W10M Official Release Build 10586.318 Issues

Back on 8.1...wow what a great os :) so fluid and usable....some things in W10 are great like the settings.But i dont like the rest.Too many small buttons and onehand use is a pain.
Copy/paste on edge is the weird issue on my 1320, it's been like that sine the first build 10586. I can go somewhere like messaging, highlight the text, copy and go back edge to paste it out, nothing to select. Other than that, my phone used to hang once in a while but it's only happened once so far, maybe my sd card is old and laggy, I'll change it with a Samsung pro soon.

After all, it's a best update, apps open seems faster, nothing much to complain on battery though it's still not comparable to 8.1 but I understand more features more power consumption.

To paste in edge you have to touch and hold she the option to paste will appear

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yep, scrolling is bouncing all over the place. Clicking the last line of the email to load the rest of the mail will kick it up to the top of mail and seemingly doing nothing.
My lumia 630 is constantly crashing after this update.Screen freeze.Groove freeze....even photo app is crashing.For me and i do a reset after every update (Why ? Cause windows updates are thrash) im done with this system.

There's a reason why these devices aren't officially getting Windows 10. Either get a new phone or stick to 8.1
My lumia 630 is constantly crashing after this update.Screen freeze.Groove freeze....even photo app is crashing.For me and i do a reset after every update (Why ? Cause windows updates are thrash) im done with this system.

WHY blaming MS when you was warned about Win10 uncompatibility with your device?
I'm experiencing above normal battery drain with build .318 on the previous build I could go maybe a day and more with a lot of use with my 930. With similar useage after the update my phone is dead before I get home, which is wierd as I had every single app installed set to run in the background and with this build restricted the apps bar the bare essentials hasn't a difference. I might very well have to do a hard reset, quite hesitant to do as it took awhile setting up the authenticator app for my outlook.com accounts which I have been able to set up.

Maybe Microsoft is telling me I have far too many lol.

I hope the next build addresses this.
I'm experiencing above normal battery drain with build .318 on the previous build I could go maybe a day and more with a lot of use with my 930. With similar useage after the update my phone is dead before I get home, which is wierd as I had every single app installed set to run in the background and with this build restricted the apps bar the bare essentials hasn't a difference. I might very well have to do a hard reset, quite hesitant to do as it took awhile setting up the authenticator app for my outlook.com accounts which I have been able to set up.

Maybe Microsoft is telling me I have far too many lol.

I hope the next build addresses this.

Try going to Settings -> Diagnostic, and set data to Base, for reducing telemetry
Try to clean up the browser history fortnightly if possible and clean up the unnecessary data which is under downloads or WUDownload cache. Give a restart after cleaning the data, won't lag after that. I tried on my friend's 950 XL.
W10 Mobile

1. Lumia motion data
2. Equalizer
3. Rate your device
above 3 apps showing error while updating from store since last 1months. No error code. My device Lumia 640xl W10 official update
Lock screen issue in wp10

While opening lock screen by typing my password, for less than a second screen become white then original home screen
Re: Lock screen issue in wp10

While opening lock screen by typing my password, for less than a second screen become white then original home screen

is white the theme colour for your lumia? That short glitch happens now and then, it will disappear with future updates
Kid's corner option not for the individual apps lock. Its just a collection of apps that u allow to others to use that.

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