W10M Official Release Build 10586.318 Issues

I did what I think is a hard restart - little tiny hole in back? But didn't lose anything and didn't help. HELP.
It not clear from your post, but perhaps this may help your reoccurring problem. If you did hard reset (system->about->reset your phone): don't restore from backup. Do a clean reinstallation, and let all your apps be installed on device.
Everyone is talking about various program problems. My phone is inoperable. Keeps freezing every time I press an app, phone, etc. Then shuts down, restarts, over and over. I did what I think is a hard restart - little tiny hole in back? But didn't lose anything and didn't help. HELP.

If your phone is "frozen" hold Volume Down + Power. When the phone vibrates (about 10 seconds), release Power and keep holding Volume Down until you see the exclamation screen (!) then release Volume Down.

Now tap Volume Up / Volume Down / Power / Volume Down

You should see the spinning gears and your phone will reflash the last OS version held in recovery. You do loose data, but get your phone back. Sign into your Microsoft Account and restore your backup during the set up.

This is a Hard Reset.
Well downloaded and did my hard reset and clean install.... It's running smooth on my 950xl DS, with only one issue... error 0x800b0114 while trying to install Instagram. Checking Google and Bing it seems to be a "common" issue... Any of you experiencing it?
Mail and Message notifications still not working in this build.
Battery performance is fine.
I am deadly waiting for the Gestures in Windows 10.
suggestion is for full screen caller photo while calling (as in Windows 8.1).
I am deadly waiting for the Gestures in Windows 10.

Yeah. I'm sad they seemed to have killed that. It never came out of Beta and was one of the last great 8.1 innovations. Apple will "invent" it for iPhone 7S and be "revolutionary" yet again, just like Live Pictures...
Yes....I like that app very much..it simplifies my daily interaction with mobile.

Microsoft is always known for good innovations, I don't know why MS is not adding such thing in this new version of Windows Mobile.
I usually discuss this app for the people who're using iOS or Android...and they were much happy to this thing on my Lumia 830.

I love this phone and I always love this app.
I couldn't connect to my L950DS AP with my L435DS.
I manage to solve the problem.
Just deleted the old connection on the phone WP 8.1 L435, and create a new one.
Works even when phone goes to stand by . L950DS
Thank you! Did a hard reset and my phone is working again. A nuisance reloading things but at least I can make a phone call now.
Yesterday I got an "Outlook Mail Notification" in the action center. Tapping it would freeze my 950XL for maybe a minute, after which I got back to the start screen. Tried this twice, and on both cases it froze, and never managed to open Outlook from the Notification. Odd.
Yesterday I got an "Outlook Mail Notification" in the action center. Tapping it would freeze my 950XL for maybe a minute, after which I got back to the start screen. Tried this twice, and on both cases it froze, and never managed to open Outlook from the Notification. Odd.
Soft reset next time, during freeze
Any one else having outlook rendering issues? scrolling around emails sends the view bouncing all over the place. Download images and content link not working unless I go in and out of the email two or three times
Lumia 920

I reset my Lumia 920 to factory and it installed 10586.318. Seems to work fine so far.
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Re: Lumia 920

I never thought I would say this, but Windows 10 mobile finally works. :love:

3 days after updating from 8.1 (no hard reset) and it's working perfectly fine on my 640, I might install it on my 930 now.
My lumia 630 is constantly crashing after this update.Screen freeze.Groove freeze....even photo app is crashing.For me and i do a reset after every update (Why ? Cause windows updates are thrash) im done with this system.

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