W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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I doubt windows 10 mobile won't make it in December.They are still lost, look at the new insider preview update it's totally a mess.
Stop guessing and just be patient...

"be patient", ? Seriously? Its almost more than a year now insider program...... WP8.1's development was WAY too fast and stable ..... With no insiders to test it out.... And on the other hand we have win 10 mobile.... More than a year in developing and still feels like beta...... And they just don't want to release it now.... C'mon ... How can you be so patient.. ... Teasing and rumours adding salt on wounds.
I need to revert back to the last build of 8.1 because the most recent Insider preview for W10M really buggered up my messaging and email. Then I'm just going to sit back a wait patiently for the official 640 W10M update. *patiently= throwing a tantrum until it finally gets here*
I honestly can't wait until W10 mobile, I just picked up a Lumia 640, and quite frankly I like it MUCH better than my Sony Xperia Z I was using for the past 2.5 years. I really like Windows 8.1, but would like to have similar APP's between my phone and Surface 3. I hope we get it before Christmas that would be fantastic.
I am waiting until the end of the year for the windows 10 to give it a final shot. I am on the edge of switching away from MS because of their lackluster behavior. I mean enough is enough.
My guess is 29th of december this year. Don't be panic (some) people, it is gonna be allright. Keep cool. It is just an ordinary firmware on a phone what next year already is outdated. Silly that some people are excited for firmware for a cell phone. That is so silly. Get a life. Make love with a girl. Waiting and complaining about firmware for a cell phone is very silly. Get a life, have sex!

Lol! I think you gave up waiting :P
A couple of weeks ago, I was looking on eBay to see how much people were reselling their Black Friday $29 Lumia 640s for and one auction listing I clicked on said in the description part that the phone has free upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile "(December 25th)".

I was like, "Oh? That's the first I've heard of that date. I thought it was coming on the 10th, or 14th".

Maybe the seller does actually know something! ... lol

I'd also like to give a shout out to the poster who, weeks/months ago, complained/observed that Microsoft has a history of missing "pre-Christmas" product launches and suggested that based on MS's track record, W10M would likely be added to that list..
I wanted to know why thread title has "Answers inside..." while in reality this thread yet has no answers to release dates.
Title should only be "W10M release dates?" :)
I wanted to know why thread title has "Answers inside..." while in reality this thread yet has no answers to release dates.
Title should only be "W10M release dates?" :)
Ever consider looking at the first two posts? Maybe? You know... could be a good idea...

There are three release dates related to W10M. The first two have come to pass and have therefore been answered (as in "answers inside"). The third is still unclear. The second post also clarifies that not all WP8.1 devices can be updated to W10M, which is also useful information to some.

Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to rid us of all the useless misinformation and guesswork being presented here. If it's not here, it would be scattered over many other threads. I prefer it to be localised in one spot.
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