W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

My phone froze twice. It's either the Bluetooth or the sd card.
Just like blackberry I had to pull the battery.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Recharged the phone mid-day. Before using did a soft reset, as I never did one since the update was installed. Now the battery drains at about 3% per hour with normal usage. Some hotspot usage, some phone calls, texts, and a game. After 4 hours I was only down 12% this time.

I am VERY happy with the battery life on 14393 on my Lumia 640 LTE.
Your Excellency the Retired Senior Ambassador, RHAPDOG,
Allow me to thank you. One of the fixes provided by 393 for my ICON 929, as listed by His Highest Excellency the Ambassador Team Leader, RumoredNow, was supposed to be a fix for excess battery consumption on ICONs. Upon updating to 393 I hadn't noticed it.
Your Excellency mentioned doing a Soft Reset and noticing a great improvement. As fate would have it I haven't had to do a Soft Reset for a long time and didn't consider it.
After reading Your Excellency's post I tried the Soft Reset and can see a very good improvement in my battery life. It will take me a further few days to accurately assess how much improvement
I just wanted to thank you, Your Excellency.


Peace. Alan :winktongue:
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.0]
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

My 950XL DS just blanked for a second while playing Hill Climb Racing. First time that's ever happened. Don't know if it's build-related.

Just happened again. This time screen blanked momentary and then came back extremely dim and stayed that way until I exited the game. Left feedback.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Still difficult to actually select links on edge. have to tap several times before it registers.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Still difficult to actually select links on edge. have to tap several times before it registers.

I see this too, often I tap links and it selects the text ready for copying/pasting instead of following the link.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I had this issue with earlier builds and it is still present, my Band 2 receives all the notifications just not the ones from the telephone (calls). I even tried unpairing and resetting my Band but problem still remains. Same for my calendar events...
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Slow Ring users are now on build 14393.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Day 2 on 14393 with 950 XL DS. I was very happy with yesterday's performance. I streamed Groove to Bluetooth headset and didn't have to charge after 11 hours of use. Actually, it had 38% after 16 hours. Today will be a little more streaming audio than yesterday so it should be a good test. I didn't learn "Hey Cortana" until mid day so not sure if it will detract much anyway. My two pitfalls have been Cortana and Groove an so far it looks as though they may be fixed.
I have been using my 950 DS for the first couple of days on 14393 and it has been sub-par. I plan on doing a hard reset and trying again next week, unless there is a new build of course.....

I'm hoping this trend continues, lots a great working features now.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Upon receiving an email, it shows the count on the lock screen but not in the start screen.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Camera crashed again today. Hope they squash this bug before they put it on general release. This is an almost daily occurrence for me, I use the camera for work related tasks every day. Today, it went really sluggish, didn't save the picture, then when I locked and then unlocked the phone and went back to camera, it just showed a black screen, then after a few seconds more, came up with a "something went wrong" message. This bug has only been introduced in the last two builds. Lumia 950 - Latest Redstone build.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Camera crashed again today. Hope they squash this bug before they put it on general release. This is an almost daily occurrence for me, I use the camera for work related tasks every day. Today, it went really sluggish, didn't save the picture, then when I locked and then unlocked the phone and went back to camera, it just showed a black screen, then after a few seconds more, came up with a "something went wrong" message. This bug has only been introduced in the last two builds. Lumia 950 - Latest Redstone build.

Did you got the last Camera app with the Panorama button added?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Camera crashed again today. Hope they squash this bug before they put it on general release. This is an almost daily occurrence for me, I use the camera for work related tasks every day. Today, it went really sluggish, didn't save the picture, then when I locked and then unlocked the phone and went back to camera, it just showed a black screen, then after a few seconds more, came up with a "something went wrong" message. This bug has only been introduced in the last two builds. Lumia 950 - Latest Redstone build.

I don't know why you have problems with your 📷. I tested mine on L830, it works for me
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I don't know why you have problems with your &#55357;&#56567;. I tested mine on L830, it works for me

You have a different handset so I wouldn't expect you to have the same issues. A soft or hard reset may help with my woes, but these issue weren't there until the last two builds, so it's disappointing that it may be necessary to do this now after it being pretty stable for quite a while before this.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Last night or so i discover that there is a toggle for handset and speaker during a call.

Kind of cool.
Put the phone to your ear when removing it then It goes to external speaker by itself.

I don't know if it's new or not
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

So I know this is not the PC thread, but both of my PCs running 393 just got cumulative updates, KB3176925. That implies to me that 393 is essentially "RTM". I've never seen a cumulative update for an RS build prior

Add: Now available for mobile too, listed as 14393.3
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

It only took 3-4 minutes to download so it must be a small tweak
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Installed. Waiting for phone to reboot
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

This new update seems to be giving me notifications again with locked screen. But will see.

It seems a bit faster too.

I like that they can now do cumulative updates on mobile without downloading the whole rom over and over.

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