Does anybody else use a Lumia 635 (1GB model)?
I have an issue on mine that was introduced a number of builds back (and I have left feedback about in the Feedback Hub) which has never been acknowledged in the "known issues" when a new build is released. I've also not seen anybody else mention it.:shocked:
The issue is that the Navigation Bar is fixed on screen on that device, so is not able to be swiped away and hidden. For all apps (Microsoft and all other developers) the apps do not take the fixed Nav Bar into account and so do not adjust to the screen accordingly. This leaves the bottom section of apps completely hidden. Most apps have options at the bottom, or that is where you move around within the app, i.e. Instagram. Because these options are completely hidden by the Nav Bar it makes a lot of the apps unusable and therefore W10M pretty much useless on a Lumia 635.:unhappy:
Soft and hard resets have not resolved the issue.
As I say this issue was 'introduced' a number of builds back and has persisted ever since, including the most recent 14393 build.
I attach a screenshot of how the Windows Central app looks. Where the screenshot ends (under the word "Evernote") is where the Nav Bar is fixed on screen and the option within the app (which from memory I recall as being 'refresh') is completely hidden rather than the screen having been adjusted for the 'refresh' option to show above the Nav Bar.
I'd be interested to hear if anybody else has this issue, or did have the issue but has managed to fix it, or if anybody has any ideas on how to fix it.