W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

Mark F24

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

That's odd huh? I did a WDRT restore to get the new firmware(01078.00053.16236.35005). You may plug your phone into the recovery tool to compare the firmware. It may help your situation.

Maurizio Troso

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Version 14393.3 is missing call recording AGAIN. I am so sick of features constantly disappearing with new builds.

Check better, you have to enable that in Phone related apps list. It's disabled by default


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Outlook often crashes back to the start screen when attaching files to send. Most of the time on the second attempt it works fine.


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Are you unable to swipe down navi bar sliding upside from the bottom???

The user is on a 1GB RAM Lumia 635. The Lumia 635 does not allow hiding the nav bar. It is permanently in place at the bottom of the screen on that model in both 8.1 and 10.

This is an issue with the Lumia 635, while being allowed to continue on the upgrade to 10 path for the 1GB version, it is also the only handset allowed official 10 that does not allow the nav bar to be hidden. This is causing all sorts of issues from apps that do not check to see if the nav bar is present, as they issue a command to auto-hide without making sure it is allowed on the device. The programmers are simply making assumptions, and you generally find this in many 3rd party apps, or in apps written by what I call lazy programmers.

Not sure what the solution is here. It would seem a lot of trouble to program for a single device that does not allow auto-hide when that particular device was only released in one or two regions in limited quantities. The market share even among Windows Mobile devices is nearly non-existent for that device, which means it is unlikely to get much love.

It stinks, but it is what it is I'm afraid.

Send screenshots of these apps with the problem to Microsoft from within your feedback app, so they can look at things from their end. That's the best you can do at this point.


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I tried to solve the issues of (among other things) some live tiles not refreshing, high battery consumption and skype preview causing camera to crash with a hard reset and all three remains after the hard reset. I need to unpin the calendar tile every day to show the correct date and whenever I get a message or call in skype I get this if I try to open the camera without doing a restart


Anyway after trying all I could think of to make the tiles of outlook etc to update again I have given up and I truly admire them for managing to code an indestructible app cache from numerous os updates, app updates and hard resets.


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I can now confirm that in the Domino's Pizza app that I posted about previously, it is possible to swipe and hide the nav-bar, solving the issue completely (on the Lumia 950).


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Before I was saying that the outlook tile was not updating the amount of email I had from the start screen...

This morning it does

edit: did a hard reset cause of the live tile of the calendar app was not updating, now the live tile of the outlook app does not update either. what a bummer..

edit 2: soft reset fixed the live tile of the calendar app
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PF Mail

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Jan 27, 2016
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Before I was saying that the outlook tile was not updating the amount of email I had from the start screen...

This morning it does

edit: did a hard reset cause of the live tile of the calendar app was not updating, now the live tile of the outlook app does not update either. what a bummer..

edit 2: soft reset fixed the live tile of the calendar app

I have the Outlook Calendar and Mail live tiles not updating problem for the last 2 builds too. Soft and hard resets don't fix it - they stopped updating after a while.


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I don't have Mail and Calendar tile update issues, but I've noticed that after a while I stop getting notifications from them, neither audible nor notification area. Go figure. Otherwise I have been loving the last three builds. Super fast and stable, no WiFi or BT issues, no crashing apps, etc. US 950XL DS (that would love to see an OTA firmware update!)

Add: And now notifications are working again... no restart or soft reset, just started working again
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Jul 25, 2016
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MAJOR MAJOR battery drain Nokia Lumia 930 Windows mobile 10.0.14393.0

After the update the phone drains from full till empty in only +/- 5!!! hours with no working on it!
Anyone a solution or workaround.
This is a disaster!

David Feifer

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Sep 12, 2014
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Re: MAJOR MAJOR battery drain Nokia Lumia 930 Windows mobile 10.0.14393.0

Did you just update this today or has it been a few days. After initial installation windows basically reinstalls about, on my last update on thursday, 68 apps. If you go to the store, and check downloads and updates, and everything is up to date i would try doing a reset.


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Maps: while traffic is available during destination searching, anyone notice that it is (still) missing when actually navigating? I'm beginning to think this is the way it may be released next week. :cry:


Edit: Hmmm, I notice that if you click on ...->Settings, you'll briefly see the traffic overlay appear before the Settings panel comes up. So it's there, just not visible.
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Mar 1, 2016
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

Don't get too many texts while driving, so haven't had a chance to test this for the last couple of builds, but it STILL takes two tries to get Cortana to read me a text over BT to my car stereo. She never hears my first reply to her questions before and after reading the text. I always have to wait for her to ask me the second time.


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I really hope they fix the keyboard on this. The Swype function (whatever it is called on WP) is absolutely atrocious. It worked just fine on 8.1, so I really don't understand how they could go this far backwards with the technology. Any word longer than around six letters has about a 0% chance of being interpreted correctly. Even if I sit there repeatedly typing the word while making sure to perfectly connect the letters, it still doesn't register it -- not even in the top 8 or whatever number of suggestions it offers! I know there are other posts about this on here. Does anyone know if MS is aware of this problem and has acknowledged that they are working on it?


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Nov 27, 2015
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I have been having problems with Swipe too. This is the first build that Ive noticed any problem. Even short three letter words are registering completely wrong. This is so frustrating considering the final release is supposedly just days away


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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14388/390/393 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast & Slow Rings)

I really hope they fix the keyboard on this. The Swype function (whatever it is called on WP) is absolutely atrocious. It worked just fine on 8.1, so I really don't understand how they could go this far backwards with the technology. Any word longer than around six letters has about a 0% chance of being interpreted correctly. Even if I sit there repeatedly typing the word while making sure to perfectly connect the letters, it still doesn't register it -- not even in the top 8 or whatever number of suggestions it offers! I know there are other posts about this on here. Does anyone know if MS is aware of this problem and has acknowledged that they are working on it?
On my ICON it's in Settings/Privacy/ Speech, Inking,Typing. For Speech and typing I had to turn on "Getting To Know You"
I almost NEVER type out a complete word.
Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]

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