W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

i used the recovery tool and recover my wifes 830. I'm now having to update her device to 14295 at which point I'll try using the recovery tool to get her apps, homesscreen, etc back the way it was before being stuck on the windows logo screen with at latest update and having to roll the device all the way back.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

yes, I noticed the Edge problem this morning. I expect there will be an app update soon to put that right. Meanwhile, I will just use one of the other three browsers I have.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I spent less than 24 hours with this build. Too many issues for me, couldn't deal with the loss of Quick Actions, and battery was crap. Rolled back to 8.1 using WDRT and now I'm on Official Release Build 10586.318 after a hard reset and fresh install. Battery is back to normal, everything works again, and couldn't be happier!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

950XL dual SIM: I was stuck on the windows logo all night. Several soft resets and batter removals didn't help. Finally, I was resigned to doing a hard reset and having to restore all my data and apps. I held down the 'volume down' button and then pressed the power button until the exclamation point appeared. I then released the power button and the volume down button, then pressed the power button. The display went black for a moment and, to my delight, the "we're getting things ready, step 1 of 7" message appeared. The update completed normally from there.

Another poster mentioned there could be update activity taking place while the windows logo is showing. I don't remember any other update getting stuck on the windows logo for anything close to this long. Well, anyway, happy days now. The update seems to have improved overall performance.


Thx, at the spinning wheels now :-)


I found the following two methods of hard resetting the Phone, only the second one turned out to work:

1) First press and hold the Camera + Volume Down + Power buttons simultaneously. Then release the Power button when the phone vibrates – but continue to hold down Camera and Volume Down. Then release the camera button and Volume Down when the Format prompt is displayed on screen. Then press Windows button twice to confirm.

2) Turn the phone off. Then press and hold the power key until it vibrates. Then release. Press and hold the Volume Down button. If the exclamation mark is displayed, then let go of the button. Then input the follow sequence of keys: Volume Up – Volume Down – Power – Volume Down.

Hopefully it will get through the install this time around :-)

Thx again,

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

yes, I noticed the Edge problem this morning. I expect there will be an app update soon to put that right. Meanwhile, I will just use one of the other three browsers I have.

I must have missed something; what Edge problem are you referring to pepsicocom?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

The text size is out of proportion and causing at least some pages to resolve incorrectly. It might not affect people who have their devices set to use a smaller text size. It began happening after the update.

I must have missed something; what Edge problem are you referring to pepsicocom?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Upgraded to 14342 when it came out. My phone finally seemed to work again as designed. The prior couple of updates had it locking up and apps crashing and I found myself rebooting multiple times per day. I seemed to have a rather stable phone ... until the .1003 update took me back to apps crashing (Outlook) and multiple reboots since the update last night. Battery drain is really bad, too. I've been using Microsoft OS phones since 2002 and I am just about ready to give up.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Upgraded to 14342 when it came out. My phone finally seemed to work again as designed. The prior couple of updates had it locking up and apps crashing and I found myself rebooting multiple times per day. I seemed to have a rather stable phone ... until the .1003 update took me back to apps crashing (Outlook) and multiple reboots since the update last night. Battery drain is really bad, too. I've been using Microsoft OS phones since 2002 and I am just about ready to give up.
0003 works fine on most of forumers. They made it out faster for fixing 0001 iussues.
First soft reset, then left phone plugged and caching 24 hrs
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

What a terrible build with 1003. My 640 XL was working like it was on a final production mobile OS, no major issue, great performance, no crashing or rebooting and insane battery life of 2 days. Since the 1003 update I basically received the SDCard scanning recommendation as all my apps were offline, Apps crashing all over the place, apps like weather and sports just coming up with white screens, Groove just crashes, Windows Central app using 39% of battery and my battery since disconnecting this morning is already at 51% when I usually have 75% by the time I go to bed. I realize we are insiders but it's ridiculous that the difference is SO drastic. It's like I'm back to running alphas or something.

At least my speech language actually downloaded so one thing fixed at the sacrifice of everything else.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

What a terrible build with 1003. My 640 XL was working like it was on a final production mobile OS, no major issue, great performance, no crashing or rebooting and insane battery life of 2 days. Since the 1003 update I basically received the SDCard scanning recommendation as all my apps were offline, Apps crashing all over the place, apps like weather and sports just coming up with white screens, Groove just crashes, Windows Central app using 39% of battery and my battery since disconnecting this morning is already at 51% when I usually have 75% by the time I go to bed. I realize we are insiders but it's ridiculous that the difference is SO drastic. It's like I'm back to running alphas or something.

At least my speech language actually downloaded so one thing fixed at the sacrifice of everything else.

Did you made anything... like a soft reset? Groove works well
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

What a farce this Insider Program has descended into.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Did you made anything... like a soft reset? Groove works well

Tried soft reset but didn't help. Seems I can't install app now either, they download and install then get stuck at "restoring user data". I guess I'll have to do a hard reset.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

On a serious note, whoever in the insider team that adviced to release .1003 must have been sleeping. It's worse than the .1001 Was enjoying stability, speed and good battery until this 'thing' came to destroy all. Am very pissed.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

On my 950 XL US I'm really loving this build. All of the items I was having issues with are gone. The phone is actually working perfectly!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Finally the phone (950) is usable after a while (seemed long enough) with 1001/3. Still can't add a package in cortana notebook. In 1001 I was able to type in with 1003 that's gone. Can't paste nor can type in tracking no.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

640LTE upgraded in the morning today and stucked to windows logo for three hours. Tried soft reset many times but no result. Then I got nervous and made a hard reset by hardware keys and phone recovered to a last version of W10 Insider (.1003) Intresting. It reinstalled all apps again and working fine. Battery consumption is quite quick at this moment but I think it will calibrating and stabilizing after few charging cycle. Waiting for next update. Same rumba again?
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I can also confirm that turning off the Cellular Data on my Lumia Icon has resolved the battery issues (on build 1003). As I don't travel too much and it's only for personal use, this isn't a huge deal and given the fact that I willingly joined the Fast Ring, these issues just make me only slightly annoyed. It's a risk any of us take joining this program and the fast ring--I just hope this issue won't last all too long!

I think sometimes we need to step back and realize we're willing testing pre-release software and issues like this are bound to happen.
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