or not

UPDATE - Nope, still draining my battery
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

There are notes in the Feedback Hub to sign out of the Photos app. Seemed to stop the service from pounding the cores, for now... Hope that helps.
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